God Level Demon

Chapter 1652: System Upgrade

"thank you."

When he heard the exquisite rabbit, Xia Ping was not only angry, but his face was beautiful. He knew that many of the great powers of the Western Universe wanted to know themselves, but they could know their inner hatred.

Now that I have offended so many people, the value of hatred that I must have obtained is definitely astronomical. This is a big gain for him, and how can it be unhappy? !

"Who is complimenting you."

The rabbit exquisitely looked at Xia Ping without a good gas, and she had never seen such a thick man with a cheek. It was obviously a wanted criminal, but it was still a smug look.

However, she also had to admire, with a Jindan real person's strength, but let a group of big powers fall into such a dilemma, countless deaths and injuries, but also get the most benefits, this is not a good luck can explain three words.

"What? You are saying that I am handsome and want to be my wife?"

Xia Ping slaps his eyes.

Seeing this stupid bastard, the rabbit exquisitely bites her teeth, she wants to hammer him.

"Time is up."

At this time, Qing Lan suddenly said.

"What time is up?" Xia Ping turned and looked at the cicada curiously.

Qinglan explained: "This time we came to Longmu's secret place to complete a trial mission and get the source of the dragon wood. Now that we have these treasures, the mission is over and we have to go back."

After these days, Xia Ping also knows that the rabbit exquisite and green scorpion have been passed down from the demon temple, and often participate in various trials, so they will progress quickly.

"So how do you go back?"

Xia Ping asked.

"We have the mark of the demon temple, and as long as the mind moves, we can return to the demon temple." Qing Yu suddenly looked up. "Time is up, the demon temple is calling us."

"Remember, the abominable human being, I will beat you all the time next time I meet."

The rabbit exquisitely screams at Xia Ping.


The voice just fell, the rabbit exquisite and the green scorpion emerged a mysterious energy, wrapped around the body, and immediately there was a black hole in the surrounding space, and they swallowed them in an instant.

In the next second, the two disappeared in place and sent back to the demon temple.

"Are you gone? It’s amazing. This is the power of the demon temple."

Xia Ping is also a bit surprised. It is estimated that this demon temple also has the power of the holy device at least, so that the rabbit exquisite and the green scorpion can be summoned back through the distant time and space.

However, he did not worry that the two could not be contacted after leaving. They exchanged their contact information with each other before, and they could contact the virtual network if something happened.

No matter what, they are all from the cloud, everyone is a fellow, it is normal to watch and help.


At this time, the system heard a voice: "Congratulations to the host, causing countless powers of the Western Universe, the hatred of Tianjiao, has gained a lot of hatred, the current hatred value reached 1.56 billion, hope that the host will continue to work hard."

what? !

Xia Ping's eyes wide open, even though he knew that he had received a lot of hatred this time, but he did not expect his hatred value to reach 1.56 billion.

I have to know that I spent two billion yuan in exchange for the banned ban, which means that he has at least more than one billion hatreds this time. It is just a night of riches.

With so much hate value, I don't know how many treasures I can exchange.

But before I even remembered what Xia Ping thought of, the voice of the system came out again: "The host hate value reached 10 billion, triggering the system upgrade function, please wait three minutes, the system is upgrading."

System Upgrade? !

Xia Ping's eyes showed a glimmer of light. It seems that the previous system was only in its initial state. Now it can still evolve, and it doesn't know what the system after evolution will look like.

Three minutes is fleeting.

boom! !

Immediately, a huge stream of information flooded into Xia Ping’s mind like a flood of water, which was about changes and intelligence that occurred after the system was upgraded.

Xia Ping suddenly found that the original exchange of more things than before, seems to have added a lot of categories, as if to become more perfect, a wider range, the baby is more powerful.

And the way the hate value is calculated has changed, it is replaced by hate crystal.

Now the value of 100 million hatred is equivalent to a hate.

In other words, he now has a total of 156 hate crystals.

"What? A piece of sacrificial sacred one hundred hatred crystal can buy?!"

Xia Ping's eyes widened and he found that there were many powerful saints on the redemption list. The lowest grade of 100 hatred crystals, that is, the 10 billion hate value can be exchanged.

The saints also seem to have grade differences, which are divided into the following products, middle products, top grades, and special sacraments.

Even if the difference is one level, the value will be multiplied several times. The Chinese saint requires at least three hundred hatred crystals to be purchased. The top saint requires a thousand hatred crystals, and the special sacrament requires at least three thousand hate crystals.

"If I redeem a piece of sacrificial equipment now, can I go sideways?"

Xia Ping suddenly felt a heart, but he still forced himself to resist the urge to exchange the holy instrument, because good steel needs to be used on the good edge.

Even if he now gets a piece of sachet, it is not very helpful for his cultivation.

If there is a killer, there are still a lot of people on his body, enough to save his life, and there is no need to waste a hundred hatred crystals here, and redeem a treasure that is not used temporarily.

"There are many more exercises. Actually, these exercises are all god-level?!"

Xia Ping also found that there are many more exercises, such as the Great Emperor, which was seen very early, and needs a hundred hatred crystals (equivalent to 10 billion hatred), and the level of power is God level.

Void, you need a hundred hatred crystals, the level of power is God level.

Devouring the starry sky, the level of God, the price of one hundred hate crystal.


He now also knows the system's division of various skill levels, level, king, holy, and god.

"I didn't expect to be able to exchange God-level exercises, but it is a way to surpass the saints. But why is the price of God-level exercises cheaper than Magic?" Xia Ping felt very confused.

System Road: "This reason is very simple, although it is a god-level method, but practitioners want to practice for years, it takes a lot of resources, and some god-level exercises need special talents, even ordinary people want to There is no way to cultivate, there are great restrictions.

But the saint is not the same, it can be used by anyone, once it has a strong combat power, it has an immediate effect, and the price is very high.

Moreover, the system is not a store, no profit, just a magic weapon for assisting cultivation. The reason for these prices is to urge the host to cultivate and accelerate the growth of the host. ”

Having said that, it paused and said: "The most important thing is that the energy of using the hate value to exchange magic weapons is many times more than the energy of redemption of cheats, and the natural price is also expensive."

It reveals many secrets.

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