God Level Demon

Chapter 1138: Mental restraint

Ten minutes later.

At this moment, Liu Rulan's big eyes and sorrowful anger at Xia Ping, angry and annoying.

Before, she had thought that Xia Ping intended to be a beast, and she did not guarantee that she did not touch the evil spirits outside this domain. Instead, she threw a strange dress from her body.

According to the demon outside this domain, it seems that in the extraterrestrial world, this dress is called a cheongsam, let her put it on.

Liu Rulan didn't care much at first. It would be nice to have a dress, but after she put it on, she knew how shameful this cheongsam was.

Because this dress is too close to the body, very modified body.

And her body is extremely hot, the front is convex and the back is up. After wearing it, it is simply bumpy and revealing all the advantages of the body. The xing is charming and it is the kind that can make men spurt blood.

“Not bad, it looks good for you.”

Xia Ping looked up and down.

Nice fart!

Liu Rulan is pretty red, shy and angry, and can't wait to slap this rogue. The shameless clothes are designed like this, and I don't know which se embryo to do.

It is clearly to meet the clothes of men.

To know that in the soul of the soul, the social atmosphere is still very conservative, as in ancient times.

The woman on this continent can basically wear more strict and wear tightly. In normal times, she only wears a white robe. It is enough to cover the whole body, and where she goes through this shameless dress.

Unless it is a professional woman who specializes in yin men, to fish men and please men as a profession, otherwise how could women wear this way.

"Is there any other clothes?"

Liu Rulan bit her lip. She felt that wearing such a dress was a public punishment. If an acquaintance saw her dress, I would have lost all my face.

"No, in our world, women are wearing this way. If you are not satisfied, you can only wear a rope." Xia Ping waved his hand and said that he had no other clothes.

Liu Rulan can't imagine the world of demons. Most women wear such clothes. Isn't that in the world of demons, women's end is very miserable, and everyone is treated as that kind of woman.

And what does it mean to wear a rope, can this kind of rope be considered a clothes? Isn't this just a prop, a reins that binds horses and calves?

Wait, is this shameless demon saying that the woman kun is tied up? !

My God, this is more than a demon, it is simply a demon, the kind that is so bad!

Imagine that scene, Liu Rulan's face is red with tomatoes, his head almost smokes, and she can't be like that. She can only wear a rope or something, and it is more humiliating than death.

Sure enough, it is a demon, and the world of demons is terrible.

"Of course, if you really don't want to, it doesn't matter if you don't wear it."

Xia Ping touched his chin and made his own suggestion.

"No, I am very satisfied with this dress." Liu Rulan categorically refused, compared with that kind of end, this kind of clothes is simply paradise, and she does not want to become like that.

"Right, is there any mystery in your body, just teach me a few tricks?"

Xia Ping curiously asked, he thinks that Liu Rulan is a sacred woman of the soul temple, naturally knows a lot of mysterious techniques in this world. If he can learn a few tricks, there will definitely be more killers.

In fact, this is also one of the purposes of his coming into the blood soul continent.

"I certainly understand the mystery, but I can't teach it."

Liu Rulan said: "This is not because I don't want to teach, but even if I want to teach, there is no way, because our mystery is obtained from the temple of the soul."

"In order to prevent the secrets from leaking, everyone who learns mystery will set up a mental ban in the brain. If someone asks, it will suffocate and die."

"So far, the mysterious technique of our Blood Soul continent has not leaked much."

Xia Ping nodded. In fact, he also searched for similar information. Even if the probability of completing this task is very small, because there are too many people entering the blood soul continent, there are still many people who can pass the task.

But even so, even those who pass the mission, there are not a few mysterious techniques that can get the blood soul continent.

He was still wondering why this happened. Now, listening to Liu Rulan, he knows why this is the case. It is no wonder that there is a spiritual prohibition.

"That is, as long as you can go to the soul hall, you can learn the mystery?"

Xia Ping's eyes flashed.

"Do you want to fight the soul of the temple?"

Liu Rulan immediately saw Xia Ping’s intention: "I advise you to dismiss this idea immediately. The temple of the soul hall of every super city is heavily guarded."

"There is also a ban on the formation of the ban, and strict inspection. If it is discovered, it will be immediately surrounded, and it will be banned by the mental ban and the soul will be destroyed."

"And the inheritance of the temple is actually not advanced. The real high-level secret technique is still placed in the headquarters of the soul hall, but the place is more defensive, the master is like a cloud, and there are a lot of Shentong practitioners."

"That place is simply the Longtan Tiger Cave. Even in the past and the extraterrestrial evil wars, the main hall has not been broken."

She thinks that the idea of ​​Xia Ping, the demon sorcerer's hall, is simply looking for death.

"Does God pass?!"

Xia Ping squeezed his fists. If the mood is completely different from that of the gods, it can be said that the gap between the mood and the magical power is larger than that between Zifu and Ruyi.

If the mood is as long as it is condensed, it can be promoted. However, if the gods are in the world, it is necessary to condense the magical symbols and thoroughly master a martial art.

Once you master the martial arts power, whether it is attack or defensive power, for example, the mood is several times stronger.

Even the power of supernatural powers can change the earth and affect the natural world.

If it is a powerful supernatural powers, it can even make permanent changes in the heavens and the earth. For example, if you master the flames of the fire, you can burn a fire in a mountain, and it will not be extinguished for a hundred years.

In the rumor, there is a flaming mountain in the depths of the universe. It is a stalwart saint who drips a flame at random and burns for hundreds of millions of years. It has not been extinguished so far.

There is also a magical power that masters the ice and the magical powers. Under one palm, it is enough to freeze the whole planet. Even if it is a powerful flame, it cannot melt, and it is always in a frozen state.

There is an abyss monster, sleeping every day, it is just breathing, it forms a space storm that the universe never stops, and does not know how many stars to destroy, forming an absolute forbidden land.

Even though the divine practitioners do not have such powerful power as the saints, they also have the energy to change the heavens and the earth, and they are definitely not comparable to the ordinary.

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