God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1096: Become a joke!

Jiang Guangming looked at Zhou Dongshan and found that he wanted to continue talking, so he waved to interrupt.

"Needless to say what is going on with so much, we know very well that now we still have to continue to do one thing, and that is to call Song Yun and ask him to eat."

Jiang Guangming knew very well that no matter how beautiful Zhou Dongshan said, facts are facts. He and Zhou Dongshan fled in battle, and there is no point in saying more.



"Why do we call Song Yun at this time and invite him to dinner?"

Zhou Dongshan was completely dumbfounded, Jiang Guangming’s statement was completely unexpected, and he did not know what the reason was. For Jiang Guangming to make such a decision, it is clear that Song Yun is already incompatible with Song Yun. Failure to continue dealing with Song Yun does not mean There is no contradiction between everyone, but it is really compelling.


"Zhou Dongshan, do you really have no brains? If we don't call Song Yun and ask him to have a meal, what if he continues to think we are dealing with him?!"

Jiang Guangming glared at Zhou Dongshan fiercely, not even thinking about such a problem.

"Do you really want to make a call like this?!"

Zhou Dongshan immediately understood that Jiang Guangming's remarks made sense. If he didn't make such a phone call, if someone continued to deal with Song Yun, he would definitely doubt himself and Jiang Guangming.

"You don't need to make this call, I'll make it, but I'm not calling Song Yun directly."

Jiang Guangming shook his head. He had already fallen out with Song Yun before. If he called Song Yun at this time, he would obviously bow his head and admit defeat, and he couldn't pull his face down.

"I'll call Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng and let them convey it for me!"

Jiang Guangming expressed his thoughts.

"Does this really work?!"

"Will Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng understand what we mean?"

After Zhou Dongshan wanted to understand that he had to call Song Yun, he heard that Jiang Guangming didn't call Song Yun directly, but began to worry about gains and losses.


"How can veterans like Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng not understand what we mean?"

"We just used the mouths of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng to convey our meaning, which shows that we will not take action against Song Yun. If Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion encounter something, it has nothing to do with us. That's it, do you really want to eat with Song Yun?!"

Jiang Guangming looked at Zhou Dongshan coldly and invited Song Yun to dinner, but just showed his attitude, it is impossible to take action.

Zhou Dongshan's face blushed.

"Eating with Song Yun?!"

"I will never eat with this kid!"

"Even if he wants to invite me to dinner, I won't agree!"

Zhou Dongshan immediately shook his head.

Jiang Guangming knew that Zhou Dongshan was a hard-boiled duck. Zhou Dongshan would definitely not call Song Yun, but if Song Yun really called to ask for dinner, Zhou Dongshan might not refuse, at least he would not resolutely refuse. They are all old friends who have known each other for many years. People who know each other are very clear. Zhou Dongshan must be afraid that Song Yun will really appraise antiques for Sun Guohua and others at this time. He said something that should not be said. If there is a chance, he can talk to Song Yun. Repair the relationship, Zhou Dongshan will never let it go.

"In short, after this time, the status of the two of us in the circle will definitely drop significantly, and the reputation of the two of us will definitely be greatly affected."

"This is not the first time we back down, but the second time we back down."

Jiang Guangming's heart was full of bitterness.

When Song Yun bought a large number of antiques before, he had already let out the wind to deal with Song Yun, but things didn’t stop. Now it’s coming again. The last time he became a laughingstock in the circle, plus this time, he And Zhou Dongshan has become a joke.

Zhou Dongshan was silent. He suddenly realized that he only wanted to do one thing at this time, and that was drinking, and he had to be drunk.

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