God Level Demon

Chapter 2178: A net is exhausted!

One day later.

The deepest part of the abyss.

On a plain above, this place has built a vast and vast city with vast walls, towering walls, simple style, and vicissitudes of life. It seems that there has been no change for hundreds of millions of years.

In the depths of the city, there are a large number of abyss demons, scattered around the city, like the human kingdom, with their own laws and regulations.

This is simply an incredible thing.

Because the abyss world is originally a chaotic place, like the original world, full of barbarism and killing, it is only destruction, never built.

However, since the fiasco of the ancient times, many abyss demons have painstakingly decided to learn all kinds of knowledge from the Terran and other people.

They learned the system, learned the discipline, learned the army, learned the weapons manufacturing, etc., and almost built the city that belongs to the abyss and demons.

However, this situation will only appear in some of the more powerful demon continents. Only strong strength can suppress all the abyss demons, rule everything, and do not allow any demons to resist.


At this time, Xia Ping quietly approached the city, he could not help but marvel at the appearance of this city, although the appearance looks very rough, but the defense is very strong.

The walls are extremely thick and hard. It is estimated that even if dozens of warships come, launching a star gun may not be able to penetrate the powerful walls made of these special materials.

But he also saw the unusualness of this abyssal continent. There is definitely a strong abyss and demon to completely unify this continent, and forcibly formulate various systems to make these powerful abyss demons together. Kill each other.

He can perceive the infinite abyss of the city around the city. Each of them is powerful and absolutely elite, with more than 10 billion.

"Well, this place really has an immortal demon."

Suddenly, Xia Ping perceives the depths of this city. It is an ancient castle. The place has a strong abyss and demon spirits, twisting the void.

There are no ordinary demons who dare to approach thousands of kilometers and are considered to be restricted areas.

call out!

Xia Ping did not hesitate, did not wear a mask, concealed his own breath, silently entered the depths of this ancient castle, without any abyss demons.

I saw abundance of abyss in the castle hall, and they sat on a huge stone chair, seemingly meeting.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Why is Logan’s breath suddenly disappearing in the abyss, and who is it to deal with it?"

An immortal demon anger with a purple horn on his head, it bursts with violent anger, twists the void, and there is a terrible crack on the ground.

When I heard this, Xia Ping’s heart moved. This so-called Logan was probably born by himself, and became the black immortal demon of the world tree fertilizer.

Now, one day has passed, it is estimated that this group of immortal demons also know this thing. After all, even in the abyss world, the immortal demons are extremely powerful combat power, and losing one is an extremely heavy loss that cannot be ignored.

"Is it the group of the illusionists who did it? Only they have this strength and motivation. I heard that the group of **** actually tried to get rid of the shackles of the abyss, and made a lot of small moves in private."

A horn of the horns of the immortal demon eyes reveals a trace of cold.

Because this time it was not only the immortal demon of Logan, but also a large army of hundreds of millions of demons, but they all disappeared, and even the corpses did not stay.

There is no doubt that Logan must have been attacked by saints, otherwise it will not be able to disappear cleanly, and even a little clue will not be left behind.

"I still want to get rid of the shackles of the will of the abyss? It is simply delusional, even if the Sage of the Taikoo can not do this kind of thing, with the group of waste wood can do."

"That's right, it's a dream to sign a covenant with the abyss."

"Even if these small moves are made, it may affect the layout of our abyss world. It may cause great trouble. We can't let the Fantasy waste continue to do so. We must teach them a lesson. We are still their boss."

"I know that the group of people of the illusion are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. They should not be trusted. They should all be killed in the first place. It is enough to leave only some waste. Now it is not enough to end the game, and even want to counter the owner. ”

"Don't worry, the people of the Fantasy want to turn over and become masters. Who doesn't know their ambitions, the strength in the abyss world is awesome, and the ambition is very normal. But they signed a covenant with the abyss, got the power of the abyss, and tried Rebellion, that is the traitor, you must let them know how to do it."

Many immortal demon sneer, they also know the ambition of the Fantasy, since the erosion of the abyss, although superficial respect and cooperation with the abyss.

But in the back, these saints often engage in small movements, always trying to get rid of the shackles of the abyss. After all, those sages are arrogant and do not want to be the running dogs of other races.

It can be said that everything is in the control of their abyss.

It's like a dog's neck is tied to a collar. No matter how cruel the dog is, it can't get rid of the collar and can only accept it.

They are very clear about this, and they are also reading jokes in the dark. It is also a rare pleasure to watch this group of sages as if they are in action.

But now the group of sages actually shot and killed the immortal demon Logan, and may also annihilate a demon army, which violated the taboos and bottom line of their abyss.

Because this dog is even more ferocious, it should not be countered by the owner. This is not a good dog. It is necessary to learn a lesson and know what is called honor and what is called measurement.

"But we have no evidence that this is the sage of the Fantasy?"

An immortal demon opens the door.

"It doesn't matter, what evidence does our abyss demon need to do, saying that it is."

"That's right, you need to explain something to them."

"Well, anyway, the days of our abyss world counterattacking the universe are close. It is better to ruin all the people of the illusion, and completely deepen the depths, and they can't run."

"It is true that taking advantage of this opportunity, the Fantasy will be wiped out, so that they don't want to be two or five."

Many immortal demon eyes reveal the murderousness in the depths, because Logan disappeared, let them completely lose patience with the illusion, want to directly control the illusion, completely control.

At this point, they don't have to hide anything.

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