God Level Demon

Chapter 1181: real or fake

At the moment, near Huaining City.

There are many people who have been attracted by the news that the blood soul saint is not dead. Some people who really believe this rumor want to trace the forces behind the rumor, and some want to watch the show.

A lot of people are here.

"Although I came to Huaining City according to the above information, the problem is that the vicinity of Huaining City is very big. There are mountains stretching for thousands of miles, forests with dense trees, and countless valleys. How do you find the place where the soul of the soul is sealed? Someone sighed and felt that there was no fog at the moment.

This is also the idea of ​​arriving in Huaining City, because the information on the leaflet is too simple, there is no accurate address, so that they have a feeling of being unable to start.

"No way, this is the place where the soul of the soul is sealed. It is very normal to hide. It is so easy to find. It seems that we need a long search time."

"Indeed, since they have all come here, of course, they are ready to fight for a long time."

"Look slowly, at least for now, with a rough address."

Some people think that this is a matter of course. If the seal of the blood soul saint is something that can be found casually, then the soul of the soul has been discovered for tens of thousands of years, and will wait until now.

They are all mentally prepared and it takes an estimated few months.

"No, I don't need to look for it. I probably know where the soul of the soul is." One person suddenly said, revealing a mysterious look.

"Impossible, how did you find out?"

"Yeah, have you been here for this place?!"

"So many people haven't found it, you found out, don't brag here."

A group of people looked at this person with contempt and felt that this guy was lying.

"I don't brag, look here." The man pointed at a big tree in front.

what? !

Everyone looked at the direction of the other side, and saw a wooden sign hanging on the big tree. There was a signpost on the east side, pointing to the east side, and there were several large characters, the blood soul saint valley. .

"I am going to go, when there is a road sign where the soul of the soul is sealed."

"Too **** intimate, this is afraid that we are lost, can't we find the place where the soul of the soul is sealed?"

"Dog's day, I have never seen such an accurate road sign, and also guide us to the place where the blood soul saint seal."

"Whoever does it, who is doing this kind of thing is too intimate."

Everyone was stunned. Rao was enriched by their imagination and did not expect such a thing to happen. The place where the blood soul saints were sealed should be top secret. Now there are still people who have made a road sign to guide them forward.

They are increasingly feeling that they have fallen into a scam. It seems that there is a bad guy who is **** and is guiding them into the trap.

But if it is really a scam, it is too blatant, too idiotic, isn't the liar not worried about his scam being demolished?

Because this deceptive technique is too idiotic, they are a bit dubious and think that things are not so simple, and may be extraordinary.

"Since there are road signs, let us look at it." Everyone looked at each other. Since they have come here with great pains, they can't go back now.

At least you have to take a look at what the so-called seal is like.

After a few hours.

They turn left and turn right, and in the vast forests with complex terrain, under the guidance of accurate road signs, they finally arrived at the mysterious valley.

At this moment, these people are also secretly glad, fortunately there are signs to guide, otherwise they do not know how long it will take to find this remote place to the extreme.

Obviously, this valley also stands a huge rock with several characters on it, the Seal of the Blood Soul.

Nima, the seal of this person is still afraid that others do not know that the soul of the soul is sealed in this place, it is actually written a few large characters here, indicating that this place is the location of the soul of the soul.

People who come here are more and more aware that they are an idiot, they will be deceived by this idiot-like rumor, and they will travel all over the world to the uninhabited place where the birds are not smashed.

"Everyone, since they have all come here, it is better to go and see."

"That's right, you can't come back here."

"In the past, let's see who is talking about this big lie."

Everyone is sulking, at least want to see which **** dare to play with them, actually set up such a scam, making the whole blood soul mainland turbulent.

Especially the secret agents of the soul temple, their eyes showed a trace of cold, waiting to catch the person who is doing things, must give the guy a good look, let the **** know what is called the iron fist of the soul hall.

Hey! ! !

Apart from anything else, they immediately entered this cave and continued to deepen, eventually reaching the deepest part of the cave.

But when these people entered the deepest part of the cave, they were all shocked because they found that there was a huge array of enchantments in the deepest part of the cave, showing a transparent form, like an egg.

"Enchantment, this is the enchantment!"

"Oh my God, this place really has a seal enchantment, not a joke."

"But this is not necessarily the place to seal the soul of the soul."

"Even if it is not a place to seal the soul of the soul, it must be an extremely important relic. It is an enchantment that has been left in ancient times. There may be shocking treasures in it."

"Is it ancient? I didn't expect that we could find a relic, it was amazing."

Everyone was shocked. They hadn’t recovered from their angry emotions. They were shocked by the scenes in front of them. They were all happy and excited. It seemed like a huge pie fell from the sky above their heads. Like.

In the **** soul continent, countless years have come, there have been ancient ruins, and there are always innumerable treasures hidden in these ruins.

Many legendary figures are secret treasures left by the remains, so that many people have become the masters of the temple, and they have the power to plunge into the world.

Such stories have long been circulated throughout the blood soul continent, and are known by countless people. Of course they know what a relic appears to represent, which represents wealth, power, strength, and even life!

But now they have discovered that one has not been excavated, is a new relic space, if this is not a pie, then what is a pie.

Not to mention that this enchantment space is also related to the blood soul saint, which is a huge treasure.

They feel that their blood is boiling.

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