God Level Demon

Chapter 2177: Abyss Covenant


Xia Ping waved his hand and immediately collected all the meat of the abyss and monsters on the ground, all placed next to the tree of the world, swallowed and absorbed by it.

The flesh and blood energy of these abyss demon seems to have great benefits for the growth of the world tree, although it is not comparable to the immortal demon but it can be regarded as low-grade fertilizer.

"You, who are you?"

At this moment, the black immortal demon looked at Xia Ping with horror. It felt that he had never been weak before, and his own **** was opened by this sword, and he actually suffered a wound that could not be healed.

To know that it is an immortal demon, the injury on the body can not heal, this is a terrible thing.

If it is not personal experience, it can't believe it.

It suddenly cast doubt on Xia Ping’s identity. He didn’t know what it was. It’s obvious that even the immortal saints are not, and it’s incredible to be able to beat themselves.

"Who I am, you don't need to know, what is the so-called abyss covenant? Can you tell me? I am very interested in this matter."

Xia Ping was at the top, and the air machine on his body completely locked the other side. This black immortal demon had been completely controlled by him and could not escape.

A tyrannical force crushed down and centered on his body, creating a horrible atmosphere. Even if the immortal demon had any movements, he would know it clearly.

"Roll, this is my abyss secret, it is absolutely not allowed to leak out, you die this heart."

The black immortal demon sneered and his mouth was very hard.

This is the secret message of the abyss, and it will not be known by others, otherwise it will definitely cause a major disaster.

"Oh, actually said this, then I am more interested." Xia Ping touched his chin.


Did not wait for this black immortal demon to continue to speak, suddenly derived from the Xia Ping body of the roots of countless roots of the world tree, smashed into the body of this immortal demon.

"Bastard, hateful, human, what have you done to me?"

The black immortal demon screamed in horror, and it felt a deadly crisis. It seems that these roots are in great danger to themselves, as they encounter natural enemies.

But without waiting for it to rebel, these roots and roots completely penetrated its body, even the soul, and the whole body was **** and down, almost impossible to move.

In the next second, even its soul lost its consciousness and was completely occupied by the will of the tree of the world. It was like the shackles of the tree of the world, and even the ability to commit suicide was gone.

"Let's say, what is the so-called abyss covenant?"

Xia Ping asked.

"This is an agreement signed between our Abyss world and the Fantasy. Our Abyss world gives the Magic the powerful power and provides countless resources for cultivation. The Fantasy must become the vassal race of the Abyss and Demon, and do well for the future invasion of the universe. Prepare." This black immortal demon is like a mechanical answer.

"Fantasy has become the running dog of the abyss and demon, want to be the leading party, what is going on?" Xia Ping blinked and revealed a deep murderous.

These sage sages know that the abyss and demon are the enemies of the heavenly nations, and they are not dead, but the illusionists dare to take the world and sign the contract with the abyss and demon.

If this matter is known to other races, the illusion will die.

Because this has violated the taboos of the heavenly people, unforgivable, no one will forgive a traitor.

"In the beginning, the Fantasy did not agree, but a top demonic of my family personally shot, eroded one of the illusionary ancestors, and let it completely fall into the abyss, so it is not allowed to agree. If not because of fear of the fantasy What are the tricks found by other races, I am afraid that the entire race will be corrupted by our abyss."

The black immortal demon is proud of it. This is a terrible age, and today’s thrilling plan has corrupted a powerful race and made the other party a member of the abyss.

If the time comes, the entire Fantasy will become an abyssal race, adding a great deal of power to the abyss world.

So far, most of the saints in the Fantasy have almost become members of the abyss, and only some of the newly promoted Sage saints have not been assimilated.

But when the time comes, it will be sooner or later.

Hearing this, Xia Ping’s eyes could not help but reveal a trace of coldness. If the abyss demon really started the war, and the entire ethnic group of the illusion was rebellious, it would surely cause all the people of the heavens to suffer heavy losses.

In particular, the special abilities of the illusion can be changed into other races. If they are used by the abyss, they do not know how terrible the harm is.

When everyone is in danger, they don’t know which one is their own.

It can be said that this race is a double-edged sword. If you can't control it, you will definitely hurt yourself.

"This is not a trivial matter. It seems that it is necessary for the top officials to know about this matter and completely eradicate this scourge, otherwise it will definitely cause a great disaster in the future."

Xia Ping blinked and remembered a series of plans.

However, at present, it is estimated that only the characters of the sage ancestors of the Fantasy will be abyssed. The young disciples do not know this and are not qualified to be corrupted by the abyss.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

"Right, does that Minerva know this?"

Xia Ping suddenly remembered the old sage Minerva, and told the truth to meet from the beginning, he did feel a bit of malicious and uncomfortable from the other side.

Before he thought that it might be from the hostility of the other party, he let him involuntarily take the initiative to confront.

But now it seems that it may be because of the abyss of the other side that it will cause its own hostility.

It was only because Minerva had hidden his breath that was too perfect, so that he could not detect it for a while.

However, this is only a guess, is it true, and it needs to be carefully investigated.

"Since I have come to this abyssal world, I can't leave empty-handed. I don't know how many immortal demons in this abyss, maybe killing a few people and taking them away as fertilizer."

Xia Ping touched his chin.

He can't return to the illusion now, because the trial has not completely ended, it takes ten days, and he will be suspected by Minerva when he returns so quickly.

Therefore, he still needs to stay in this abyss world for about ten days.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not hesitate, and immediately flew deep inside the abyss, he felt that there are many powerful abyss in this abyss.

If you can kill some, it must be good for his cultivation.

He is now filled with a sense of urgency, and perhaps it is time to accelerate the promotion to immortality. Only when he truly becomes a saint can he have the invincible power to master everything.

Not sanctified, after all, it is an ant.

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