God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1079: Capitalize a word of service on the forehead

Sun Guohua and Ma Dali did not know that Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan were behind them, and happily returned to Song Yun with antiques. The missing antiques were appraised by Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan, which is sufficient to prove Song Yun. There is no problem with his eyesight.

"Teacher Song, see if we bought all the three antiques you mentioned."

Sun Guohua walked quickly to Song Yun and raised the antique in his hand. The people holding the antique in the two hands behind did the same. Everyone’s face was full of excitement. Obviously Their hearts were extremely excited.

Song Yun took a look and found that there was nothing wrong with the purchase, that is, the three antiques he said. After asking, it cost less than 10,000 yuan, so he bought all these antiques and gave a thumbs up. Like, people like Sun Guohua are indeed in business. In terms of bargaining or pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, they are absolutely top-notch. The stall owners of those stalls simply can't help them.

"Teacher Song, here are the antiques. We are going to buy these antiques, just to enjoy the fun of picking up the leaks."

Sun Guohua handed the antique to Song Yun.


"You bought these antiques with money. They are yours. You don't need to give them to me."

Song Yun smiled and shook his head to refuse.

"How can this work?!"

"Although we bought these antiques with money, if it wasn't for Teacher Song that you told us which antiques are real, we wouldn't be able to buy them. In the final analysis, these antiques are still yours."

Sun Guohua immediately refused.

No matter what Song Yun said, Sun Guohua and the others were unwilling to accept it.

"In this way, although I pointed out that antiques are real things, after all, you paid to buy them. According to the rules in the antique shop, everyone worked hard. They simply added two to five, an antique. , Later you find a place to sell it, and we will share it equally."

Song Yun proposed a solution to the problem. Sun Guohua and the others wanted to shirk, but they knew that if they didn’t even accept such a solution, the matter would not be resolved at all. They would just be someone who didn’t lack the money. Everyone does not want to take advantage.


"Teacher Song, we won't be polite to you. There are still many opportunities for you to deal with in the future. If this matter continues to be pushed back here today, it would seem too virgin."

Sun Guohua nodded and agreed to Ma Dali and others.

"It's getting late now. Let's continue shopping to see if we can find real good things."

Song Yun laughed, and continued to move forward while talking, and Sun Guohua and others immediately followed.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue had not spoken. Seeing the situation before them, they knew that Sun Guohua and others had been subdued by Song Yun. The things that happened today were quickly spread through their mouths. This was definitely the most ideal result.

"It seems that these people are convinced by Song Yun now!"

Tang Miaomiao glanced at Sun Guohua and the others who surrounded Song Yun in the middle. This time is actually completely different from when it just started. When they first came to the ghost market, Sun Guohua and Ma Dali squeezed beside Song Yun. , Their main purpose is to see clearly how Song Yun picked up the omissions. To put it bluntly, there were doubts in their hearts at that time, and they did not believe that Song Yun really had such abilities, but they are different now. Although they are also in Song Yun By his side, but it is definitely a posture of Song Yun looking forward to the horse. There is an essential difference between the two.

"no problem!"

"This is something that must happen!"

"In the antique collection circle, the one who can miss out is the boss!"

"No matter how you brag, it's useless. It's the donkey that pulled out for a walk. Song Yun led them to pick it up. It's so simple and easy, not to mention, just pretending to be a force!"

"Now it seems that the effect is extremely good!"

Shen Xue looked at Song Yun with a smile. This is definitely the number one killer of Treasure Pavilion, but this is not surprising. Picking up and leaking in the antique collection circle is so devastating that no one can resist it, regardless of whether Sun Guohua is here. How awesome in other fields, as long as they like to play antiques, they can only write a word of clothing on their foreheads in front of people who can pick them up.

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