God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 987: The mysterious halo of the savior

With the flames of the six-tube Vulcan cannon igniting, Jiang Fan's figure in the dark underground pipeline seemed to be covered with a magic light!

The people who left in the spacecraft all looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

"Jiang Fan..."

"Too tough, tough, like a god!"

"No! He, he is a god!"

"God of takeaway and war!"

"He is the hope of our mankind! He is the true savior!"

"God! I believe in you! Everything about me belongs to you!"


The eyes of the crowd gradually changed from worship and admiration to awe and worship!

Even headed by Morpheus, everyone was kneeling on one knee, looking at Jiang Fan's figure in the distance!

"Da da da da da da da!"

The flame of the six-barreled Vulcan cannon seems to never stop!

Countless mechanical octopuses have fallen!

Soon, except for an octopus desperately struggling on the ground, all the others have turned into Jiang Fan's causal points!


Stepping on this octopus, Jiang Fan spoke slowly with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth!

"No matter what you are, you are welcome to fight! But next time, it's better to have more **** like this!"

"What...what are you..."

An unsentimental electronically synthesized sound suddenly came out of the octopus!

"Me? I'm just an ordinary takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly, and suddenly exerted force under his feet!


The mechanical octopus is fried directly!

At the same time, a white light shone, Jiang Fan has completely disappeared!


Jiang Fan is back in the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 13756 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the worship of Neo-the mysterious halo of the savior!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being admired by Morpheus-the red and blue pills!"

13756 causal points!

Adding the rest of the previous one, it is already fifteen thousand!

Finally turned from abject poverty to poor lower-middle peasants!

Jiang Fan breathed a sigh of relief!

Look at the props first!

The mysterious halo of the savior is a black sunglasses, full of texture!

The mystical halo of the savior: There has never been a savior, nor is it dependent on the emperor. To create the happiness of mankind, we all rely on ourselves!

Note: This product is a passive item. When the host dies, you can choose to resurrect at any time!

Damn it! !

Resurrection props!

Jiang Fan was stunned directly!

The last time I got a similar item, it was Sadako's death avoidance!

But that item can only withstand a lethal attack!

In case the enemy comes again, it will be dead properly!

But this item is different. Not only can it be resurrected, but also the resurrection time can be selected!

The best props! Strong enough to guard against the sky!

Jiang Fan suppressed his excitement and put it away carefully!

The other red and blue pill was in a small tin box. After opening it, two pills, one red and one blue, were shining!

Red and blue pills: Do you feel this way, don't you know if you are awake or in a dream?

Note: Taking the blue pill will erase all the memories you want to erase! Take the red pill, no illusion can cover your eyes!


It's another anti-sky prop!

The blue pill has a lot of functions, but according to Jiang Fan's black-bellied character, it is a yin person that comes to mind!

If you secretly give this thing to your opponent, and then erase the opponent's memory about strength, you will be regarded as a great master, and you will only be slaughtered!

Really earned this time!

Jiang Fan's smiling teeth are showing!

Put away the props, Jiang Fan is about to leave!

At this moment!

"Ding! The host is worshipped by the aborigines of this world! Resonate with this world!"

"When the other party makes a sacrifice, you will have a certain chance to get the sacrifice!"

Another one who admires himself!

Last time in Team Galaxy, the opponent did the same!

But now, I have not received any sacrifices, it seems that this thing is too unreliable!

Leaving the system space, Jiang Fan immediately stepped onto the bicycle and continued to run the singles!

And at this moment, in a room with thick curtains, full of blood, and only one lamp on!

A man with a disheveled hair, staring at two scarlet eyes, staring straight ahead!

This man was thin, hideous, and bloodshot eyes filled with a crazy smell!

He was wearing a large red nightgown, but on his leg, there was a trace of blood that was obviously flowing from above!

And what he was watching was a huge picture of Jiang Fan!

"Little beast! You little beast! You must not die! You must not die!"

The man gritted his teeth and cursed Jiang Fan with a shrill voice!

At this moment!


The door was knocked suddenly!


"Master! Bring the goods you want!"

There was a low voice outside the door!

"Bring in!"


The door opened, and a middle-aged man walked in directly carrying a swollen sack!

The middle-aged man opened the sack and suddenly revealed a sturdy white girl who was tied inside!

This girl has a beautiful face, but her eyes are full of fear!

Her mouth was entangled with a ribbon, and she could only make a begging sound!

"Hehe, this cargo is good!"

The man smiled softly with a shrill voice!

"Master, then I..."

"Go down!"


The middle-aged man immediately walked to the door, here, he didn't want to wait for a second!

However, just as he put his hand on the doorknob, a man's voice suddenly sounded behind him!

"Qiulu, you seem to be very worried lately!"

Autumn deer!

Qiu Lu is the confidant of Qiu Yuanfeng!

Called by him as the master, the identity of this man is ready to be revealed!

That's right!

He is Qiu Yuanfeng who has been missing for a long time!

Hearing Qiu Yuanfeng's question, Qiu Lu suddenly became cold!

"Master, I..."

"Hehe, it's okay, go go!"

Qiu Yuanfeng chuckled twice!


Qiu Lu swallowed and spit, opened the door and left!

And Qiu Yuanfeng had already looked at the white girl with a smile!

"woo woo woo woo……"

The girl shook her head desperately!

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, you see, I don't have that ability at all!"

Qiu Yuanfeng opened his pajamas with a strange smile!

And seeing the picture in front of her clearly, the girl suddenly became more frightened!

I don't know where the strength came from, to free my hands from the rope!

She took off the ribbon in her mouth and screamed desperately!

"Help! Help!"

The girl screamed, and desperately crawled towards the door!

It's just that the body is too slippery, she crawled for a long time before climbing to the door!

And Qiu Yuanfeng just looked at her with a smile, and didn't move!

The girl's fingers flicked desperately on the ground, trying to get up!

In the dark room, she actually touched a chubby thing!

The girl grabbed it as a weapon!

At the same time, she finally stood up and pulled towards the door!

It's a pity that the door seemed to be welded dead, and it didn't move at all!

The girl fumbled around the wall desperately, but found the light switch!


Turn on the lights!

You can see how to open the door by turning on the light!


Turn on the light, and it is instantly bright!

However, seeing the scene in the room clearly, the girl almost went crazy!

This horrible sight is simply hell!


There are sticky bloodstains everywhere!

But what is mixed with blood is countless bones!

Even what he has is a desperate skeleton with an open mouth!

As for the demon, what he wears is not a red nightgown at all, it's just soaked in blood!

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