God Level Demon

Chapter 2199: New born world

"The Middle Ages are too strong."

Xia Ping now understands why the gap between the saints is so huge and insurmountable that the leap-level challenge has become almost impossible. Because the gap is a realm, it represents an earth-shattering transformation, and the combat effectiveness is increased by hundreds of times.

If he now encounters a medieval saint, then there is only one end, that is death.

After all, if it is controlled by the law of time, no matter what means is useless, it can only be watched as death.

"It is really powerful."

Qingniu also could not help but nod.

"So what about the ancient saints, the strength of the ancient saints?"

Xia Ping continued to ask.

"The words of the ancient saints are even more perverted. On the spot, my old master, the saint of the mountains and rivers, is in the realm of the ancient saints. This kind of strength is considered to be a strong even among many saints, and there are few enemies."

The green cow has a hint of pride.

Ancient saints? !

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. He now knows the true strength of the sacred people of the mountains and rivers. Before his master, the stars and saints seemed to be far from being comparable to the saints of the mountains and rivers.

This is also a no-brainer. The star saints are too unlucky and still young. They have not been waiting for him to be promoted to a higher level, and they have been killed by other saints.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing in the universe. It is not a natural enchantment that can continue to grow. When it grows into a strong existence, sometimes an unexpected factor is dead.

Did not grow up, nothing to say.

Qingniu continued: "If you want to be promoted to an ancient saint, you must understand the law of creation. When you reach this level, you will be able to understand the mysteries of countless lives. You can change the state of life in your own field.

For example, you can turn a Taikoo relic into a cat, a bug, or turn a man into a woman, a woman into a man, or even a stone into gold. It can be said that reaching this realm is no different from the legendary gods, and truly masters the ability to create things. ”

Change the state of life and material state? !

Xia Ping was shocked. Although he knew that the ancient saints were extremely terrifying, they did not expect that the strength of the ancient saints would be terrible.

Or it should not be said to be terrible, but rather weird, it is incredible, beyond the understanding of mortals, saying that such existence is a god, then few mortals dare to say no.

"As far as the realm above the ancient saints is concerned, I don't know very well. At the beginning, the old masters did not reach this realm, and there was no hope of any breakthrough."

Qingniu said with emotion.

It means that every time you promote a realm requires a lot of time and opportunity. If you don't have the chance, you will be permanently trapped in this realm and you will never get a breakthrough.

The Shanhe saints did not wait until they broke through to the Taikoo saints, and the result died in the invasion of the abyss.

After listening to these words, Xia Ping nodded, he also had some general understanding of the realm of the saint.


Suddenly, Xia Ping perceives that the entire star field seems to have undergone an incredible change.

The Galaxy of the star field where Yanhuangxing was originally, because of his relationship with the robbery, attracted four elephants, resulting in a general disaster. The countless planets and meteorites were shattered, and the universe was dusty. .

But at this moment it is totally different.

The cosmic dust floating in this star field is rapidly condensed under the traction of the universe and the law of the universe, and quickly condenses into an infinite land.

One after another, the laws of the universe are imprinted on the land and slowly constructed into a world.

"No, actually, is this happening?!"

Xia Ping's eyes widened. He found that a land across the entire star field was born under his own eyes. Even the original Yanhuangxing was incorporated into this new continent.

When he was robbed, the humans of Yanhuangxing were all sent to the Yunxiao mainland for a while, so there is no human existence in Yanhuangxing.

At this moment, the entire Milky Way has undergone earth-shaking changes.

“Is this the natural land world?”

Xia Ping perceives that the entire star field seems to be turned into a whirlpool. Numerous cosmic dusts are condensed together. A large amount of dust has condensed into a thick land. Numerous cosmic laws have been instilled from the depths of the source and built into a world.

The general situation is that such a thing will not happen, the destruction of the planet will be destroyed, even if you want to once again give birth to a planet, it will take hundreds of millions of years.

But the area the Galaxy is waiting for is very unique. It is a closed star field, surrounded by space storms, and nothing can run out of this star field.

And Xia Ping experienced four images of the robbery, containing the four basic elements of the universe, such as the earth, water, wind, fire, etc., is also the foundation of the world.

In addition, he was promoted to immortality, communicated with the origin of the universe, a large amount of source energy, and the laws of the universe seemed to pour out without money, flooding the entire Milky Way.

All kinds of coincidences, the power of catastrophe, coupled with the source of energy, the law of the universe actually formed such a miracle.

"This continent will become a holy place of cultivation."

Xia Ping blinked and realized that the boundless land was rapidly formed, creating a complete world at a speed visible to the naked eye. A huge world origin was brewed in the depths of the land, and its area covered the entire galaxy. Star domain.

It can be said that such a world, even if it is placed in the central universe, can be regarded as a giant world.

And it was born out of the four elephants, which will make the world very special.

Sometimes this is a disaster, but after the disaster is a chance, after the end is a new life.

He can perceive that the entire Milky Way star field is filled with the power of creation, the power of life and the power of creation, and the endless chaotic airflow flows in this star field.

"It’s incredible. It seems that this star field is really natural. It is just an ordinary star field here, but after such a change, it will become a holy place of cultivation, no worse than the world of the Central Universe, and it will Many resources of the universe have been born."

The green cow is also amazed.

"But the world wants to form at least a hundred years."

Xia Ping perceives that the world is slowly forming. This time will be very long. If you want people to live in it, it will take at least one hundred years.

"One hundred years is too short."

The green cow sighed, and for the immortal saint, time has lost any meaning.

"The world will be called the Yanhuang world in the future."

Xia Ping decided the name of this new birth world, which is the name of Yan Huangxing.

His eyes showed a glimmer of light, feeling that he saw the birth of a new world, seeing the flow of various laws of the universe, and it would be of great benefit to his future practice.

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