God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1045: Buy a villa? !


"I think the houses in the community are very good. There is no need to buy a villa?!"

Song Yun shook his head. He didn't need to think about money at all. No matter how much money, he could afford it now. He simply felt that the villa was unnecessary.

"no need?!"

"Oh my God! Why would you feel unnecessary?"

Shen Xue looked at Song Yun incredulously. She felt that what Song Yun had said was nothing short of a fantasy.

"Yes, Song Yun, why do you think it is unnecessary to buy a villa?"

Tang Miaomiao is also very incredible. She really did not expect Song Yun to say something like this. If there is no money, it makes sense. The crux of the problem is that Song Yun’s money cannot be spent now. The villa is definitely better than the community. The house is much more comfortable. There is no doubt about it. In this way, you must buy a villa.

"No way?!"

"So, both of you think you should buy a villa. Why is that?"

Song Yun saw Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao's reaction like this, and immediately knew what he thought, there must be something wrong.

"Does this need to be said?"

"Villas are definitely much more comfortable than residential housing. The villas are high-end residential areas with a very good environment and very low density. It will definitely be more comfortable to live in such a place. There is no doubt that you are not at all. Lack of money, why not make yourself more comfortable if you are like this?!"

Shen Xue really didn't understand why Song Yun felt that he shouldn't buy a villa.

"Shen Xue is right. The villa is indeed more comfortable. If you have money, you must buy a villa. Another more important reason is that the space of the villa is very large and there will be more houses. If it is an average person, maybe It’s not a special need yet, but don’t forget, Song Yun, you play collecting. Even if you don’t have a hobby of collecting right now, you have to have a place to put the antiques that you missed back, or maybe a few years. Later, you will collect some antiques by yourself. In either case, you need a huge space. It is impossible for an ordinary residential house to have such a large space. The only possibility is a villa."

"In my opinion, you not only need to buy a villa, but you also have to buy a big villa, the bigger the better."

Tang Miaomiao felt that the more important reason Song Yun should buy a villa was to have enough space for antiques. This is a real problem that Song Yun is facing now. The house in the community has no way to solve this problem.

"You must put some antiques in your house. These antiques are definitely of the priceless category. In this way, safety is an issue that must be considered. If it is a residential house, even if you have money. There is also no way to pay full attention to security. If the villa is completely different, you can install some of the world’s highest-level anti-theft systems here. In this way, you don’t have to worry about being stolen if you put some antiques, at least for safety. Sexuality can be guaranteed to the utmost extent."

Song Yun's heart moved.

The reason Shen Xue said was not in his heart. Of course, the villa is more comfortable than the house in the community. You don’t need to say more about this. It’s just that for yourself, the house in the community is enough. People who play collection are likely to run around. There is a house in a community that is very sufficient, but Tang Miaomiao's reasons are deeply moved.

"Sister Tang, what you said makes sense, maybe I really need to buy a villa!"

Song Yun thought about it for a while, and finally nodded. The villa really has an unparalleled advantage in terms of space. At the same time, the single-family villa can be handled by itself, whether it is decoration or installation. The anti-theft system has enough space for display. Not every one of the antiques that I have picked up will be sold immediately, and most of them will remain in my hands. The current solution is to put them in professional insurance companies. , But it’s impossible to put everything in the insurance company. If you buy a villa and install an advanced anti-theft system, it can of course be used to place and collect antiques, especially as time goes by, you can pick up and miss it yourself. There are more and more antiques, and a safe place is really needed. Considering all aspects, the villa is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Song Yun, this decision of yours is undoubtedly wise. It is indeed necessary to buy a villa."

Shen Xue was very happy to see Song Yun made the right decision.

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