God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1107: Invincible

"It seems that our only choice is to do what you said, to find ways to cooperate with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, and see if we can get a bigger cake."

Shi Tiezhu made up his mind and made a decision. Judging from various situations, his antique shop can’t really take Song Yun and Zhenbaoge’s determination even if it’s determined to fight to the death and the net. As Shi Xiaozhu said, everyone sits down to see if they can cooperate, and if this cooperation can bring huge benefits to both parties. If handled well, maybe their antique shop is even better than before. It is not impossible to make money.

Shi Xiaozhu didn’t feel surprised to hear Shi Tiezhu’s decision. This was originally the best choice. Even though doing so, it meant that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, the leader of the leader had to be acknowledged. It felt very unpleasant. Comfortable, but business is business. You must make the most correct choice. Personal emotions must be controlled.

Shi Tiezhu and Shi Xiaozhu are both masters in this regard. After analyzing the situation clearly, they made a decisive decision.

"We have a natural foundation for cooperation with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have a very good relationship with us. A few days ago, you even had dinner with Song Yun and the others and identified antiques. These are the best cooperation between the two sides. conditions of."

"I can be sure that in our entire antique market, many people want to cooperate with Song Yun, but they don't have this relationship."

When Shi Xiaozhu said this, he couldn't help being secretly proud. In this regard, his antique shop has undoubtedly taken the lead and walked far in front of others.

Shi Xiaozhu asked if Song Yun had bought a yard from Li Fu, and planned to use this yard as the location of an antique shop. This matter has now been spread, and no one who has heard of it has disagreed. Stunned, the courtyard of the ancient building we bought is very famous in the local area, and many people know about it. Just tens of millions is not something that ordinary people can get it casually. Not to mention that buying this courtyard is just the first. The next step is to spend 100 million yuan as a unit of funds for repairs. The strength of an antique store is simply jaw-dropping.

Shi Tiezhu nodded, he knew this from beginning to end, and he was involved in it.

Shi Xiaozhu couldn't help but sighed again. From such a masterpiece, it can be seen that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion are very powerful.

"Song Yun and Zhenbaoge seem to make a lot of money. Money is the last word. Coupled with Song Yun's perverted appraisal skills, no one can beat it."

Shi Xiaozhu now more firmly believes in his own judgment. There is nothing wrong with it. Cooperating with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion is definitely the best choice.

Shi Xiaozhu and Shi Tiezhu were chatting, and the basic principles of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion's cooperation have been set, but the specific conditions for cooperation must be discussed clearly before they can discuss with Song Yun and the others.

Shi Xiaozhu's cell phone rang suddenly and found that it was a call from a colleague who had a good relationship. He immediately pressed the answer button and chatted for 10 minutes.

"What the **** is it?!"

Shi Tiezhu found that the expression on Shi Xiaozhu's face was shocked at first, and then it was strange, as if he had heard very incredible things.

"did not think of!"

"I really didn't expect it at all!"

Shi Xiaozhu seemed to have not woken up from the shock of the news he had just received, and completely ignored Shi Tiezhu's problem.


"What happened?!"

Shi Tiezhu glared at Shi Xiaozhu fiercely, and raised his hand while speaking.

Shi Xiaozhu was taken aback, and quickly said the matter.

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