God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1015: The only worry

"What's the secret in that yard?"

"Can you two tell me now?"

Song Yun started to ask Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue when he had breakfast, but the two of them ignored it at all, obviously deliberately.

Song Yun sighed. If Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue were unwilling to answer, there was nothing he could do with them.

When Song Yun reached the end, he simply did not speak at all, knowing that all questions were for nothing.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue are very proud. This is definitely the first time to see Song Yun being so curious about something. There are very few opportunities for this. You must appreciate Song Yun’s look at this time and pass the village. There is no such shop.

"I said it is too early at this time?!"

"Old Mr. Li Fuli, he shouldn't get up yet, right?"

After Song Yun finished his breakfast, he was immediately pulled into a taxi by Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue. It was only seven o'clock at this time, the bustling city, at this time, he just just woke up. Li Fu must have been there last night. Studying the tables and stools, it is impossible to go to bed early. You should not get up at this time. If you want to see the yard, you have to call Li Fu. This is really not very polite.

"We can go and see the yard first, and wait until the time is almost up before calling Li Fu."

Tang Miaomiao had already considered this matter.

Song Yun's eyeballs almost fell to the ground this time, and the landlord didn't go, how could it be possible to see the house? Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue's operation was really incredible.

Song Yun immediately said his doubts.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue ignored Song Yun at all. After getting in the taxi, they immediately said an address.


"This is really crazy!"

Song Yun knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, and it was impossible for Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue to listen to them.

Song Yun did not speak all the way, and became more and more curious in his heart. Neither Tang Miaomiao nor Shen Xue was a person who had never seen the world. One thing wanted to make them so excited, it was even possible that they were two people last night. After returning to the room, I didn't sleep at all. It was definitely not easy.

An hour later, the taxi stopped in an old town.

After getting out of the car, Song Yun looked around and found that they were all old buildings. They seemed to be well preserved, at least they didn’t feel like run-down, and it could even be seen that many of the buildings were carefully crafted. Repair.

"Could it be said that this place will be preserved on purpose?!"

Song Yun immediately thought of this possibility. In the early years of the development of the city, everything was ignored. As long as it was dilapidated places, all of them were demolished and high-rise buildings were built. This kind of thing happened continuously in various cities throughout China. In recent years, people’s understanding has undergone a fundamental change. They feel that if an ancient building can be preserved in a modern city, it will enhance the cultural connotation of the entire city. People are beginning to pay attention to the protection of ancient buildings. The area in front of you is well organized and very likely. It is because of this policy.

"Song Yun, this is indeed the case. This whole piece is an ancient building. At least it must have a history of more than 100 years. Moreover, this piece of ancient building is protected. The existing policy has clearly stated that this piece Where modern development cannot be carried out."

Tang Miaomiao is very familiar with this place. He studied it a few years ago, and even planned to buy a small yard here, but he has never had the opportunity to have the property rights of such a place. I didn’t want to make a move at all. This time I came here just for antiques. What I didn’t expect was that there would be such an unexpected gain. I don’t need to say that the yard in Li Meifu’s hands is not an ordinary small yard, let alone what it is. Ten million, even if one billion can be bought, she is willing to pay for it.


"If there is such a policy, it is definitely a very good thing."

Song Yun raised his eyebrows, and when he bought an ancient building, the biggest problem was the change in policy. If things like old city renovation happen, no one can do it, especially if a lot of time and money are spent. There is also painstaking effort to repair, and it is absolutely necessary to vomit blood when encountering such a thing. Now that Tang Miaomiao said that, the only worry in his heart disappeared, and the whole person immediately became excited.

"Tang Miaomiao, do you know where is the yard that Li Fu is going to sell to us?!"

Song Yun asked as he followed Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, he did not think of this question on the way.

"of course I know!"

"If I didn't know, how could I come here stupidly?!"

Tang Miaomiao turned to look at Song Yun while walking forward.

Song Yun didn't know what to say. She felt that Tang Miaomiao's eyes looked like a fool when she looked at her just now, but when you think about it, Tang Miaomiao's words are not wrong at all, if you don't know where the yard is. How could I come to this place? I definitely asked a fool to ask questions.

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