God Level Demon

Chapter 1651: The worst in history

Under the full force of the major races of the Western Universe, through the spread of the virtual network of the universe, it is only a day's work, and the news of the invincible rumors spread throughout the Western universe.

It pops up the message to each user who owns the virtual network device, forcing the user to know about it.

Even the TV station of every planet in the Western Universe broadcasts this news in the middle, late, and evening. The host even spent 30 minutes to spread the matter, telling the public that they must pay attention to the most innocent invincibility in this history. Immediately after the police, the police hotline: xxxxxx.

There are also many similar news headlines on the web.

"Warning, the most sinister criminal in history!"

“A reward of 10 billion cosmic coins, a jaw-dropping reward.”

"Catch this criminal can become a billionaire, the fastest way to get rich?!"

"What is the most innocent crime, and what crimes have been committed?!"

The sensational news headlines appeared, and countless people were spreading the news, and they immediately boiled the genius of the great races of the Western Universe.

"It's too exaggerated. A Jin Danjing real person has rewarded 10 billion cosmic coins. What did this Wu invincible do?" Someone saw this news as a stunned, not understanding what the invincible character was.

"It is said that he once appeared in the realm of Longmu, killing and killing, and killing countless ethnic arrogances. As a result, many elders were angry and vowed to arrest this invincible."

"No, I heard that he has snatched a treasure, and even the saints are coveted. Therefore, the great races of the Western Universe must unite and must arrest him."

"Wrong, you are all wrong. You don't know where you got the news from the next nine streams. What I heard is that this invincible is a flower thief. I don't know how many beautiful women are innocent, even the Antelopes and Elephants. The ethnic princesses such as the Suzaku, the White Tigers and so on have been insulted by him, so they will provoke the anger of the people."

"Just kidding, where is the gossip coming from, it’s not reliable."

"Of course it is very reliable, because this fact is too shameful, so they are too embarrassed to say it, otherwise they will lose face. It is said that several princesses are pregnant."

"Nima, this beast, it seems that the invincible is not only a sinister criminal, but also a shameless flower thief. It is ugly, everyone can be stunned."

There have been many discussions, and there have been a lot of gossips, guessing the crimes committed by the wanted Wu invincible, because those big powers do not announce the reasons for the invincibility of Tongwu, so there are also many absurd messages.

However, this is what they are willing to see. It attracts the attention of the people and mobilizes the enthusiasm of the public to arrest the invincible enemy and make him an enemy of the whole people.

Once the clues are revealed, they will be immediately discovered and arrested in an instant.

"But the amount of this reward is really scary. Even if it is a catastrophe, it can only be wanted. If you can catch this invincible, I can immediately become a billionaire."

Some people are excited, imagining that they have caught Wu invincible.

"Isn't it? That Wu invincible is at most Golden Dan, although the strength is not bad, but some people who surpass him are, if you carefully arrange, you can still grab him."

Some people think about the feasibility of this matter.

"It’s quite beautiful to think about it. Now I don’t know how many mercenaries, how many forces, I want to take this invincible scorpion, and wherever I get your squadrons."

"Yeah, even for some big forces, 10 billion cosmic coins are quite amazing amounts. Once you get it, you don't know how many years you don't need to worry about cultivation resources."

"Capturing Wu is invincible, which means that you will get rich overnight, and you will be rejoiced by the lottery."

Countless people are excited, and all of them are gearing up, hoping to have the opportunity to meet the invincible, personally arrest the kid, and that 10 billion belongs to them.

However, some people are very cautious. After all, the amount of the reward is not casual. Since those who dare to open such a price, the danger of the person is 10 billion.

If the trade is rash, it will definitely be destroyed.

The East Universe, the people of the Southern Universe also know the news, all of them are shocked, because the name of Wu invincible they are too familiar, such as the ears.

"I rely on it, that Wu is invincible and harms the West Universe. The business scope is very wide."

"And also offended a lot of power, and was rewarded with 10 billion, so what did you do?"

"But the invincible weapon seems to be different from the invincible weapons in our southern universe and the northern universe. The guy is a vulture."

"Yeah, maybe it’s just the same name and the same name. It’s not the same person. There are more people in the universe with the same name and the same name."

"Oh, I dare to conclude that it must be the same person. If you die like this, the second is impossible in the universe."

"That's right, my sixth sense tells me this way. After all, the appearance can be completely changed. It is not surprising if the invincible mastery changes the magical power and changes himself into a vulture."

"Even if you say so much, it's just speculation. There is nothing really based on the evidence."

"If anyone can catch the kid, you can know what his identity is."

"Oh, there are so many people who want to catch him, the East Universe, the South Universe, well, now with a Western universe."

"Nima, he is still a complete North Universe, he is complete, the whole universe is wanted."

"According to the character of the bastard, it is also a matter of time."

Numerous East Universe and Southern Universe people have been talking about it. They did not expect that the name of Wu invincible will appear again in their own vision in a short time, and it is still a scourge to the Western Universe.


At this time, on the other hand, a starry sky, a spaceship is sailing in the sky, that is the stars.

At this moment, Xia Ping, Rabbit Linglong and Qinglan have left the Dragon Jupiter, and even have left the Western Universe, completely away from danger and staying on the spacecraft.

However, they also quickly learned the news that Wu invincible was chased. After all, such news is for the public.

"Haha, congratulations to you, human beings, finally wanted, and rewarded 10 billion."

The rabbit exquisitely stunned and looked at Xia Ping.

Qing Lan is also speechless. She has long anticipated this kind of thing. She has done a bureau, killing so many great powers, and dying a large group of Western cosmos elders. How could it be better?

If she is not wanted, she will think that it is a strange thing.

I am afraid that the group of powers now want to catch Xia Ping and smash the corpse.

Fortunately, they have been hiding from the past, otherwise they may become guilty, as if they were hiding in the street.

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