God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1310: good mood

Sun Mengyuan walked to the entrance of the ghost market and found many people surrounded here. Many people wanted to go in, but there was no way to get in.

"What's wrong? What the **** is going on, why don't you let us in?


"I heard that there are too many people inside, and traffic control has been carried out. In other words, unless the people inside leave, there is no way for us people to get in!"


"how can that be possible?"

"How could there be so many people in the ghost city?"


"Why is it impossible?"

"Could it be that only you want to pick up the omissions, and others don't want to?"


"No way! There really is no way!"

"Why did Song Yun miss it again?"


The entrance of the ghost market is crowded with people, and no one can enter.

Sun Mengyan stood by and looked at the dark crowd in front of her. She really didn't know how to describe the feeling in her heart at this moment.

"Is Song Yun really so good? One person can change the whole antique market?"

Sun Mengyan had actually seen Song Yun's ability to influence the ghost market a long time ago, but now she finds that her influence on Song Yun is still too low.

"But this is definitely a good thing. It won't take long for the development of the antique market to achieve a breakthrough!"

Sun Mengyan now feels that she is really too wise, and she made a decisive move and asked Song Yunfan Treasure Pavilion to move to the antique market. If she did not take out that shop, Song Yun and Treasure Pavilion would definitely not appear in the antique market. They would definitely follow the original The plan is to be placed in the Ming Dynasty yard that is being repaired. In that case, the ghost market will definitely not have such a prosperous scene, because even if Song Yun does pick it up, he will be sneaky, and it is impossible to announce it. Dacai, now indeed cooperating with his own propaganda.

"I'm really looking forward to it now, and I look forward to what influence Song Yun's leaks can explode with a complete and accurate plan after the professional planning company is in place."

Sun Mengyan did not stay in the ghost market for too long. She had to return to the company to convene an emergency meeting and arrange the security work, the stock market and even the entire antique market, maybe there will be a large number of them. People, security and order, this aspect will definitely be under tremendous pressure, there must be a proper plan, the manpower must be increased, the more this is the case, the more you must be cautious, and you must never go out. Any mistakes can never affect the great situation that is finally obtained.

Lin Zhengqing woke up early. Recently, someone from Antique Street came to see antiques very early. This is a good time to do business. You must hurry up. Just when you arrive at the antique shop, open the door and simply tidy up. After making a cup of tea, before taking a breath, someone walked into the antique shop and sold an antique after a dozen or twenty minutes of greeting.

Lin Zhengqing was in a very good mood. He had just opened the door to do business and had already made a deal. Although he did not sell earth-shattering antiques, he made 50,000 yuan. He used something like this, or a sum of money like this. The first day of the business is really wonderful.

"Could it be possible to make a fortune today?"

"If you can find it, or if you run into a water fish and sell the high imitation in the store, you may be able to retire for the rest of your life."

As Lin Zhengqing said, he glanced at the blue and white piece of Yuan Dynasty locked with bulletproof glass. It was a real high copy. Many people said it was real, but in fact it was fake. The planned asking price is 70 million. If it can be sold smoothly, even if it is 50 million, you can really retire. The next antique shop business will be treated as fun. If you can make money, you can make money. It doesn’t matter. You can drink tea and walk the birds any day, whatever you want.

Lin Zhengqing waited for a while, but didn't see anyone entering the antique shop to look at antiques, so he simply sat down on the sofa, drank tea while swiping the phone, and clicked on a group.

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