God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1423: impossible? !

Shi Xiaozhu was speechless. There are many people in the antique collection circle selling fake antiques, and fake antiques and imitation antiques are everywhere. Everyone knows very well that if they can sell one piece, they can definitely make a lot of money. In other words, it is very profitable, but it is not easy to sell one. You can't even sell one in ten or eight years. How much have you sold in the past few years? At this time, I can’t remember the number when I think about it carefully. I can easily sell the high imitation antiques. It’s not because I have good skills, I don’t know how to fool around, and it’s even more unlikely that I encountered them. The most important reason for the problem of water fish is that those who come to buy antiques in their own store believe in Shi Tiezhu’s accumulated reputation over the years. It is by using these people’s mentality that they can successfully put so many highs. I sold imitation antiques and made a fortune.

"What you said is not wrong. If you don't have the reputation you have accumulated before, if it is not for Baoyutang's golden sign in the antique collection circle, I can't do this at all."

Shi Xiaozhu was very clear. Since Shi Tiezhu told himself about this matter, he already understood what was going on in it. He didn't need to deny this matter, and simply admitted it directly.

Shi Tiezhu became silent again. Although he had made up his mind to solve this problem tonight, things are coming to an end at this time. Especially when Shi Xiaozhu said this, he suddenly didn’t know how to deal with this matter. of.


"If you run Baoyutang like you did before, it would be impossible to make a lot of money. In a circle like our antique shop, no one does not sell fake antiques. I admit that it is indeed taking advantage of your accumulated reputation. But if I don’t do this, do you think I can make money?!"

Shi Tiezhu suddenly felt that he was a little speechless, just like what Shi Xiaozhu said. If he really runs Baoyutang like he did before, it is impossible to make any money, especially it is impossible to make money. It is very clear what other antique shops in the antique market look like when you get big money, or how those antique shops are operated. In contrast, the profits of your own antique shops are really very small. .

"The past events are over. Next, our Baoyutang will have to operate in the same way as when I was there. I did not say that it must not be able to sell high-imitation antiques, but high-imitation antiques are among the whole sale of antiques. A certain percentage must be controlled, and it must never exceed 20%."

Shi Tiezhu was silent this time even longer.


"If you really want to do this, Baoyutang will not make much money at all!"

Shi Xiaozhu immediately became anxious when he heard Shi Tiezhu say this. 20% sounds like a lot, but in fact, such a ratio is really a bit low. Antique shops have always had nine fakes and one true. Now Shi Tiezhu says 20%, this ratio is really unacceptable.

"That's the case. The antiques in our shop are placed in such a ratio. The other is that old customers, especially big buyers, can't give them high imitation antiques. No discussion at all."

Shi Tiezhu completely ignored Shi Xiaozhu, and directly settled the matter, especially the old customers in the antique shop. This is a very important resource. This is a crowd who must not be fooled. Shi Xiaozhu even such customers I haven't let it go. This approach is very short-sighted. It can make a lot of money in a very short time, but it is definitely a loss in the long-term benefits. Knowing such old customers and such big buyers Every year, I buy antiques from Baoyutang, and sometimes the price is tens of millions. If they find that Baoyutang is lying to them, even if this happened only once, once they know it, the relationship has been maintained for many years. Immediately broke off, Shi Xiaozhu had done many things like this before.

After Shi Tiezhu finished these words, seeing Shi Xiaozhu still wanting to speak, he stretched out his hand and patted the table suddenly.


"Do you think that only you in this world are smart people?!"

"Those old customers who are not multi-millionaires or billionaires may not be particularly good in antique identification, but each is a human being, and each is a smart person among smart people. Do you think they only believe in our Baoyutang?! Do you think they really trust me Shi Tiezhu?"

"Or do you think they bought antiques from us and locked them in the cabinet after they got home, so it's impossible to show them to others?!"

"Don't you think that the high imitation antiques that you sell are not discovered to be high imitation antiques?!"

Shi Tiezhu knew that things had developed to this point and had an inseparable relationship with him. If it hadn't been for his ostrich policy to ignore the profits of the antique business in Baoyutang, he would have discovered the problem and solved it long ago, so he said he Trying to control his temper, but now that Shi Xiaozhu still wants to continue doing this, the anger in his heart is finally uncontrollable.

"Now there is a rumor that our Baoyutang is selling high imitation antiques, can't you think about it, if it weren't for this, how would I know you did something like this?"

Shi Tiezhu stared at Shi Xiaozhu closely, his face was pale, and even his voice was trembling when he spoke. This was a real anger.

Shi Xiaozhu’s face suddenly turned white like a piece of paper. He didn’t understand. If someone said that Baoyutang sells high-fake antiques, and they sell them in large quantities, especially to old customers, What kind of serious consequences will it bring? Once the reputation of an antique shop collapses, especially an antique shop like Baoyutang, which has a high reputation in the antique collection circle, once it has such a reputation, or It means that once something like this is done, the consequences will be very, very serious, because once such a thing does not appear, once it has occurred, it must be spread from the big buyers and old customers. The customers are all in a very narrow circle, spreading from ten to ten, and it will not take a long time for everyone to know that no one would be willing to buy antiques at that time.

"This...this...this is impossible, right?!"

Shi Xiaozhu shook his head, unable to believe what he heard.



"Which one of your brains tells you that such a thing is impossible?!"

"Or maybe I want to hear what is the reason why you think this thing is impossible?!"

Shi Tiezhu was really angry and angry when he saw Shi Xiaozhu's appearance. He had already said that it was impossible for Shi Xiaozhu to say this.

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