God Level Demon

Chapter 1182: Number one hero

"Go in, go inside this enchantment and see what baby is there."

"That's right, quickly break this enchantment space."

Everyone's eyes are extremely hot, and some people who are anxious are immediately hands-on, exerting the power of the whole body and bombarding the enchantment space.

Hey! ! !

A horrible force attacked the past, as if it had been bombarded by thousands of nuclear bombs, but it was useless. These forces attacked the enchantment and were absorbed by the moment. It only caused a trace of embarrassment and could not be shaken.

This group of people attacked for an hour, and their power was exhausted, but they did not confuse this space, like a mountain that cannot be shaken.

"The powerful enchantment space is too strong."

"It is not the enchantment of the Seal of the Blood Soul, it is not something we can shake."

"But the more it is, the more it represents credibility. If there is no extraordinary baby in this place, how can we build an enchantment space in this place, even if there is no seal of the blood soul saint, there is a bad baby. ""

For those who can't break the enchantment space, the people present are not utterly discouraged, but they are all very excited, because it means that the baby in the enchantment space is beyond imagination.

They felt that the blood in their body was boiling. It seems that there are countless treasures in the enchantment. These are the treasures that make people rich overnight.

"Do you want to break this enchantment, can you just throw the soul stone into it?" Someone suddenly remembered the words written on the leaflet, and needed a hundred soul stones to be able to release the seal and save the bleeding soul saint.

"But this enchantment space can resist even our strength. Can we still throw soul stone into it?" Some people suspect that this enchantment can block everything, even if you want to throw the soul stone into it.

"It's better to try, anyway, there is no other way."

The people present were nodding. Compared with the treasures in the enchantment space, the hundred soul stones in the district were counted, but they were nothing but a small fortune.

Immediately, someone took a hundred pieces of soul stone from his body and threw it into the enchantment space.

With a bang, the space enchantment suddenly produced a ripple, like water marks, these soul stones instantly disappeared into it, so disappeared without a trace.

"I rub, can I really throw in?!"

A group of people were dumbfounded. They had just tried it. I didn't expect it to be successful. Soul Stone was so stunned that it didn't enter the space enchantment, even if they wanted to go back.

"Besides the soul stone, don't you know if other non-living things can be thrown in?" Some people suspect that something that may not be life can enter this space enchantment.

However, some people smashed a stone into the past, but it was like squatting on the wall. It was instantly crushed and could not enter.

"This enchantment is really a god, it only swallows the soul stone, can't other things go in?" Many people are depressed, and feel that this enchantment is a swallowing monster.

But how do they know that the enchantment has been manipulated by the cat fairy at the moment, and it wants something to come in and something comes in, depending on its thoughts.

At this moment, Xia Ping is practicing in the soul hall of Huaining City, and by the way monitors the various information of the soul temple.

The Cat Immortal is staying in this place, responsible for collecting a large number of soul stones and dealing with the aftermath.

"Can the flyer not say that a hundred soul stones have been thrown in, can you save the blood soul saints? Why is there no movement now?" Some people wonder.

"Stupid, this is the enchantment of the seal saint. How can it be enough to have a hundred soul stones?"

"That's right, maybe each of us needs to throw a hundred soul stones into it."

"Yes, we all try it and see if it can succeed."

Everyone nodded. They all took out the soul stone of their own body and threw it into the enchantment. Thousands of soul stones suddenly broke into the space enchantment.

The problem is that after half an hour has passed, the space enchantment is still no movement, quiet as ever.

The cat fairy who stayed in the space enchantment was just laughing and laughing. It didn't think that the people of this group of souls were stupid to this point, they were deceived casually, and they were willing to throw in the soul stone of their own body. Isn't this a gift to them? !

It doesn't know how many years it has been with the old master, but it has never been seen before. A lot of people line up to give it a soul stone, without blinking.

"What is going on? Isn't it enough? Is the leaflet deceiving?" Someone couldn't help but suspect that one hundred soul stones would disappear in a blink of an eye, which made his heart hurt.

Although he was willing to pay for the greater benefits, he did not see any return now, just as he threw the money into the water.


At this time, the space enchantment appeared again and again, and immediately a piece of white paper flew out from the inside, so it fell on the ground.

Everyone was shocked. I immediately went forward and saw that I wrote two big characters on it: not enough!

"Nima, is there really someone in the enchantment space?!"

"It is the soul of the soul of blood, the cliff is the soul of the soul of the soul, the soul of the soul is not dead."

"Great, this news is not a lie, it is true."

"That is right, thousands of soul stones in the district also want to save the seal of the blood soul saints, this is impossible, must gather the entire continent of the soul of the elite."

"Yes, immediately inform other people to come over. Only when everyone works together can they have the opportunity to save the soul of the soul."

"Once the soul of the soul is resurrected, those outside the demon can't continue to be arrogant."

The people present were all excited. They thought that this was definitely the message thrown by the soul of the soul. Although the soul of the soul of the soul is vast, but it has been sealed, it is only by this means that other people can be informed to help.

Hey! ! !

Suddenly, a group of people quickly left and planned to return to Huaining City to inform the people behind the family forces.

After all, whoever saves the soul of the soul first, who is the greatest hero, takes the lead.

In the future, there will be sorcerers of blood souls. Can their family be able to walk across the **** souls? Even in the universe, you can occupy a place and become a family of thousands of years.

Many of the Soul Secret Agents also left without stopping. They quickly informed the big brothers at the headquarters of the Soul Hall. Such amazing news would definitely not allow other families to get ahead.

The number one hero to save the soul of the soul is definitely the talent line of their soul temple, otherwise the soul of the soul will be resurrected, and what the soul temple will exist in this world.

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