God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1080: Good luck for newbies? !

Song Yun took Sun Guohua and the others 200 meters forward, frowning.

"Boss Sun, I don't think I had too much luck today. There seems to be nothing interesting to choose from. I think it's better for you to choose a direction?!"

"Which direction do you think there are good antiques, just go in which direction, let's try to see if we can pick up a big leak!"

Song Yun stopped and turned to look at Sun Guohua, Ma Dali and others.

"Teacher Song, how do I listen to what you mean? The antique that I found just now is just too valuable, so you don't want to buy it too much?!"

Sun Guohua immediately heard what Song Yunhua meant.


"There isn't much to discover, but it's just a million-dollar antique. Put this kind of thing out first, and we can look back and find time before buying it!"

"The most important thing for us now is to seize the time to see if we can pick up a tens of millions of antiques. Only such antiques can prevent us from coming in vain today."

Song Yun waved his hand and said indifferently.

Sun Guohua and Ma Dali, please look at me and I will look at you. I can’t help but feel a sense of helplessness in my heart. I have been playing antiques for several years and spent thousands of dollars on each of them. I don’t know how many places I have visited, such as ghost markets and antique shops. I have never picked up any small leaks. There are many opportunities to be slaughtered as water fish by others. Song Yun will follow Good antiques can be found casually, and one hundred and hundreds of thousands of antiques are simply ignored. The gap between people is really too big.

Sun Guohua, Ma Dali and others have no opinion on Song Yun’s request. For those who play antiques or those who want to pick up leaks, luck is often a very important part. They discussed and selected a small The street, continue to go forward, is a completely different direction from the place Song Yun chose before.

Song Yun chatted slowly with Sun Guohua and the others, while continuing to move forward, constantly scanning the small stall next to him.

"It's weird!"

"Could it be that Sun Guohua's luck is really so good?"

When Song Yun passed by a small stall, he couldn't help but muttered in his heart. He said just now that he actually had a careful thought, that is, after Sun Guohua and the others go back, they will definitely wonder if all this is their own bad situation, but If they were allowed to choose a direction to shop for antiques, they would no longer have such suspicions. The crux of the problem was that they had walked such a long way just now and did not find any good antiques at all, but Sun Guohua and the others chose After a new direction, I just walked forward. In just 50 meters, I have found an antique that has exceeded 10 million. This kind of luck really makes people wonder how to explain.

Sun Guohua and others had been walking by Song Yun's side. They immediately noticed that when Song Yun was passing a small stall, the movement of his feet paused. Although it was not particularly obvious, they had been paying attention to Song Yun's movements. They found that, more importantly, they found that Song Yun's eyes stayed on a small stall for a while.

Sun Guohua was a little anxious when he saw this, and immediately wanted to ask what was going on, but before he could open his mouth, he was waved and looked at by Song Yun, and the flower was swallowed abruptly to his mouth. He knew Song Yun just told himself not to speak, for fear of attracting the attention of the stall holder.

Sun Guohua felt his heart beating quickly, as if someone was pinching his heart with his hand and squeezing it very hard. He was almost out of breath, and his face was flushed even more. I managed to control my emotions. I took a few deep breaths. I didn’t dare to stay where I was. I was afraid that I might show my horse’s feet. I hurried forward. Ma Dali and Sun Guohua were almost exactly the same. Everyone realized it happened. No matter what, at the same time knowing that I can't control my emotions and behavior, the only way is to go forward immediately and leave this place quickly.

Song Yun smiled. People like Sun Guohua just heard about the antiques they discovered, but they were able to live calmly when they were only a few hundred thousand dollars. Now they found antiques of tens of millions, so they couldn't be calm at all. , This is not surprising, in the final analysis, it is all about money, and the gap between one hundred and hundreds of thousands and tens of millions is very large.

Song Yun walked more than ten meters forward, and there was already a distance from the stall. Sun Guohua and the others are so excited at this time. If they go to the stall to buy antiques, they will definitely show their feet and let Tang Miaomiao and he Shen Xue went with two of them. Shen Xue would be very excited when faced with this situation, but now there is no problem. The most important thing is that the tens of millions of antiques are no longer in her eyes. If it were the previous yard Only the situation of Nanhong Rough Stone was found inside, which made him excited.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue went to the stall that Song Yun said under the gaze of Sun Guohua and others. After a bargain, they bought an antique.

When Song Yun saw it succeeded, he immediately turned around and left. Sun Guohua and others saw this and left immediately.

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