God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1097: Surprised

Zhu Deyuan looked at the mobile phone in his hand with a surprised look. Opposite him was Xu Desheng. The two of them were very boring at home. They simply went to the Treasure Pavilion to drink tea and chat. If it is normal, Song Yun might describe it next to him. In the shop, but at this time, none of them are there, and Jumbo Pavilion hasn't opened the door for business these days, it seems very quiet.

"Old man Zhu, who do you want to show your surprised look on?"

"Which person is calling?"

Xu Desheng saw that Zhu Deyuan finished a call, his expression on his face was very colorful, and he did not return to normal for a while. He was very strange in his heart. He knew that this kind of thing must be related to the person who called and said. I am really curious about the matter.

"You can't figure out which one called us."

Zhu Deyuan said as he put the phone back in his pocket.


"What's so hard to guess about this kind of thing?"

"Even though you have made friends all over the world and you know a lot of people, any one of them may call you, but if you talk about calling you only under the current situation, and it shocks you, there is only one person. To be precise, there are only two people, Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan."

Xu Desheng made no effort and immediately put the suspects on Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan.

Zhu Deyuan gave a thumbs up at Xu Desheng. He was too rich in experience, and he got it right in one guess.

"Can you guess the call from Jiang Guangming and why he called? If you can even guess this, I am absolutely admired."

Xu Desheng frowned, thought for a while, and shook his head. He could guess that it was Jiang Guangming's call, but Jiang Guangming's purpose was not so easy to guess.

"Jiang Guangming said let me tell Song Yun to see if there is time to have a meal together, and he treats him."

Zhu Deyuan didn't sell the pass, so he spoke Jiang Guangming's words neatly.

"No way?!"

"How could there be such a thing?!"

"Did the sun come out from the west? How could Jiang Guangming call and ask Song Yun to eat?!"

Xu Desheng looked shocked. He didn't expect Jiang Guangming to call Zhu Deyuan to talk about this kind of thing. Now the two people are clearly in conflict. If they meet, they may have to fight. Jiang Guangming actually said to invite Song. Eating from the cloud is simply a horror of the world.

"You feel incredible, don't you??!"

"I also feel very incredible!"

"How could something like this happen?!"

"Is Jiang Guangming's brain broken?"

"How could he say something like this?"

Zhu Deyuan patted his forehead vigorously, this matter is really totally unintelligible.

"Jiang Guangming's brain is definitely not bad. On the contrary, this little old man is very shrewd. He must have a purpose to say such words. We must have a good guess."

Xu Desheng and Jiang Guangming have known each other for a long time and have been friends for many years. They know very well that Jiang Guangming is actually a very smart person. He definitely has ideas to do something like this, and it cannot be aimless.

Zhu Deyuan knew that what Xu Desheng said was not wrong at all. Jiang Guangming called at this time, especially when he wanted to invite Song Yun to dinner. This incident was strange inside and out. It was totally unreasonable. It must be done well. Ponder and ponder.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng returned to Ninghua City. To put it bluntly, they just didn’t want to mix things up between Song Yun and Jiang Guangming. They didn’t expect that they just came to the treasure pavilion for a cup of tea, but they encountered this. One thing about the son is that no matter where you are, it is impossible to completely break away from the relationship, and now things have come to the door.

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