God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1272: New legend


"I really didn't expect someone to find a leak in the ghost market!"


"Why isn't this person me?"


"It seems that it's not a devils at all, there is no real antique here, it's just that we are all ordinary people, and we can't tell which antique is real!"


"Who said about the ghost market before, there can be no real antique words here?"

"Quickly stand up and see that I won't kill you!"


"That person just said that the reason why he was able to find the real antique was told by a person named Song Yun. What is the origin of this person named Song Yun? How could he be so powerful?!"


"No, are you in the antique collection circle? You don't even know what Song Yun is like?!"

"You will definitely be despised by others after you say this!"


"I have to admit that your uncle is still your uncle. This person named Song Yun is too powerful. Those of us wandering around here all day. For several days, I didn't get a real antique. I'm not just talking about myself. One person, but none of them found a real antique at all. Song Yun just came here for a few rounds and he immediately reaped the rewards. This is really more annoying than other people. I didn’t believe it. Such a sentence, but now I almost feel that this is the imperial edict!"


"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion have moved to our place from Ninghua City for a short time. They will definitely have to open. At that time, we must check it out. They are definitely the overlords of antique shops!"


People who watched the excitement left and talked in groups. Song Yun once again picked up the things that were missed. As these people slowly spread out, more and more people knew, and these people who knew spread the matter again. It didn’t take long before people in the antique market knew about it. And antique lovers in the whole city, and even some professional collectors, had heard of it. People’s enthusiasm for picking up and disappearing in the ghost market suddenly erupted like a volcano. Everyone who heard the news decided that they must get up early tomorrow, and they must go to the ghost market again and see if it is. Not able to pick up the leak.

There are quite a few breakfast stalls on the side of the ghost market. They have already opened their doors for business at this time. Some of them even started at three or four o’clock. Of course, they were prepared for those who woke up early in the morning to visit the ghost market. , Soup noodles and so on.

Song Yun and Shen Xue were sitting at a small table. There was a big bowl of soup noodles in front of everyone. They were sweating profusely. The food in such a place is not particularly delicious, but At this time, the stomach is already roaring with hunger, and the taste really feels very good.

"Song Yun!"

"Although the antique we found today is not something particularly valuable, I think our goal must have been achieved!"

Shen Xue said while drinking the soup.


"Why are you two here?!"

Song Yun nodded, just about to speak, suddenly a familiar voice came from the side. He raised his head and found that it was Sun Mengyan, looking at himself in surprise.

"Why can't we be here?!"

"Isn't it normal to have something to eat when I'm hungry?"

Song Yun knew that Sun Mengyan must have seen only himself and Shen Xue, and Kou Min and Zhang Fan didn’t know where they were going, so they asked like this, but he deliberately pretended to be confused, as if he didn’t understand what Sun Mengyan meant. .


"How is the situation today?"

"Are there any leaks?!"

Sun Mengyan glared at Song Yun, pulled a small stool and sat down beside him, and at the same time asked the owner of the stall to give himself a bowl of soup and noodles. He also got up early today and has not eaten anything yet. Originally I wanted to go shopping, but now I met Song Yun and Shen Xue at this time, so I could just have breakfast together.

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