God Level Demon

Chapter 2200: Controversy

A few days later.

Xia Ping completely consolidated his own immortal cultivation and integrated his own surge of strength. It also ended the retreat of these days and benefited a lot.

He knows that the immortality is divided into three small realms, such as the initial, the middle, and the late, and now his cultivation should be in the realm of the early days of immortality, which is just the beginning of immortality.

However, these three small realms are only the gap between the mana and the soul power. They are not very huge between each other. As long as there is time to repair, anyone can be promoted to the late stage of immortality.

But if it is about combat effectiveness, he can sweep the immortality and even slap the wrist with the ancient saints.


At this time, Xia Ping also returned from the Shanhezhu space to the treasure house of the illusion, and exchanged positions with the cat fairy. It seems that there has been no major event in the past ten days, and it has always been calm.

There isn’t even any force to attack the illusion, as if nothing happened.

But he also knows that this must be the calm on the eve of the storm, and such a calm cannot be maintained for too long.

"Cat fairy, has there been any news about the Terran recently?"

Xia Ping asked, he knows that if the Terran wants to do something about the Magic, it is impossible to have no movement. If there is any clue, it should be able to detect it.

"There is nothing particularly big news, right. When it comes to this, there is really one. Recently, it seems that the ancestors of the Terran people intend to hold a saint-speaking conference and invite all saints to participate. This event is full of enthusiasm and spread. Many races in the universe, many saints are planning to participate."

The cat immortal remembered this.

"On the conference? Right, it is very clever, this is the trick of darkness."

When I heard this, Xia Ping’s eyes suddenly lit up.

If the Terran acts in secret, it will surely be found to be stupid by the extremely powerful Fantasy, but if it is a big move, this is a conspiracy, and the Fantasy will not be vigilant.

Because a saint-like conference like this is rare, but it is not without it. The sages of the illusion do not feel that something is wrong with this.

After all, they will never think about it. The Terran is relying on this sect of the General Assembly, but it is secretly dispatching troops, intending to concentrate on the troops and attack the illusion.

If this is not something that he controls, it is estimated that he will not want to get so much. He thinks that it is just an ordinary conference, and he will not think of other aspects.

It is estimated that the major ethnic saints who are attracted will not think of this. Obviously, now that the top leaders of the human race are deceiving themselves, only the core executives will know the plan.

"When will the conference be held?"

Xia Ping asked.

"After three days."

The cat fairy replied.

"After three days? It seems that you will soon be able to leave from the illusion of this place. This time you must take the opportunity to make a fortune." Xia Ping’s heart was determined, and the conference was held three days later, so the time from the Terran attack It may be after three days, even if it is late, it will not be too late.

Thinking of this, he was very reassuring to practice, waiting for the arrival of the human race to attack the illusion.


At this time, outside the courtyard where Xia Ping lived, there were several sneaky figures. Their faces were gloomy and they kept staring at the closed door. They were very reluctant.

"Awful, what is this Batty?" They have been practicing in the yard for ten days. They have never come out to walk once. He likes cultivation so much, don't need to take a break? Don't he know what it is called labor. The combination of Yi and the truth?" A figure is very reluctant, biting his teeth.

"Yeah, I was looking for a chance to deal with this Batty, killing the killer. I didn't expect this **** to give us any chance. If we continue this way, our mission will not be completed. At that time, the Minerva saint will be angry. We have to be executed one by one."

Another voice rang, apparently he was born in the Lanes family.

"No, I can't continue this way. If he has been staying in the outer hall of the treasure house, we can't find a chance to start with him. There is a strong ban on the law, and there will be any wind and grass, and it will be discovered by the guards here. When we die, there is no place to die."

"Yeah, this place can't be assassinated. At that time, it is not only possible to kill Batty, but it may also expose our identity and be killed by the guards here."

"But it doesn't work either, it doesn't work. Is it that the **** has been in the treasure house and is not at all?"

Several people talked about each other. They gnashed their teeth, but they could not find any way to deal with Xia Ping.

"No, maybe it's not impossible, but it costs a lot."

Someone suddenly said.

"What is the solution? Even if it is said to listen, no matter what the cost, it does not matter."

Other people are screaming.

"I heard that the deputy of the Treasury's outer hall, Fern, is an immortal saint who is very greedy. If we pay enough, we may ask him to shoot and kill Batty."

The man opened the door.

what? !

A few people are shocked in their hearts. They are also aware of what the other party said is a huge price. If you ask an immortal saint to take out, do not come up with enough treasures, how can the immortal saints be moved.

"Although it is very costly, I think it is worth it. If it is the deputy of the deputy, Fern, he can completely ruin Batty within the scope of the rules, and he can take all of us out and stay out of it."

The man looked at everyone.

Several people glanced at each other and saw each other's determination.

"You are right. If you ask the deputy of the main hall, Fern, it is really easy to kill Batty."

"Although it is very expensive to ask for an immortal saint, if you violate the orders of your ancestors, then the cost will be even greater. All of us will die."

"No way, I blame Batty for this slut, give us such a big trouble, and let the Lanes family be ashamed. This guy must die, otherwise our family will be dignified."

"Big bleeding is a big bleeding. Fortunately, before we destroyed several human kingdoms, we got a lot of treasures, just to give Fain a gift. I believe that so many treasures are in hand, and Finn will not refuse."

There are a lot of people talking about the Lanes family. They are sorely hurt. They feel that they have to send so many treasures to go out. It’s just that some people cut meat on them and they don’t want to live.

But in order to kill Batty, this is also a helpless thing.

Thinking of this, they hated Batty even more, and wanted to unload this guy.

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