God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1014: Aroused curiosity

Song Yun looked at Tang Miaomiao, and then at Shen Xue, and found that the expressions on the faces of both of them were very excited, as if they had picked up some treasure suddenly, which was really incomprehensible.

"I'm really curious, but it's just a courtyard. Why are you two so excited?"

Song Yun suddenly discovered that this matter was very suspicious. Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue's excitement was a bit too much. If they bought a limited-edition bag, they would have such excitement. It's normal, but nothing. Just bought a yard, it's totally unlikely to behave like this.



"I always think the reaction of the two of you is really a bit strange, what is going on?!"

Song Yun pondered for a while, no wonder he always felt that the whole thing was a bit wrong, it turned out that Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue were abnormally excited, and such a situation had never happened in memory.


"I knew you didn't know anything at all!"

Tang Miaomiao immediately understood that Song Yun really didn't know anything.

Song Yun was really confused at this moment, and the doubts in his heart became bigger and bigger.

"Could it be said that there is anything special about the yard that Li Fu holds?"

"Could it be said that that yard is very promising?!"

Song Yun knew that the problem must lie in this place, but he couldn't understand the special meaning of the courtyard in Li Fu's hands that would make Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue excited.


"As long as the thought of that yard belongs to us immediately, my little one will jump around!"



"After the yard is in my hands, I will definitely have to live the addiction!"


Song Yun looked at Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue who had already entered a state of nympho, the doubts in his heart grew bigger, but he knew that at this time, no matter what he asked, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue would never answer.

After Tang Miaomiao and Sun Xue drank a whole bottle of red wine, they left contentedly.

Song Yun stayed in the room alone, thinking, but still couldn't understand.

"What is so weird about that yard?"

"Why are Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue so excited?"

Song Yun originally wanted to search the Internet to see if he could find the answer, but just after taking out his cell phone, he suddenly found out that he didn't even know where the yard of Li Fu was or what the name was. In this way, there is no way to find it. I originally wanted to call Li Fu to ask about it, but looking at the time, it was already late at night, and it was totally unsuitable to do such a thing.

Song Yun was not particularly concerned about Li Fu’s yard, as Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue said before. No matter what point of view, Li Fu can’t change his mind. In other words It means that the yard is already in the bag. It doesn’t make any difference whether he succeeds one day earlier or one day later, but if Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue make such a fuss, he can’t wait to see what the yard grows as soon as possible. It seemed that he might be able to find some clues, but although he was anxious now, he had no choice but to wait for dawn.

Song Yun was lying on the bed with Li Fu’s yard in his head. He tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep in a daze. However, it seemed that the phone rang just after falling asleep. He picked it up and looked at it and found that it was Tang. Miao Miao called.

"What the **** is going on?!"

"Could it be that something happened?!"

Song Yun was shocked, and immediately answered the phone.

"Song Yun Song Yun!"

"Get up quickly!"

"Let's go see that yard!"

Tang Miaomiao's voice was very excited, very crisp and very spiritual.

Song Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and after agreeing, he hung up the phone and checked the time on the phone and found that it was less than 6 o'clock.

"These two girls are crazy!"

Song Yun screamed, because of the yard, he fell asleep late last night, and now he was awakened so early, he wanted his life.

Song Yun had no choice but to get up from the bed. He knew that since Miao Miao had already called, he couldn't continue to sleep anyway. Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue would definitely have to knock on their door and pretend to be It's useless to die.

Just after Song Yun washed his face and brushed his teeth, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue were already knocking on the door, sighing, quickly changed their clothes, and followed them and left the hotel.

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