God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1106: The best way out is cooperation

Shi Tiezhu was silent for a long time. Although he did not want to admit it, he was rationally told that he had to admit that this was a fact.

"What do you think we should do next?"

Shi Tiezhu had already asked a question like this just now, but now asking a question like this again has completely different meanings from before.

"In the past few days, I was actually thinking about this. Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion moved to our place. It is inevitable. Things like Sun Guohua will definitely happen again and again in the next period of time. The occurrence of the third means that Song Yun and his treasure pavilion will definitely take root here and develop and grow. The final result is that all antique shops are not rivals. Song Yun will become the top of our antique circle here. Masters, Jumbo Pavilion will also become the top antique shop in our local antique shops. There is no way to avoid these things. It just depends on when they appear, that is, how long does it take Song Yun and Jumbo Pavilion to do it. To this point."

"My final thought is very simple, that is, since we have no way to deal with Zhenbao Pavilion, there is no way to deal with it. Song Yun has only one choice left, and that is to cooperate with Zhenbao Pavilion and Song Yun."

In the past few days, Shi Xiaozhu has indeed been wondering how to position the relationship between his antique shop, Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. He and Shi Tiezhu are actually the same, that is, they are very unwilling, but, He didn't let this emotion dominate his own reason, and in the end he still felt that cooperation with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion was the best choice.

Shi Tiezhu suddenly raised his head and looked at Shi Xiaozhu. He didn't expect that Shi Xiaozhu would finally say something like this.

"There is no alternative, or it is the best choice."

If Shi Xiaozhu had other choices, he would definitely not be willing to do it. No one wants to admit that others are the boss, not to mention his own antique shop is used to it. Now the boss has to admit that others are the boss. There must be a huge psychological gap. , But rationally speaking, this is definitely the best choice.

"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion are just like what we analyzed just now. No one can resist it!"

"In this case, why don't we just cooperate with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion to see if we can find a way. Everyone gets along with each other peacefully and each earns their own money. The antique market is very huge. Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion cannot Have all the money been earned?!"

Shi Xiaozhu knows that if he has to compete with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, the final result will be 100% failure. Since he knows the failure, why have to do something like this and damage the relationship between each other? The correct way is to use each other. The good relationship that already exists between them is to cooperate. Doing business is just to make money. As long as you can make money, or even make more money than before, other things can be set aside.

"Other antique shops here will definitely be hostile to the appearance of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, and even take action. What do you think will happen to this matter?!"

Shi Tiezhu did not directly answer Shi Xiaozhu's suggestion, but asked another question.


"It's not surprising that something like this happened. The arrival of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion moved their cakes. It is normal for things to happen. The key to the question is whether they can succeed or whether they can defeat them. Song Yun and Treasure Pavilion, the pits they dug, can they really pit Song Yun and Treasure Pavilion inside."

Shi Xiaozhu has actually heard of something like this. In his opinion, it is inevitable. There are definitely quite a few people in the local antique shops who are not willing to see Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. Coming here, this is Chi Guoguo's job hunter.

Shi Tiezhu shook his head. There is no need to talk about this kind of thing. The people in the antique shop could not be the opponents of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. As Shi Xiaozhu said just now, Zi Song Yun is an unsolvable weapon, anyone Neither is an opponent, even if he and his antique shop have to avoid the edge, those other people who want to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion are absolutely irresponsible.

"There is no doubt that those people cannot be Song Yun and Zhenbaoge's opponent."

Shi Tiezhu sighed.

"Isn't this over?"

"Those people are not the opponents of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion at all. No matter what happens, there is only one final outcome. Offending Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion is definitely not so easy to afford."

Shi Xiaozhu has inquired about a lot of things related to Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion in the past few days. He is very clear that Song Yun will not be merciless to those who want to defeat Zhenbao Pavilion. Those in the local antique market, if they don’t know the sky is high and the earth is thick, they feel like a snake It is even more powerful than Jianglong, and the final result is absolutely unbearable.

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