God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 994: The six parents don't recognize it

"Well! We are all students from Lingzhou University, and we have come to Los Angeles Film Studios for a trip these days! After all, Idol has been filming there!"

Tian Tian said with a smile!

"Okay! Let's add it, it's not good... I will really go to Lingzhou!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Soon after the two finished adding WeChat, Jiang Fan immediately left the theater!

I watched so many movies today, I think there will be no less orders, I have some busy!

However, two hours have passed since I got out of the cinema, and there was no order at all!

Jiang Fan is now!

Open the takeaway group directly!

"Brothers! Why are there no orders?"

"Oh! Don't mention it! I don't have this either!"

"Me too!"

"It is said that when movie fans watch the movie, they feel that eating does not respect the takeaway star!"

"The most important thing is that everyone is fascinated by it, no one is eating!"

"Stop talking, the movie I snapped up is about to begin!"

The rest of the delivery staff are offline!

Jiang Fan looked up at the sky, feeling lost for a time!

Scratching his head, he called Bao Dabao directly!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Bao Dabao, who was approving documents in the office, frowned when he saw Jiang Fan's phone call!

After a long time, he took a deep breath and answered the phone!

"Big Brother Jiang!"

"Dabao, how about Xiangzhou?"

"It's all pretty good, and the Pang family's industries have basically been taken over!"

"Well! That's good, yes, I sent my exercise formula to your mailbox, remember to delete it after reading it!"

"You, your exercise formula?"

Bao Dabao was stunned!

"Yes, you control a city after all, and I don't worry if you don't have the strength! Also, in the afternoon, I will ask someone to give you some soup. Drinking it during cultivation will get twice the result with half the effort!"

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, Bao Dabao's expression changed!

After a long time, he nodded!

"I... I get it!"

"Well, that's good, first!"

Listening to the busy tone over there, Bao Dabao's expression was extremely complicated!

"Why, this little grace made you shake?"

Liang Xiaotong's voice suddenly rang from Bao Dabao's ears!

"Huh! Don't irritate me! Jiang Fan will only feed the tiger by doing this!"

Bao Dabao said coldly!

"That's good! Don't worry! As long as you kill Jiang Fan, not only will your great vengeance be avenged, but the master will give you things you can't even imagine..."

"To shut up!"

Before Liang Xiaotong finished speaking, Bao Dabao suddenly shouted angrily!

"Remember! I and Qiuyuanshan are only cooperating! He is not qualified to step on my head! And you are nothing more than a dog from Qiuyuanshan! I don't have the place for you to intervene in anything I do!"

"Haha, see, then, do you need me..."

Liang Xiaotong didn't get angry, but smiled at Bao Dabao in temptation!

"Damn! Bitch!"

Bao Dabao let out a low growl, and suddenly rushed to Liang Xiaotong!

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and continued to look up at the sky!

It's been a long time since I was idle, just like Christine said, my mind seems to never stop!

It also seems that for a long time, I haven't taken a good look at the sky above my head!

This feeling of being idle is really--

Jiang Fan hasn't finished expressing his emotions yet!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang suddenly!

Jiang Fan saw that the teledisplay was Wang Yi's!

"Pharaoh, what's the matter?"

"Master, come back soon!"

"What happened?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

Wang Yi's voice is not too anxious, but with an unspeakable staleness!

"This... the Yue family is here!"

"Yue Family?"

Jiang Fan looked blank!

"Yes, it's from Yue Jianhan's family!"

When Wang Yi said, Jiang Fan finally remembered it!

Yue Jianhan's family, isn't that the same as Yue Yang, Yue Jianchao, and Yue Jianshan's group!

It's also a shame that I didn't kill them at that time, otherwise where would I go to find a good apprentice like Yue Jianhan!

"Why are they here?"

"It is said that you used some disgraceful means to kidnap Yue Jianhan, they are here to ask someone!"


Jiang Fan couldn't help but explode!

"Where is Yue Jianhan?"

"He is talking to those people!"

"You didn't follow along, did you?"

"No no!"

"That's good, I'll go back right away!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone, kicked his feet, and went straight to Jiang's house!

And at this moment, in the Jiangzhai lobby!

I saw that a group of people were separated on two sides, on one side were a group of Yue Jianhan and Jiang Fan's subordinates, and on the other side were Yue Jianchao and others who hadn't seen him for a long time!

And behind them, Yue Yang looked around!

"Yue Jianhan! You are betraying the family!"

"Unfaithful and unfilial!"

"I warn you! Go back with us right away!"

A group of people in the Yue family are angry!

It's just that their roars just sounded, and a chill of sword intent filled the entire river house in an instant!

In the next moment, Yue Jianhan had already spoken slowly with a cold and merciless voice!

"Noisy! If you dare to speak up, I will kill you!"

Damn it!

Worthy of being Jiang Fan's apprentice!

Yue Jianhan's temper is more irritable than Jiang Fan!

There is simply a disagreement, and the six relatives do not recognize it!


The Yue family and others looked angry!

But the next moment, feeling Yue Jianhan's momentum, everyone was immediately excited!

"Level ten! He really broke through!"

"My Yue family's first tenth level!"

"No, more than! This momentum, maybe it's level 11!"

"A level 11 sword repair is at least equivalent to a normal level 12 strength!"

"Developed! My Yue family finally has a big man!"

A group of people stared at Yue Jianhan, as if looking at a human-shaped golden sculpture!

"See the cold, haha, go back with us!"

"With your strength, the position of future Patriarch must be yours!"

"It's up to you, let alone the Ren family, the whole Yangcheng can walk sideways!"

The Yue family group all looked at Yue Jianhan greedily!

Make a promise first and take him back to Yangcheng!

Anyway, Yue Jianhan was not expected to be the master of the house at all, and the real power would still be theirs!

And Yue Jianhan, no matter how high his status is, he is just Yue Family's thug!

"If you don't get out, I will kill someone!"

Yue Jianhan was unmoved, a murderous aura burst out in his eyes!

How could he be a fool if he could practice martial arts to his level!

It's just nothing else!

Moreover, only by staying with Jiang Fan can we truly find the true meaning of kendo!

"Yue Jianhan!"

"You don't know what is good or bad!"

"Do you really think the Yue family can't do without you!"

A group of people from the Yue family are stunned!

And Yue Jianhan's patience has reached its limit, he must make a move!

at this time!

"what happened?"

Jiang Fan strode into the living room!

When he saw Jiang Fan, Yue Yang was shocked and hurriedly hid behind Yue Jianshan!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, Yue Jianchao and Yue Jianshan's eyes immediately turned red!

Especially Yue Jianshan!

Because of Jiang Fan, he was ambushed by a group of gangsters and severely wounded!

Now, it has become the laughing stock of the entire Yue family!

shame! This is simply a shame!

"Jiang Fan! You die for me!"

Yue Jianshan had been dazzled by anger, and he rushed up to Jiang Fan regardless of him!

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