God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1035: Shocked!

"Song Yun, don't you want to scare me?"

"Such a rockery, if it were really a complete southern red rough stone, it would definitely scare people to death!"

Tang Miaomiao felt that her whole person was trembling slightly. She was not at all excited at this moment, but felt very scared, a huge fear in shock.

Song Yun turned his head calmly and looked at Tang Miaomiao who was standing next to him.

"Sister Tang doesn't need to be so excited. I'm just talking about it. I don't know if it's true or not."

Song Yun felt that Tang Miaomiao was a little too excited, and simply relieved his pressure.


"Didn't you have determined that this rockery is the southern red rough stone?"

Tang Miaomiao was stunned.

"When did I say something like this??!"

"What I just said was what would happen if this rockery was the southern red rough stone. I have never said that this rockery is the southern red rough stone."

Song Yun shook his head.

Tang Miaomiao immediately relaxed, glared at Song Yun, and neatly lifted his foot and kicked it.

Song Yun had been prepared for this and had been paying attention to Tang Miaomiao's movements, and immediately stepped back and avoided Tang Miaomiao's feet.


"Are you deliberately fooling me?"

Tang Miaomiao was so angry that he was agitated just now. If he had a heart attack, he would only be so angry. Maybe he would have to faint.

"Sister Tang, don't you think this rockery is very strange?!"

"This yard is not big. There is no need to build a rockery of this size. You must know that according to the scale of this yard, it should be just some ordinary people living in it. Generally speaking, there is no interest in it. Planting a small rockery in this place, even if you want to set up a small exhibition in this place, at least there must be some other supporting things, it is impossible to pile a stone here in the corner, it is totally unreasonable, even more Needless to say, if you take a closer look at this rockery, you will find that this is simply a product of Flicker, and the workmanship is really bad."

Song Yun didn’t see any light on this rockery. Originally, he didn’t notice the rockery. There was nothing about the light. You are not worth paying attention to. I just accidentally discovered that this rockery is a little bit It's not too righteous. After careful research, I found that it is really getting more and more abnormal, and I feel more and more confused.

Tang Miaomiao calmed down, until Song Yun said that it was absolutely targeted. If it hadn't found something wrong, he would definitely not say it, and it would definitely not be possible to make jokes about things like this.

Tang Miaomiao carefully observed the rockery in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the Holy Spirit’s words were reasonable. The whole prize of 300 yuan was very unreasonable here, and the more important thing was really too rough. It was just a big piece of it from the wild. Then put a little something on it, and set up a few small pavilions on it, nothing more.

"Weird, weird, really weird!"

"Song Yun, there is nothing wrong with what you said. This rockery is placed here, and the workmanship of this rockery is really rough!"

After watching for a few minutes, Tang Miaomiao agreed with Song Yun's judgment.

"What are you two whispering here?"

Shen Xue walked to Tang Miaomiao and Song Yun's side, still holding the stone she had just held in her hand, and tossed it from top to bottom, looking very proud.

"Song Yun told me just now that this rockery is likely to be a whole piece of southern red rough."

Tang Miaomiao pointed to the rockery in front of him.


"What are you talking about?!"

The southern red rough stone in Shen Xue's hand had just been thrown up, shocked. With his hands and feet in a mess, there was no contact at all, and it directly hit the ground, almost hitting her own foot.

"You two are fooling me?!"

"Such a rockery is a southern red rough stone?! Doesn't this have to be earth-shattering?!"

Shen Xue was really shocked.

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