God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 993: Explosive Yijian Wushuang

Zhou Yandao suddenly shouted angrily, but he was frustrated just now!

for a long time!

"Zhou Jing, Jiang Fan is not that simple! You'd better stay in the capital and leave this to the two old things!"

"Hehe, are you caring about me? But I won't accept it! Leave all your kindness to Zhou Ning!"

Zhou Jing smiled disdainfully!

"Also, Zhou Yandao, don't think I don't know, why are you approaching me!"

"But I advise you to stop dreaming! It is absolutely impossible for the ancestor to cut your muscles and cleanse your marrow and recast your dantian!"

"In your whole life, just be a **** with peace of mind!"


Zhou Yandao's face was suddenly full of hideousness!

"You little beast!"

"I'm a little beast, then you are an old beast?"

Zhou Jing sneered!

Zhou Yan was shaking all over!

"Go slow, don't send it!"

Zhou Jing didn't realize it, and spoke indifferently!

"Zhou Jing, listen to me, if I can recast my dantian, within three years, I will definitely become a master!"

"At that time, I will support you behind your back. If you are in the family, the tide will rise!"

"Also! The position of the Patriarch, I will only go through one cutscene when the time comes, and then I will give it all to you! How about?"

Zhou Yandao still doesn't give up!


"Get out of here! Stop bothering me!"

Zhou Jing's expression suddenly sank, and suddenly raised his hand!

A powerful and incomparable infuriating breath directly blew Zhou Yandao out of the door!

"Little beast! You little beast!"

"Ashan shouldn't have given birth to you back then!"

"You killed Ashan, and now you don't even recognize my father, you might as well die!"

"You rubbish! Broom star! Something inferior to pigs and dogs!"

Zhou Yan Daoqi yelled!

The image of him at this moment, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, would be unimaginable!

Even the entire Zhou family, apart from Zhou Jing, no one has ever seen Zhou Yandao like this!


Zhou Yan was tired of cursing, and finally left unwillingly!

In the room, Zhou Jing's eyes were red, and her lips were tightly pressed!



Jiang Fan, who lazily got up from the bed, didn't know at all, just last night, so many things happened!

He is now looking forward to a meeting with the head of Jinglingzong!

Thinking of those flying swords overwhelming the sky, he felt like wandering in the ocean of causality!

After washing up, Jiang Fan had breakfast and went straight to the Ghana Cinema!

Today Saturday, although arrangements have been made for this group of bear kids, this group of guys is not a good thing, you have to check it out first!

Soon, Jiang Fan has arrived at the cinema!

It's just nine o'clock at the moment. Normally, it's not the time when the theater has the largest traffic!

Even in normal times, some theaters have just started work now, and there won't be any guests at all!

But today, Jiang Fan was shocked when he walked in!

No wonder there are so few people on the street, they are all here!

The Ghana Cinema is one of the large-scale cinemas in Los Angeles. It is divided into seven major districts, and each district has nine theaters, which can accommodate up to thousands of audiences!

But today, let alone watching the movie inside, there is not even a place to stay in the rest area! Simply rubbing shoulders!

"Fuck! Who drank my Coke?"

"I can't breathe!"

"Whose tube top dropped?"

"Takeaway Star! Idol! I'm here to punch you in!"

"Idol is mighty! Idol is invincible!"

The voices of the crowd are even more eloquent!

And the purpose of these people is all for a movie!

Today, the movie theater is only unprecedented, and only one movie is broadcast without gaps!

A sword is unparalleled!

This unprecedented grand occasion not only happened in Los Angeles, but also happened in every theater!

Jiang Fan was squeezed by people and had no choice but to use Lingbo Weibu!

This is the first time I was forced to use martial arts to open the way!

But even Lingbo's Weibu, this time is not working!

After all, Jiang Fan knows how powerful his fans are!

"Give it a favor! Thank you!"


Jiang Fan wasted all his strength, and finally came to the theater!

Just looking in through the small window on the door, two groups of people inside are actually arguing!

And the administrator is sweating the coordination!

Jiang Fan frowned and rushed in!

I saw a group of more than a dozen young people glaring at a group of students in Class 3 in the projection hall!

And three classes were arrogant, pointing at each other's nose and cursing!

"Boy! This is the place we have taken care of!"

"That's right! Don't ask, don't ask, what is my Liang Kuan's identity!"

"You are crazy to want us to make a place in Class 3!"

"Anyone who knows well, get out! We are happy today and don't want to see blood!"

A group of students in Class 3 are like rascals, showing their fierceness!

But the other party forcibly endured anger!

"I explained to you, we are not trying to grab a place!"

"That's right! It's because you have a place here, that's why I discussed it with you!"

"And we only want to watch idol movies and will never harass you!"

"If the price is not satisfactory, we can still add it!"

A group of young people are easy to talk and discuss!

"I'm pooh! Does I want your money?"

"Hurry up!"

"This... If you give more, it's not impossible to discuss..."

"Discuss your sister! Qian Yan, are you in the eye of losing money?"

"Anyway, hurry out and don't delay our watching movies!"

Three shifts are pushing people away!

"What's the matter? What's the noise?"

At this moment, Jiang Fan finally spoke!


As soon as they saw Jiang Fan, a group of bear kids finally converged a little!

"Are you their teacher? Great! Can you help, let us watch a movie here?"

The leading girl looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

This girl has a beautiful baby face, should be less than twenty, and her whole body is full of youthful vitality!

"Yeah! We can pay! And we will leave after watching the movie!"

"Yes! We will definitely not speak when watching a movie, and we will never delay you!"

"We are all fans of Takeaway Star! Please help!"

A group of young people looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan nodded directly!

Since they are all fans, they must entertain themselves!

The third class was suddenly unhappy!

"Jiang Fan! You—"

Lu He suddenly shouted angrily!

It's a pity that he just spoke, Jiang Fan pulled out the ruler directly!


Lu He swallowed the second half of the sentence, almost not choking to death by saliva!

"Who else has an opinion?"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

"No no no no!"

Everyone shook their heads collectively!

"Then all sit down! Get ready to watch a movie!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of students are completely honest!

A group of young people were shocked!

This teacher is so fanciful!

This group of bear children knew at a glance that they were not good, but in front of this man, they were so honest!

I was tamed in a word!

The point is, so handsome!

It is ten times more handsome than those stars!

Why didn't you meet such a handsome teacher when you were in school?

"Thank you! Big brother!"

The baby-faced girl gave Jiang Fan a sweet smile, and at the same time, her face was a little red!

"You're welcome, look at it!"

Jiang Fan was about to leave as he spoke!

"Wait! I don't know what your name is yet!"

"My name is Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan? My name is Tian Tian, ​​let's add WeChat! If you go to Lingzhou in the future, I will be your tour guide!"

Tian Tian looked at Jiang Fan with hope!



Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

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