God Level Demon

Chapter 1139: The water is deep

“Is the defense really so tight?”

Xia Ping is still a bit unwilling, he thinks that there may be opportunities, if you can sneak in, you can still get the soul of the temple.

After all, the precious method of fine mystery, even the Qiankun faction is not much, even if there are some, but each value is amazing, need a lot of yin and yang.

"Hey, do you think the temple is really that simple?"

Liu Rulan stunned: "You can know why the blood soul mainland area is so huge, but the soul hall can still firmly control every area, no one can resist?!"

Xia Ping also feels strange that the blood soul continent has a full diameter of three light years. This is an amazing diameter, and the size is huge to an incredible degree, which is incredible.

To know that in his predecessor, even if he manages millions of square kilometers, it is a very difficult thing. He always worried that the emperor of the mountain is far away, and the listening of the remote people does not listen.

In this place, I don’t know how much bigger than the previous Huaguo, and there are no spaceships. It takes several years to walk a small area.

It is too difficult and too difficult to rule the entire continent.


Xia Ping asked.

"Because there is a transmission matrix."

Liu Rulan said: "This is a super-transmission array that has been handed down from ancient times. It is distributed in every hall and also connected to the main hall. It can be said that they can travel around the world in the blink of an eye."

"If there is any trouble at the headquarters, the temples around the world can come to the rescue."

"If someone wants to break through each other, it is impossible."

"If you want to deal with a general hall, you have to be prepared to fight against the world's masters."

Her face is very serious. No one knows more about the terrible soul of the temple than her former temple of the soul. The power is huge, and the entire blood soul continent is unparalleled.

"Well, it seems that it is not that simple to get the secrets of this world."

Xia Ping touched his chin.

"As long as you know."

Seeing Xia Ping like this, Liu Rulan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he finally dismissed the evil demon thought of this evil devil, and he was relieved.

Although she felt that the evil spirits in this field went to the soul hall to find death, but I don't know why, she always felt that she had an unusual jealousy against this evil spirit outside the domain.

If you let this **** break into the soul hall, you don't know what big things will happen.

Even if her family was killed by the main hall of Huaining City, it does not mean that she hates the entire soul temple, so no matter what, she does not like to encounter the trouble of maintaining the balance of the world's super power.

"But what is special about the mystery of this world?"

Xia Ping asked curiously, he wanted to know what the mystery of the world is different from the outside world.

Hearing this sentence, Liu Rulan did not intend to conceal. After all, Xia Ping just wants to know what special magical mystery is, even if he does not tell him, this evil demon will know from other places.

"There are three types of fine mystery."

Liu Rulan said: "The first kind is the attacking secret technique, which directly targets the soul and is overbearing. It is aimed at destroying the soul of the soul. This is also the most learned and the most widely spread."

"The second type is the illusion-type secret technique. It is said that some illusion masters can fake the truth, let people die in their dreams, and they are killed without knowing it. It is terrible, but if you want to learn successfully, you need a strong talent, not everyone. Can learn."

"And the third is the rarest and most terrifying, it is the control secret."

Having said that, she paused.

"Control type?"

Xia Ping looked at Liu Rulan.

"This is just what I heard."

Liu Rulan said: "It is said that there is a powerful spiritual control secret in the depths of the soul temple. Once you learn it, you can control all the creatures in the world, and turn these creatures into your own slaves, engrave the spiritual brand, and be faithful forever. Will be betrayed, and the master will die, and the slaves will all die."

"This is also the soul of the soul of our blood soul mainland, leaving the highest level of mystery."

"It is said that the soul of the soul ancestors traversed the universe, the tremors of the four seas, is relying on this mental control, enslaved one after another powerful warrior, formed a super army, sweeping the universe."

"But so far, no one has been able to get this secret, just in the legend."

Her tone is very sorry.

what? !

Xia Ping’s eyes flashed and he could control the mysterious technique of the warrior. If it does exist, how terrible the blood soul saint is, and who can stop him?

And it is still loyal, and will never betray, which is even more terrible.

"Yes, I have heard from the old master about this matter." The cat fairy said, "It is said that the blood soul saint was too arrogant at first, and they all enslaved one saint after another, causing panic in the universe."

"Therefore, some tyrannical shots were made, and the blood soul saints fought. The battle was broken, many saints died, and the blood soul saints were unknown. It was probably killed."

It says something that you know.

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows: "Isn't that he died when he entered a certain universe?"

"It’s said to the outside world, but I don’t know how things are. Anyway, this matter is covered up by the saints. It is estimated that I want to completely erase this matter and disappear from the long history. Only those who know this thing are big people. You should never say it because it is a taboo."

The cat fairy warned that it was a taboo, but it was a secret between the saints. If the strength is not enough, if you are involved, you don’t know how to write the dead words.

If you are stared at by the saint, how many lives are not enough.

Xia Ping is immersed in meditation. If this is the case, then many forces will monitor the **** souls of the mainland and keep them at all times. I am afraid that it is not just simple for the soul stone.

There may be a sage who wants to get the secret of this **** saint.

After all, it is a horror that can enslave the saints. Once it is obtained, even if the universe is not necessarily impossible, if it is not the **** saints who are too arrogant and accidentally expose themselves to the slavish sage, I am afraid that it may not be possible. Will die, besieged by the saints.

Of course, there may also be saints who hope that this terrible secret law will disappear, otherwise it will certainly cause cosmic turmoil.

And is the blood soul saint really dead? Such a terrible saint, there is no backhand, there is still a way to be resurrected, no one knows about this kind of thing.

Xia Ping suddenly felt that the water of this **** continent was deeper than imagined.

Even the strongest of the mainland is the spiritual practitioners, but the people standing behind them are amazingly big.

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