God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1046: convince

"Song Yun!"

"If you are buying a villa, I have a very good suggestion."

"The villas in Ninghua City are the most upscale place. The villas there are all single-family. The key thing is that each villa has five floors and covers a very large area. I think such a place It definitely suits your requirements."

Tang Miaomiao was full of enthusiasm, and immediately introduced to Song Yun the top villa community in Ninghua City.

Song Yun found that Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue had been extremely excited since they heard that they wanted to buy a house, even more excited than their own buyers.

"Sister Tang, Sister Tang!"

"Can you calm down?"

"I bought the house, not you and Shen Xue."

Song Yun couldn't help but reminded Tang Miaomiao very simply.

"It's not wrong for you to buy a house, but you are not particularly familiar with the situation in Ninghua City. Of course I have to give you some advice."

Tang Miaomiao waved his little hand, taking it for granted.

"Song Yun, you have to buy a house that is such a big deal. As your real good girlfriends, of course we must provide sufficient advice."

"The villa complex that Tang Miaomiao just said is very good. I think that is definitely the only choice."

Shen Xue obviously supports Tang Miaomiao.


"I said how do you two know so much about the same villa community?!"

Song Yun suddenly realized this problem.

"What's so strange about this?"

"That villa complex is very famous in our Ninghua City. Of course we have to go and see it. It is really very good. If it is not like this, how can we recommend it to you?"

Tang Miaomiao pointed to Shen Xue while talking.

"Shen Xue also thinks that the villa's community is very good. I don't think you have anything to consider. Go back to Ninghua City to see the villa. Even I think you don't need to see it at all, just buy it directly, absolutely not. Wrong."

Song Yun was really speechless this time, Tang Miaomiao definitely entered the role and directly decided the matter.

"Is that villa really so good?!"

"Is it impossible?!"

Song Yun didn't quite believe it.


"Unseen guy!"

"Ninghua City and even the entire Huaxia rich people buy villas there. Do you think the villas there will be bad?!"

Tang Miaomiao gave Song Yun a little contempt.

Song Yun really has nothing to say. If things are really like what Tang Miaomiao said, it can definitely prove that the villa is not only good but very good.

"Song Yun!"

"That villa complex is really incredible!"

"Not to mention the environment, it is absolutely top-notch, not to mention that in Ninghua City, even in the entire China and even in the entire world, it is a first-class existence."

"While having a first-class environment, the most important thing is that the villa is really very big. The villa covers an area of ​​more than 300 square meters and has a total of 5 floors. You can imagine how big a villa is. It can be regarded as a small castle. Each villa has large grasslands and gardens at the front and back. The smallest one is more than two acres, not to mention some huge villas, even more than 5 acres. What do you think of such a villa, such a huge space, enough for you to collect a large amount of antiques, in a sense, it can definitely be regarded as tailor-made for you, which best meets your requirements."

Shen Xue is obviously very familiar with the villas in the villa community, and at the same time very interested. If it is not like this, it is impossible to be so familiar with the situation, and it is even more impossible to recommend it so strongly.


"If you say it like this, I can't even think about it!"

"It seems that after going back to Ninghua City, I have to buy a villa like this!"

Song Yun realized that he was almost convinced by Shen Xue and Tang Miaomiao.

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