God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1422: Do you think it will be sold?

Shi Tiezhu was silent for a while, and did not continue to talk about this question.

Shi Xiaozhu's heart was fierce, and suddenly he slammed, feeling that the look in his eyes when I look at him at this time suddenly became very, like a knife that was suddenly drawn out, making people feel It was very scary. He knew that this was the fundamental reason why he stayed here tonight, but he still couldn't figure out what it was for.

"In the past few years, all the business in the antique shop has been entrusted to you. I have not managed it. What must be said is that the money I made in the past few years is more than the money I made in the previous decades. By staying at night, I am here to find out, or to ask how you can make so much money?!"

Shi Tiezhu has been considering this matter for several days, and on several occasions he wanted to call Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng and ask them how they should deal with this situation, but in the end he gave up. He knew if he could directly After making a phone call, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s answers were actually very clear. In other words, they didn’t need to make such a phone call. After thinking about it for so many days, today they finally made up their minds to deal with this matter. thing.

Shi Xiaozhu's heart sank suddenly. Shi Tiezhu has been rolling in the antique collection circle for so many years. It is impossible not to understand why he can make so much money in such a short period of time. This means that Shi Tiezhu is not needed at all. Just ask yourself and you know what's going on, but tonight you want to ask yourself about it so carefully, this can only mean that Shi Tiezhu doesn't approve of his actions.

"In recent years, we have sold a lot of antiques, and the prices are very good. This is the fundamental reason why our antique shop can make money. Of course, the most important thing is because you have given us the reputation of Baoyutang in the past few decades. Established, we have accumulated a lot of customers, and we have a reputation. Many people are willing to come to us to buy antiques."

Shi Xiaozhu knows very well that if it is impossible to sell so many antiques on his own, the reason why other players in the antique collection circle believe in Baoyutang is that Shi Tiezhu has accumulated over the years, and those who come to Baoyutang to buy antiques The people have nothing to do with themselves. They all look at Shi Tiezhu’s face. They believe that the antiques sold in Shi Tiezhu’s antique shops are genuine. There is no such prerequisite. The antiques they want to sell, Not even one can be sold.

When Shi Tiezhu heard Shi Xiaozhu's words, the expression on his face became more serious.


"It seems that you have a very clear understanding of this matter. Without the reputation that I have accumulated over the past decades of running Baoyutang, you would never be able to sell those high imitation antiques, but have you ever thought about a problem? , That is, after doing something like this, the reputation of our Baoyutang will be completely destroyed in this circle. In other words, all my hard work for so many years has been destroyed?!"

The anger in Shi Tiezhu’s heart became stronger and stronger, but he knew that Shi Xiaozhu’s doing something like this had something to do with him. If he didn’t turn one eye and close one eye, things would definitely not evolve into what it is now. , I am also responsible for this matter.


"I understand what you mean, but there is one thing that must be admitted. If our Baoyutang still sells antiques as honestly as you did before, it is impossible to make much money."

Shi Xiaozhu heard Shi Tiezhu's words to this point. He still didn't understand what Shi Tiezhu wanted to say to himself tonight. He smiled bitterly. Antique collections are genuine and fake. Antique shops sell antiques honestly. It doesn’t mean that you can’t make money, but it’s impossible to make big money. Ma Wuye is not fat, and people are not rich without windfall. You don’t need to say more about this. Baoyutang is under the management of Shi Tiezhu. In the circle, it’s like a golden sign, everyone believes it, but Baoyutang really didn’t make a lot of money before he took over. It’s even like the smallest antique shop in the antique market. It’s much more than Baoyutang. After figuring out what's going on in it, I really can’t help it. If you want to sell high imitation antiques, you must have certain prerequisites. One of course is that you can fool yourself. The other is of course that you have to encounter water fish. Baoyutang has a very convenient condition to do such a thing, that is, in the past few decades, Shi Tiezhu’s painstaking efforts have accumulated a very good reputation. This means that those who come to Baoyutang to buy antiques will not be very serious about identifying antiques, because they all believe that Shi Tiezhu believes in Baoyutang. In just two or three years, they have sold too many high Imitated antiques. When I did something like this for the first time, I was very nervous and couldn't even sleep at night. However, after seeing a large sum of money, Shi Xiaozhu couldn't control himself. Afterwards, I even got used to doing such things.


"I understand what you mean, but our circle is different from other industries. Buyers have to identify whether antiques are genuine or not. At the same time, whether some antiques are genuine or fake, different people have different opinions. Under this circumstance, if someone buys a high imitation antique from our Baoyutang, in fact, the responsibility is not with us."

Shi Xiaozhu tried hard to justify his behavior.

Shi Tiezhu looked at Shi Xiaozhu who was sitting in front of him, whether it made sense or not, because the antique circle is really full of fakes. Buyers must have enough insight, otherwise they will only Being cheated by others, from this point of view, Shi Xiaozhu is actually not wrong. In a sense, the antique shop is a place where fake goods can be sold reasonably and legally, but the crux of the problem is that if you sell this highly imitation antique The place is not Baoyutang. It is not because those people believe in themselves. It is absolutely impossible for Shi Xiaozhu to sell so many high imitation antiques so easily. Those who buy high imitation antiques are all because they believe that they believe in Baoyutang.

"Shi Xiaozhu, you are a horrible argument, and it is simply untenable. The simplest truth is that if Baoyutang is just an antique shop that has just opened, it is unknown, and I think that those who bought high imitation antiques have arrived in the shop. After that, spend thousands, hundreds or even tens of millions of dollars, just to simply identify antiques?!"

At this time, Shi Tiezhu suddenly found that all his anger had disappeared. His voice was originally very high, but this time it slowly eased.

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