God Level Demon

Chapter 2032: Sage realm

As Xia Ping continued to explore, he found that the space in the small room was not only expanded, but the law of heaven and earth in this space seemed to be more perfect than before.

If it is the previous Gaia space, it is estimated that the thunderbolt can strike a full blow and may break the space barrier.

But now it is totally different. It seems that the law of space has been completely improved. This is the instillation of many cosmic rules, which has made Gaia space perfect.

It is estimated that even if the saint enters the Gaia space, don't think it is so easy to break open.

Moreover, the strength of the heavens and the earth inside the Gaia space is also more than a thousand times thicker than before. The energy from the origin of the universe is everywhere, which is of great benefit to the practice of the soul.

The reason why this happens is that Gaia can communicate with the source of the universe at any time, extracting the source energy from the depths of the universe, and letting her evolve all the time.

"Great, is this the so-called immortal level?!"

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. He felt that the little **** of the night had also changed. He became a true spirit and completely integrated into every cell in the body.

It can be said that every gravel in the small space, every weed, every drop of water, and even every dust in the air contains the soul energy of Gaia.

Even if Gaia's body is broken into pieces, as long as there is a dusty presence, the true spirit can be teleported, and she can quickly recover from the energy of the universe through the true spirit.

This is simply an immortal body.

To reach this realm, the body is nothing, the important thing is his own soul, as long as the soul is not destroyed, the real spirit does not die, then she is not dead.

Although he knew before that the saint had an immortal body, as long as it was not completely annihilated, the spirit was extinct and could be resurrected, but now he knows that the saint is so terrible.

It is an attack on the physical level, and it is impossible to kill an immortal saint.

It is conceivable that Xia Ping also suddenly remembered that he had been besieged by the saints before. At that time, his master, the Northern Saints, personally shot, and actually killed a few saints between the gestures, fierce and fierce.

I don't know what level my master has reached. Even the immortal saints can kill them. This kind of power is estimated to be completely inferior to the current small stay.


At this time, Xia Ping's Yuanshen shocked, and immediately separated from the body of the small stay, seems to be expelled by a force, his consciousness also suddenly returned to his body.

"Brother, sleepy."

The little yawned, and the little hand rubbed his eyes, showing a look of sleepiness.

"Sleepy, then sleep."

Xia Ping touched the small head that he was stunned. He knew that the small stay had just been promoted to the immortal saint. The real evolution has not yet been completed, and he needs to retreat to consolidate it.

It is now sleepy because her body has issued an instinct reminder.


When I heard this, I stayed in my own residence and squatted on the bed, screaming and sleeping.

I saw her layer of space barriers appearing around her body, revealing a dense shell texture, like the world's barriers, protecting her body.

Such a world barrier can isolate the power of everything and show absolute defense. Anyone who wants to kill her while sleeping is impossible.

"Cat Fairy, do you know what the little sage is now in the realm of saints?"

Xia Ping asked the cat immortal. He felt that he was promoted to the thunder and robbery. He was also qualified to know some information about the saint. Sooner or later, he would become a saint himself. Knowing this information in advance has a certain degree of benefit.

"I don't know the various information about the saints. This is top secret."

The cat fairy said: "But Xia Ping, you are a disciple of the Holy Land, and you are now promoted to the thunder. You should have permission to check the information about the realm of the saint."

It means that the level of contact with the previous owner is really too low, it has always been a mess, there is no master to teach, so it is not clear about the mystery of the saint.

It seems that Qingniu is not very clear about what is the cultivation of saints. Because of the wars of the ancient times, Shanhezhu has suffered serious damage and caused some of its memory to be missing.

"Then I look up."

Xia Ping nodded and immediately took out the communicator with his own chip installed, and directly entered the internal virtual network of the Holy Land, opening the page of the saint information.

"Hey? Can you really check it out?!"

Suddenly he was a hi, before he had inquired about it, but was told that he did not have permission, but now he seems to have opened the permission after he was promoted to the thunder, and he can ask him for similar information.


Xia Ping opened a lot of information about the saints, and immediately appeared a series of information about the saints.

"It turned out to be."

For a long time, Xia Ping nodded and suddenly realized.

"The saints actually have so many boundaries."

The cat fairy also saw this scene, and suddenly felt open-minded: "The first realm is the new saint, that is the immortal saint who condenses the true spirit and condenses the immortal body.

The next realm is the ancient saints, the medieval saints, the ancient saints, the ancient saints, and the last invincible saints, a total of six levels! ”

"Immortal saints, ancient saints, medieval saints, ancient saints, ancient saints, invincible saints, a realm is stronger than a realm, the gap can not be measured in the ground, almost impossible to challenge."

The green cow is also wide-eyed.

"It seems that the old master on the spot is only the most inferior saint, immortal saint."

Cat Fairy people sighed, it is no wonder that the enemy who chased the stars and saints was so terrible, and looked down on the stars and saints. The other side was at least the realm of the ancient saints.

"How is this realm divided, is it divided by age?"

Qingniu looked curiously, but he could not see the division of strengths of saints in various realms. He detailed information and wanted to inquire carefully, but Xia Ping did not seem to have sufficient authority.

The above tips, at least need to be indecent to qualify for inquiries, after all, if you do not promote the saints, know that it does not have much effect, just high and far away.

"It is impossible to divide by age. The saints are not living longer and stronger. They are fighting according to the power of their own rules." The cat fairy shook his head.

The enemy who killed the star saints was younger than the star saints. It seems to be the heir to the ancient family. If you can crush everything if you are old, the stars will not die.

"It seems that a small stay should be in the realm of an immortal saint."

Xia Ping is clear in the chest.

He was also a bit curious at first. He didn't know what level his master had reached. He was so invincible and smashed the world. Has it reached the invincible sage?

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