God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1104: Worried Stone Iron Pillar

"It's going to be raining, Niang will marry, no one can stop such a thing."

"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion want to move here, to take root here, to grow and grow, they must find ways to develop their own customers."

"Big buyers like Sun Guohua are very important, and it is normal for Song Yun to start with people like this."

"This is no surprise."

"People like Sun Guohua who have no money in their hands are the most important shareholder buyers. At the same time, Sun Guohua's circle is full of rich people. As long as Sun Guohua can be convinced and recognized, he can use Sun Guohua's mouth to spread the whole thing directly. It has a snowball effect."

"From the news coming out now, Song Yun has undoubtedly succeeded."

Of course, it is impossible for Shi Xiaozhu not to have heard of this. Now this thing has been spread all over the antique collection circle. If you still turn a deaf ear to it, you can simply close the antique shop.


"This matter can't be used, you explain it to me, I only ask you one question, that is, after Song Yun and Sun Guohua got in touch, will there be any impact on our antique shop?!"

Shi Tiezhu has been pondering this matter over the past few days. After Song Yun has contacted people like Sun Guohua, it will not take long for him to have enough fame and reputation in Sun Guohua’s circle. In other words, he is Sun Guohua. And those of Sun Guohua’s friends who want to buy antiques in the future, the first choice is Song Yun and his Jumbo Pavilion. If a business comes, their antique shop will definitely be affected. You must know Sun Guohua and his My friend has always been the largest buyer in the antique collection circle. If Sun Guohua alone is not a big problem, but now it seems that Sun Guohua and his friends will turn to Song Yun’s embrace. If you come, your antique shop will definitely be greatly impacted. The simplest and most direct thing is that Sun Guohua basically buys 2 to 3 antiques from his antique shop every year, most of them are It’s a million or even tens of millions of antiques. Now that Sun Guohua knows Song Yun, this kind of old customer who has been there for more than 10 years is likely to disappear. Other Sun Guohua’s friends also belong to this category. Happening.

"We really have no way to stop this kind of thing!"

Shi Xiaozhu sighed deeply. The reason why his antique shop has the status it is today is that, in addition to the means of operation, it is more important to benefit from Shi Tiezhu’s identity and status in the antique collection circle. High, and very clever in appraisal skills. Those who buy antiques believe that they can buy real antiques from the antique shop in their homes. But now Song Yun and his Jumbo Pavilion are competing for business. Jumbo Pavilion is not an ordinary antique. In the shop, Song Yun is not even an ordinary antique shop owner. His own Lao Tzu can't see enough in front of Song Yun. An antique shop owner who can tell the authenticity of antiques at a glance is just as easy as drinking water. The existence of invincibility, no one who plays antique collection can not worship such a person.

"Leak-picking is the most fascinating thing in our antique collection circle. Song Yun knows this very well. He won a customer like Sun Guohua with such an event. Civilization knows that there will be a snowball effect next, and there is no way to stop it. ."

"Dad, you and Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have been good friends for many years. Song Yun is also a very promising younger generation of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. Everyone can take action against Song Yun, but you absolutely can't, Zhu Deyuan If the two old men and Xu Desheng knew that you were involved in something like this, they would definitely turn their faces on you."

Shi Xiaozhu knows Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng very well, knowing that if his family's Laozi Shi Tiezhu really takes action against Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao, the ancient bridge segment like the cut robe will definitely appear.

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