God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1273: Dese is wrong

Sun Mengyan has been wandering around here in the ghost market. She is very aware of the importance of Song Yun’s leaks to the ghost market and to the entire antique market. She has always been very worried. She didn’t go back to the office at all and walked around here. , I just wanted to know the news the first time, but what I didn't expect was that I suddenly met Song Yun and Shen Xue.

Song Yun explained the situation.

"That's not bad!"

Sun Mengyan was very happy. He thought that there was no harvest today, but he didn't expect to be able to find Sanguo.

"This is not bad?!"

"The total of the three antiques is less than 2 million. Can this kind of leaking be called leaking?"!

Song Yun shook his head straight. He really felt that today was a terrible failure.

Sun Mengyan looked at Song Yun without speaking for a long time.

"Miss Sun, do you really want to beat Song Yun now?!"

"Do you think this is something that can be said?!"

"This is too bad!"

When Shen Xue saw Sun Mengyan like this, she knew exactly what Sun Mengyan was thinking about at this time.

"Shen Xue, what you said is really not wrong at all, I really beat Song Yun severely now!"

Sun Mengyan nodded very seriously.

"Your soup and noodles have not been delivered yet, but what do you think of the bowl of soup noodles in front of me?!"

"I think you can put this bowl on Song Yun's face!"

Shen Xue glanced at the soup bowl in front of her and strongly suggested to Sun Mengyan.

"This is a good choice!"

Sun Mengyan nodded after thinking for a while.

"Come on, come on!"

"I'm afraid you can't make it?"

"I won't say anything like this!"

Song Yun really has no choice. As the saying goes, he would rather offend the villain than the woman. Now sitting in front of him, they are two women. If he offends them again, God knows what will happen. In my face, this kind of thing shouldn't happen, but I will never make myself feel better.

"By the way, where is the antique you picked up?!"

"Kou Min and Zhang Fan?!"

"Why didn't I see the two of them?!"

Sun Mengyan smiled and stopped joking with Song Yun.

"The antique is still on someone else's stall. Kou Min and Zhang Fan went to buy it. Now I don't know what it is like!"

When Sun Mengyan heard Song Yun say this, she became anxious.

"How can you leave such an important thing to them?!"

"Kou Min and Zhang Fan?!"

"Kou Min won’t say anything, there is no experience at all. Zhang Fan, but rich people spend money lavishly. The most important thing is that Zhang Fan has never picked up any omissions. He must be excited when he encounters such things. It's incredible, it will definitely show its feet, and it is impossible for them to do such things."

Sun Mengyan was very anxious, pointing at Song Yun and cursing.

Song Yun was pulling Pho in his mouth, but Sun Mengyan was shocked when she turned on her firepower, and she couldn't help but stop.

When Shen Xue saw such a situation nearby, she almost couldn't catch her breath.

"Deserve it! This really deserves it!"

"It's clearly something you found yourself!"

"Sun Mengyan is not wrong at all. Such things shouldn't be left to Kou Min and Zhang Fan at all!"

Shen Xue fell to the side and complained about Song Yun.

"It doesn't need to be like this?!"

"The total of the three antiques is less than 2 million. Even if they are really out of the way, don't buy it. It's no big deal!"

Song Yun scratched his hair. He really couldn’t understand why Mengyuan was so angry all of a sudden. Don’t say it was himself. Even Sun Mengyan would definitely not put the 2 million in his eyes. Rich people, even if they really show their feet, are found by the stall owner and just don't buy them. This is no big deal.


"Song Yun, what are you talking about?!"

"What does this matter have to do with money?!"

"This has nothing to do with money, even a dime!"

"Pick up!"

"This matter has something to do with picking up leaks!"

"2 million?!"

"2 million is indeed a small number!"

"But can you buy this thing for 2 million?!"

Sun Mengyan became even more angry when she saw Song Yun's attitude.

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