God Level Demon

Chapter 2031: Immortal Gaia

The promotion was carried out for seven days and seven nights. The huge energy of the gate of destiny was stopped and poured down. The huge cosmic source and the law of the law were swallowed up and absorbed by the small and completely.


The door to destiny was completely broken, turned into a mass, disappeared without a trace.

Xia Ping also swallowed part of the cosmic source energy, and upgraded his mana to the peak of the early peak of the thunderbolt. The nine purple houses are full of powerful mana, almost overflowing.

The energy that was swallowed this time alone is enough to save him thousands of years of condensing mana.

At the same time, his **** is twice as strong as before, and his knowledge has become more reinforced. The gods who are in the sea of ​​bitterness are more powerful and seem to be solidified.

In this way, his strength to cross the sea of ​​bitterness is also stronger, even if countless seawater in the bitter sea is pulling his god, want to pull him completely into the depths of the sea.

But in the face of the soaring power of the gods, this resistance is nothing.

And because of the previous experience, the front of the bitter sea, he easily crossed.

Just a step away, he can be promoted to the middle of the thunder.

“It seems to be a temper to cross the bitter sea.”

Xia Ping is now a bit confusing, and it seems that it is extremely difficult to cross the bitter sea, but in fact this is not an opportunity to sharpen his own gods again and again.

Every time a distance is advanced, the Yuanshen is a strong point, and at the same time, because of the tempering of the sea of ​​suffering, it becomes more solid.

When the Yuanshen is powerful to a certain extent, it will become a true spirit, integrate into the limbs, integrate into every cell of the body, and truly condense the immortal body.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of crossing the sea of ​​suffering, both hardships and opportunities.

"The robbery is about to come."

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. At this time, he felt that he seemed to have alarmed the origin of the universe, causing a counter-attack. The depth of the void was constantly gathering a huge catastrophe, and it seemed to land anytime and anywhere.

It is only because the power of this catastrophe has not reached the limit, as if the whirlpool is constantly spinning in the depths of the void, once it reaches the limit, there will be a thunder.

He also knows what it is like to be in the back, and there seems to be a blind eye in the depths of the void, always staring at himself, no matter where he hides, he can't escape.

"It is no wonder that the thunder and robbery seldom walks in the universe, usually in retreats, or else it is going out to practice. If there is the power of thunder, always stare at it, it will come at any time. This kind of pressure is not too big. ""

Xia Ping also has a little understanding of the feelings of the thunder and robbery. They are so cautious, because they can be killed by thunder and robbery at any time, and they have the worry of life, so that they can be arrogant.

Of course, this time Xia Ping is not only a huge promotion of his own mana and the gods, but also the blood of the **** in the body has been transformed, step by step.

By now, he has awakened 500 million **** gold cells.

He felt that the flame in his body was more intense. It seemed to be turned into the body of the element. Every blood in the body was flowing like a river.

Drop a drop of blood and put it on the planet. It is estimated that it will form a super volcano that will never die.

The strength and toughness of his body have been further improved. There are many hells in the depths of the blood, and the body exudes a sacred and ancient atmosphere.

It can be said that this time swallowed a lot of the origin of the universe, let him slash a lot.

"Greek nightmare, insect Xiaoqian and Luna seem to have benefited a lot."

Xia Ping looked at the three little luoli in the distance. This time they also swallowed up a lot of the energy of the universe. Although it is not as much as he swallowed, it is also an extremely amazing number.

Their own blood is extremely amazing, the potential is endless, just lack of energy, and now swallowed up so many sources of the universe, and suddenly their cultivation is leaps and bounds.

It is estimated that at least they have saved thousands of years of cultivation, which is the last time Henggu adventures, unprecedented.

Of course, the biggest benefit is Gaia.

Xia Ping looked at the past and saw that the small stay had already awakened. She opened her eyes. The depth of the pupil seemed to contain a cluster of nebulae, which was unfathomable and seemed to be all-encompassing.

At the same time, she also exudes an immortal breath, as if detached from the world, independent of this space.

No one knows where the little stay is now powerful.

"The immortal Gaia."

Both the cat fairy and the green cow are looking at the little awe in awe. They can perceive that the life level of the small stay is completely different from the previous one, and they get detached.


A small stay spans a step, seems to cross the space, shuttle the void, and directly arrive at Xia Ping, as if this ability to integrate into the depths of the blood, just instinct.

"How are you feeling?"

Xia Ping asked curiously.

“Feeling? It doesn’t seem to feel anything.”

Xiao stayed confused and felt that there was not much difference between him and her. For her, strengthening strength is nothing but a matter of course. It is nothing big.

“I don’t feel anything?”

Xia Ping’s mouth was pumped and he was promoted to the holy place. This is the realm of the heavens and the thousands of people who have dreamed of their dreams. How could it be that they have no feelings? This is too confused.

"Brother, let's take a look."

Small stay out of the finger, gently toward Xia Ping's forehead, a mysterious energy is infused.


Suddenly, the innumerable information about Xiaozhan was instilled into the deep sea of ​​Xia Ping's consciousness. Xia Ping felt that his own **** was suddenly pulled into the soul space of the small stay, as if the two sides were integrated.


Xia Ping first discovered that the space in the small dormitory has undergone earth-shaking changes. It was originally just a planet, and a few continents, but now it has evolved into a small universe.

One planet after another, one after another, appears in this universe.

In addition to the previous planet, as well as the Yunxiao continent, it seems that there are thousands of large land areas and dense planets in the body space.

These planets and land have just been born, like the nascent world, lush, growing a lot of plants, but there are no wise creatures, like the original planet and land, waiting for people to develop.

And the above planets and land contain huge and rich mineral resources.

This body space is also 10,000 times larger than before, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a star field.

Even this Gaia space seems to be expanding with the evolution of small strength.

Perhaps in the near future, her body space can evolve into a real small universe.

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