God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1105: Invincible recommendation

Shi Tiezhu sighed. This is exactly what happened. If they really dealt with Song Yun and Song Yun's Treasure Pavilion, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would definitely not be able to spare themselves.

"Could it be that we really can't do anything?"

"I can only watch Treasure Pavilion become the leader of our antique market here?!"

Shi Tiezhu is really not reconciled. If Song Yun and Zhenbaoge moved here, they will only affect the income of the antique shop. He doesn't care at all. He said it directly and ugly. He has already made enough money. , Don’t say it’s your own son, grandchildren, even the sincere generation, you can’t spend it all. There are a few antiques in the house, and now the only thing that is depressed is the antique shop in your own home. It was overtaken and even suppressed by Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion.

Shi Xiaozhu knows exactly what his Laozi thinks, but there is really no way to do this.

"Old man, you have to admit that in our circle, no matter how great you are, you can’t resist picking up leaks. This is an absolutely invincible assassin. Anyone who is playing antiques can only meet Song Yun. It is to worship, in other words, you will definitely become a loyal fan of Song Yun. From then on, buying antiques from Song Yun's Treasure Pavilion is just a matter of course."

Shi Xiaozhu knows very well that Song Yun is an unsolvable weapon. No rival is not an opponent. Song Yun only needs to lead people out for a walk and pick up an antique at will. If he refuses to accept it, he can’t do it, even if he encounters this. Everyone must write a word of service on their foreheads. Of course, amateurs like Sun Guohua are even more unlikely to resist.

Of course Shi Tiezhu understands this truth, it is precisely because he understands this truth that he is more depressed, because this is simply an unsolvable problem.

"Can we really just watch it?!"

Shi Tiezhu is really not reconciled. He has a very good relationship with Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, and even with Song Yun. He admires the younger generations like Song Yun very much, but after all, business is business, like himself. The business people have spent a whole life of hard work to manage the antique shop into an antique shop that is very famous even in the whole China. It is even more firmly sitting on the top spot in the local area, but now they can only watch. Seeing Song Yun and Zhenbaoge climb over their heads, this feeling is really very complicated.

"Of course we can do something, but the crux of the question is whether we do it really useful?!"

"Can we really deal with Treasure Pavilion?!"

"I don't have full confidence, or even more than 50% certainty. If there is no problem with other antique shops, I am sure that even those top antique shops in other antique cities, If you want to come to us, it is impossible to surpass us and climb on top of us. I have 1 million ways to defeat them. The crux of the problem is that there is Song Yun in the treasure pavilion, as I just said. Zi Song Yun’s picking up is invincible in our antique circle. No one can resist it, especially those customers who buy antiques. After seeing Song Yun’s skills with their own eyes, they will definitely surrender."

After Shi Xiaozhu confirmed that Song Yun really could tell the authenticity of the antiques at a glance, and that all the stories he had missed were true, he knew that his antique shop could not be Song Yun’s opponent at all. The measurement in the business field The method is of no use to Song Yun and his treasure pavilion.

Song Yun took Sun Guohua and others to pick up antiques. The incident at that time had been spread everywhere. Sun Guohua and others had undoubtedly become Song Yun's **** fans. Under their active and active publicity, Song Yun is now this At that time, he had become a well-known figure among local buyers, and no one could deal with such a treasure pavilion like Song Yun.

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