God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1311: Frustrated

"what happened?"

"Why are there so many people chatting so early in the morning?"

"What important thing happened?"

Lin Zhengqing was a little surprised when he saw that there were so many news in the group. Generally speaking, this happened because something big happened. He immediately looked at it carefully. At the beginning, his face was very relaxed, but slowly His face became very solemn.

"It won't be true!"

"How could this be true?"

"This is absolutely false news!"

Lin Zhengqing saw that everyone in the group was saying that Song Yun and Sun Mengyan were really together. This matter had nothing to do with him. Just watch the fun, but the problem is that now he wants to hold Sun Guoyi’s thigh. If Song Yun and If Sun Mengyan is really together, it is almost impossible for Sun Guoyi to defeat Sun Mengyan and win the antique market.

"How could this happen?"

"The difference between Song Yun and Sun Mengyan is so big that it is impossible to be together. This is simply unreasonable."

Lin Zhengqing patted his forehead vigorously. This kind of thing is definitely bad news. Originally, because he had just made a deal and made a lot of money, he was in an infinitely brilliant mood. At this moment, it was overcast.

Lin Zhengqing thought for a while, called a friend he was familiar with, to find out if the matter was true. He soon discovered that Song Yun and Sun Mengyan’s matter was likely to be true, which was definitely not what he wanted to see. The result.

Lin Zhengqing hesitated for a while, and finally took out his mobile phone to call Sun Guoyi. Sun Guoyi will definitely know whether this is true or not. In any case, Sun Guoyi and Sun Mengyan are both cousins. The important thing is that Sun Guoyi now wants to win the antique market and wants to deal with Sun Mengyan, he will definitely pay attention to this news.

Lin Zhengqing made a call but did not answer at all. After a while, he made another call. This time he was simply pressed down. There was no other way but to send messages. After half an hour passed, there was no movement at all. , Sun Guoyi did not reply at all.

Lin Zhengqing knows that this is really a big trouble. Sun Guoyi must have known the news. More importantly, from such an incident, it can be seen that Sun Guoyi can't find a better way to deal with Sun Mengyan. , Has even given up to deal with Sun Mengyan.

"I really can't afford to support A Dou!"

"It's just one thing I can't hold. It's no wonder that the shock a few years ago would lose to Sun Mengyan. I was really blind!"

Lin Zhengqing was furious, and the phone was thrown directly to the ground. He wanted to hold a thigh, but now it seems that this thigh is not a thigh at all, or it is simply pinched out of flour, and it collapses immediately after a touch. Can't hold it at all.

"How to do it?"

"What should we do now?"

Lin Zhengqing suddenly remembered the words he said when Sun Mengyuan invited to dinner. The cold sweat broke out all of a sudden. At that time, he didn’t know that it would be very risky to say that. The purpose is to want to be like Sun Guoyi trading name.


"This one is really over!"

Lin Zhengqing knew that he was really in huge trouble this time, and Sun Mengyan would definitely not let it go.

Lin Zhengqing didn't know how to do it for a while, his mind was blank, and his face was even more ugly, even Qi Dabao ran in from the outside and didn't notice it.

"Lin Zhengqing!"

"Lin Zhengqing!"

When Qi Dabao saw Lin Zhengqing sitting on the sofa like a piece of wood, he didn't notice it at all when he came in. After waiting for two minutes, there was no response. There was no way he could only shout a few words.

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