God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1034: Will it be amazing? !

"How much is something like this worth?"

"Nanhong is actually southern red agate. To put it plainly, it is a kind of agate."

"In ancient times, this kind of thing was called red jade. The top-quality southern red agate has a fine and oily texture. Even in ancient times, southern red agate was used as a medicine and was considered to nourish the heart and blood. "

"At the same time, the output of the true top quality southern red agate is very low. The most important site is in Baoding, China. The key problem is that not only its output is very low, but also the mining is now banned, which means it will not There are new rough stones of southern red agate, and by virtue of this alone, its price is very incredible."

"Southern Red Agate is a very rare material for carving, which can be used to carve into a variety of artworks. At the same time, because of its all-red color, it is extremely popular in China."

"Shen Xue, the piece you are holding, although it looks like it is the size of a fist, there is no problem at all in changing to a luxury car."

Tang Miaomiao briefly introduced the situation of southern red agate.

Shen Xue couldn't help being surprised. She couldn't help but lower her head to look at the fist-sized piece of southern red rough in her hand. Of course, the luxury car Tang Miaomiao said was not the kind of hundreds of thousands, that's it. You can buy a luxury car with a small piece of stuff. The price is really incredible.

"The real top grade southern red agate rough stone is basically out of sight in the market now."

"Take out this small piece of your hand. If it is discovered by the top domestic carving experts, I think they will go crazy."

Tang Miaomiao walked to a piece while talking, stretched out his hand on the edge of the football-sized Nanhongma stone and patted it gently.

"If such a large piece of collectors and sculptors appeared in the market, they would really fight, and the price would eventually soar to what extent, no one can say."

Tang Miaomiao is not Shen Xue. He knows the market very well. He knows that Nanhong rough stones are very scarce in the market now, especially this kind of top quality, not to mention, the Nanhong knocked out in this yard is enough to hold a truck. , Such a quantity is really terrifying, I can't imagine how much it can sell in the end.

"Could it be said that we really made a fortune this time?!"

Shen Xue finally had an intuitive imagination about the value of the pile of stones in the yard.

"Make a fortune?!"

"This can no longer be described as making a big fortune. It is the kind that makes it unclear, even if you can't imagine the number in your sleep."

Miao Miao said, shaking his head all the time, Song Yun was really lucky, and it would be hard for such a person not to get rich.

"Song Yun, these stones are all pried out, what do you plan to do next?!"

"We have to find a place to put these stones away at this time. We can't let them all stay in the open air, right?!"

After Tang Miaomiao finished speaking, he didn't hear the answer for a long time. He was a little curious. He turned around and took a look. He found Song Yun standing in the corner of the wall facing a small rockery. Standing motionless, it looked like it should have been for a while, and he didn't even hear what he had just said.

Tang Miaomiao walked over and patted Song Yun's shoulder gently.

"Song Yun, what's wrong with you?!"

"Why are you standing here without moving?!"

Tang Miaomiao was very curious.

"Sister Tang, if you say that this rockery is a whole piece of southern red rough stone, what price can it sell?!"

Tang Miaomiao was startled, his eyes suddenly became bigger.

"Song Yun what did you say?!"

Han Miaomiao stared at the rockery right in front of him. It was not particularly high, but it was definitely more than 1.5 meters. The entire rockery was cone-shaped, with a small top and a large bottom. The small part was about 50 cm in diameter. The largest place should be more than two meters in diameter. Such a small rockery, if it is really a southern red rough stone, especially if it is a complete piece, will definitely shake the world.

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