God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1428: How about moving here?

"Old Man Zhu and Old Man Xu have you thought about one thing?"

While drinking tea, Shi Tiezhu suddenly put the tea cup inside on the table, raised his head and looked at Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng very seriously.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were a little dumbfounded. They could hear Shi Tiezhu’s tone very serious, and the expression on his face was even more like this. This clearly meant the rhythm of a very important thing, but the two of them had a brief moment. I couldn't react in a moment, Shi Tiezhu had something important to say.

"Old man Shi, the tone of your speech, how come I sound a bit wrong? It's not because Baoyutang's affairs have been hit too much, and you want to do something?"

While speaking, Zhu Deyuan looked at Shi Tiezhu's face seriously, but he didn't find anything wrong. This time, he was even more confused, and he couldn't understand why Shi Tiezhu used that tone and expression just now. speak.

"Yes Yes!"

"The dead old man is not afraid of not having firewood. Although Baoyutang's current reputation is a bit stinky, there is not much to care about this kind of thing. In fact, there is a sentence you said just now that is very correct, that is now The money to be made has already been made full of money. Even if there is really no business in the antique shop, it has no effect. From this point, Baoyutang is really dispensable."

Xu Desheng's heart trembled. He also felt that the tone of Shi Tiezhu's words was a bit wrong, and immediately began to persuade him.

Shi Tiezhu was stunned for a moment. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's words were like a series of guns. They kept talking, and couldn't help crying or laughing after they reacted.

"I said if the two of you reacted too much. I have never seen what kind of storms and waves in your life. The Baoyutang incident is not in my heart at all, or I can say that I can see this incident. It’s very open and doesn’t have any special effects."

Shi Tiezhu immediately shook his head, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng clearly misunderstood what they meant.

"Then what do you mean?"

When Zhu Deyuan heard that Shi Tiezhu was not talking about what he and Xu Desheng were worried about, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, feeling even more strange in his heart, what Shi Tiezhu really wanted to say.

"The antique market here is becoming more and more prosperous. It can be seen clearly now. Maybe it will become one of the largest antique markets in half a year. The most important thing now is the ghost market here. People come here to set up stalls, even if the entire antique market cannot become the largest one, but now it is certain that the ghost market will become the largest one. The ghost market is mixed with dragons and snakes, and there are more fake antiques than real antiques. Much, but there are more and more people setting up stalls, which means that the more likely there will be real antiques. What do you two think is a result of such a situation?!"

Shi Tiezhu did not directly answer Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's questions, but instead asked them rhetorically.

"What's the result?"

"Does this kind of thing still need to be said?!"

"Although there are various results, the most important one is that the ghosts here will definitely become the biggest leaking paradise. As long as you have enough eyesight, then here is very likely to become rich overnight!"

How could Zhu Deyuan see clearly what will happen to the ghost market here in the end.

"That's it!"

Shi Tiezhu said, patted hard with both hands.

"It won't take much time for our ghost market to become the most famous paradise in the antique collection circle!"

Shi Tiezhu said while watching Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng who were sitting opposite and next to him.

"Of course we can see this situation or this result. The key to the question is why do you want to tell us about this?"

Xu Desheng frowned. When the ghost market develops to the end, there will definitely be such a result. Of course all people with foresight can see clearly. Shi Tiezhu has to say this. What is the purpose?

"People like us have lived to our current age and have already made money. The most important thing has nothing to do with this. To put it bluntly, in a sense, one of our favorite things now is appreciation. All kinds of antiques."

Shi Tiezhu laughed as he talked, stretched out his hand to hold up the teacup that was placed on the table just now, and took a sip.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, look at me, let me see if you two really don't understand what medicine is sold in Shi Tiezhu's gourd.

"Old man Shi, what do you mean by this, and what do you want to say? Just say it directly, don't fool around here!"

Xu Desheng had no such thoughts, his eyes widened, and he immediately urged Shi Tiezhu to say what he wanted to say.

"What I just said, don't you have any opinions? That is to say we are now this age, the most important thing is to see more antiques, the other is actually not important!"

Shi Tiezhu simply ignored Xu Desheng's threat, and emphasized what he said.

"This is indeed the case, we are all this age now, what other pursuits can we have?"

Zhu Deyuan suppressed the curiosity in his heart, but what Shi Tiezhu said was indeed his current attitude towards life with Xu Desheng or his attitude towards antiques.

Xu Desheng didn't say a word, but nodded, that was indeed the case.

"I just said, and you all agree, that the ghost market here will definitely become a paradise for picking up leaks. If this is the case, why don't you two old men just move to us? Only in this place can you find it? More good antiques, not to mention that the antique market here will become more prosperous in the future, which directly leads to the possibility of heavyweight antiques here. If you stay in Ninghua City, there is actually nothing Special meaning, there is no way to meet your requirements."

Shi Tiezhu said and took another sip of tea. An important purpose of his coming here today is to persuade Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng to move here. This is not particularly easy, but he believes that he can do Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. Will definitely agree in the end.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were not mentally prepared at all. Shi Tiezhu would say something like this. After the two listened, they were like wooden chickens in a daze. They did not speak for a long time, and the expressions on their faces were even more extraordinary. Wonderful, changing very fast, all the time.

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