God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1103: Things happen quickly

"I'm thinking about one thing now, that is, after our Jumbo Pavilion moves here, it will definitely become the most pretending antique shop in the entire antique industry."

Shen Xue imagined it for a moment, and found that it was really like this. A courtyard of an ancient building bought for tens of millions, plus 100 million dollars of money to complete the repair, it is absolutely impossible to have a second antique shop in such a shop .

"Isn't this what we want to see?"

Tang Miaomiao is also very excited. In fact, neither she nor Shen Xue are strictly speaking people who lack money. More importantly, if you want to succeed in your career and open an antique shop, you certainly want your own shop. It is even more classy, ​​and I hope to be more powerful. It is absolutely unprecedented to open an antique shop with a restored ancient building.

Song Yun saw that Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue were so excited, and he was also very happy. Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue were not short of money. Of course, he was also not short of money. The antiques he had picked up and missed had already made him no shortage of food for ten lifetimes. He Chuan, his current goal is actually no different from Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, that is, he hopes to run a century-old store, and hope that Zhenbao Pavilion has the highest status in the antique collection circle. In fact, if it hadn’t been like this If you have an ideal and goal, you don’t need to open a store at all. Relying on your ability to pick things up, it makes no difference whether you open a store or not.

"There is really only one thing we have to do now, and that is to quickly tidy up the yard. In fact, I really look forward to that day."

Song Yun imagined it for a moment and found that he was really looking forward to it more and more.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue were talking about the sky while discussing the treasure pavilion. They were very excited about some situations when they moved here in the future. What we don’t know is that there are two other people who are currently discussing them. .

Shi Tiezhu and Shi Xiaozhu were sitting on the edge of the tea seat in the antique shop. Shi Xiaozhu took a sip of tea and looked up. Sitting on Shi Tiezhu opposite to him, he saw Shi Tiezhu ignored him, bowed his head and took a sip of tea, then raised his head. I started to look at Shi Tiezhu, but found that I didn't pay any attention. I could only lower my head and continue drinking tea. After going back and forth several times, I finally couldn't help it.


"What the **** is wrong with you? Why do you start in a daze after arriving here early in the morning?!"

Shi Xiaozhu really didn't understand why Shi Tiezhu behaved like this. His behavior for a few days was very weird. Then there must be something. It is like this again today. How can I bear it?

"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion."

Shi Tiezhu didn't conceal it, so he said it directly.


"Still entangled in this matter, haven't we discussed it before? And we have already determined how to deal with this matter?"

Shi Xiaozhu frowned. The first two people had discussed this matter, but he didn't expect that Shi Tiezhu was still struggling with this matter until now. It seems that the behavior has been weird these days because of this matter.


"Before was before, now is now, and the current situation is different from the previous situation. Is the way to deal with it the same?!"

In the past few days, Shi Tiezhu was very entangled with Song Yun and Zhenbaoge's affairs. Even last night, he didn't sleep well. He was in a very depressed mood. When he heard Shi Xiaozhu say this at this time, he would naturally not be polite.


"Although the situation is indeed a bit different, if we can do more things, it is basically impossible. There is no point in entangled in this matter."

Shi Xiaozhu was a little dumbfounded. In the past few days, there have indeed been a lot of things about Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion in the circle. He has heard about it.


"What do you think about Song Yun and Sun Guohua?"

What Shi Tiezhu is most worried about now is that on the surface it seems that Song Yun met a wealthy buyer, but the matter is far from that simple. The most important thing is that Song Yun exposed his hand in front of Sun Guohua and used Needless to say, Sun Guohua must have been convinced, and the next thing must be like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger.

Shi Tiezhu was actually prepared for the huge impact on the local antique market after Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion moved here, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. He always felt that things should happen after Zhenbao Pavilion moved here. It will happen. With such a period of time as a buffer, both you and your antique shop can be fully prepared. It seems that you are too optimistic now, and things happen much faster than you think.

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