The girl knelt on the ground in despair, the vitality in her eyes gradually disappeared!

In half an hour!

Looking at the pile of bones in front of him, the madness and perversion on Qiu Yuanfeng's face finally disappeared completely!

Even the red in the eyes disappeared!

At this moment, he looks more like a gentle priest!


With a sigh of breath, Qiu Yuanfeng finally took off his nightgown and changed into clean clothes. Then, he opened a secret door, returned to his office, and rang the bell on the table!

After a while, Qiu Lu finally walked in!


Qiu Lu spoke respectfully!

Since practicing that set of swordsmanship, Qiu Yuanfeng was normal at first, but gradually, he didn't know what was going on, his personality became more and more weird and abnormal!

Not only do the people below call him his master, but even at a certain time of the day, a girl must be tortured and killed!

And after killing someone, he will return to normal again!

"Well, how are things going on Jiang Fan's side?"

Qiu Yuanfeng spoke slowly!

His voice has returned to its previous appearance at this moment, but it still has a shrill tone that can't be concealed!

"It's done, Jiang Fan is fine! But..."

After Qiu Lu finished speaking, he stopped talking!

"Say it!"

Qiu Yuanfeng looked at the pile of materials already placed on the table and spoke directly!

"Yes! Patriarch, you, why are you helping Jiang Fan? Isn't it just right to let him be killed by the Zhou family?"

"Haha, Jiang Fan..."

Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes suddenly filled with hideousness!

"This little beast! How can I swallow this bad breath if he killed me like this and didn't kill him personally!"

"The Zhou family...want to kill Jiang Fan, but it's not their turn!"

In the last sentence, Qiu Yuanfeng seemed to squeeze out his voice!

Qiu Lu trembled and dared not speak anymore!

Qiu Yuanfeng also went silent, just silently looking at the information in his hand!

for a long time!

"Interesting, interesting!"

Qiu Yuanfeng finally put down the information, unexpectedly, it turned out to be about Xiangzhou!

"Patriarch, what did you find?"

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, this kid is really cruel! Yiny enough!"

Qiu Yuanfeng had a ruthless look in his eyes, and suddenly he spoke!

"Contact Bao Dabao!"



In the Bao family mansion, the lights are brilliant and people come and go!

A banquet is being held here!

In the envy of the crowd, Bao Dabao was sitting on a sofa and chatting with several big people in Xiangzhou!

But these big men are only relatively speaking!

Compared with Bao Dabao, they are nothing!

Since expelling the Pang family last time, the entire Xiangzhou has completely fallen into Bao Dabao's hands!

It can be said that at this moment in Xiangzhou, Bao Dabao is the real emperor!

"Mr. Bao, regarding the investment in our Liang family, you see..."

Several people all looked at Bao Dabao with flattery!

"Hehe, Mr. Liang, the rate of return for your Liang family's business is too low! Do you know what the Wang family's return is?"

Bao Dabao took a sip of champagne and smiled!

"This, this... Mr. Bao, you also know that the profits of the electronics industry..."

The head of the Liang family looked at Bao Dabao with a flattering look!

"President Liang, your Liang family has always been in the medical field before, and this is the first time you have entered the electronics industry! For people like you halfway through, the support of the Bao family is important, I don't say you also know?"

Bao Dabao slowly turned the champagne glass, not even looking at Patriarch Liang!

But on the forehead of the head of the Liang family, there was cold sweat!

He suddenly waved to the distance!

Immediately, a slim, extremely charming woman walked over immediately!

"Hehe, Mr. Bao, let me introduce you. This is my granddaughter. I just came back from studying in Gaul. I have long heard that Mr. Bao is young and promising. This time, I begged me to take her to see you!"

He looked at the woman again!

"Xiaotong, come here!"

"Yes! Grandpa!"

The woman looked at Bao Dabao affectionately, and sat down directly beside him!

Bao Dabao laughed!

When the Bao family was suppressed by the Pang family, the Patriarch of the Liang family, because he belonged to the Pang family, ignored Bao Dabao at all!

But now, for a small business, I actually gave out all my granddaughters!

This feeling of putting everyone under their feet and asking for anything is really wonderful!

It made him extremely intoxicated!

"Well, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't like Bao Dabao. You can let two more percentage points. This matter, let's settle it!"

"Good! Good! Thank you Mr. Bao! Thank you Mr. Bao!"

"No! Except for me, you should be more grateful, it is Mr. Jiang!"

Bao Dabao looked down!

"Ah? Oh! Yes, yes, I would like to thank Mr. Jiang too much!"

The Liang family nodded hurriedly!

Although, they have never seen this Mr. Jiang!

However, no matter when, Bao Dabao is respectful to this person!

"Okay! Everyone, please feel free, I and Miss Xiaotong, talk to another place!"

Bao Dabao suddenly showed a smirk!

"Yes, yes! Please! Xiaotong, please take care of Mr. Bao!"

"Knowing Grandpa!"

Seeing that the two are about to leave, at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Bao Dabao's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Hello there!"

Bao Dabao picked up the phone!

"Mr. Bao, recently, you seem to be proud of the spring breeze!"

A ridiculous voice sounded across the side!

"who are you?"

Bao Dabao's complexion sank!

"Haha, introduce yourself, my name is Qiu Yuanshan!"

"It's you?!"

Bao Dabao's complexion changed!

Then he looked directly at the head of the Liang family!

A few people said nothing, and left quickly!

And Bao Dabao has sat down again!

"Huh! Qiu Yuanshan, you are so courageous! Knowing the relationship between me and Big Brother Jiang, you dare to call me!"

"Hehe, Brother Bao, what you called Big Brother Jiang, you are really affectionate!"

"It's your shit! Big Brother Jiang is my great benefactor!"

Bao Dabao is not polite!

"Really? Then do you want to know how you, a great benefactor, caused your family to ruin?"

"what did you say?!"

Bao Dabao stood up suddenly!

"Qiuyuanshan! Don't you dare to talk nonsense, beware that I'm welcome!"

"Hey, don't be angry, Brother Bao, let alone, you don't know where I am, why are you being rude to me?"

Qiu Yuanfeng didn't move at all, but chuckled twice!


Bao Dabao looked angry!

"What the **** do you want to do, let go if you have fart!"

"Don't be angry! Brother Bao, don't you really want to know who killed your family?"

"What do you mean?"

Bao Dabao's voice sank, but under his feet, he involuntarily walked towards his private reception room!

"No hurry! Wait until you get to the reception room!"

"You! How do you know what I'm doing? You came to Xiangzhou?"

Bao Dabao was shocked, and immediately looked around!

"Hehe, don't panic, of course I have my way!"

Qiu Yuanfeng’s voice is full of the taste of everything under control!

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