God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1429: Tangled

Shi Tiezhu did not speak, did not quit. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng made a decision immediately. They just drank tea happily. An old friend for many years, he knew very well that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s personalities are even more clear that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng are the best. What matters are important? Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng must have never thought about this matter, but now that they have poke out this matter, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng must have grown grass in their hearts. You can see the expression on it.

"Do we really have to move here?"

Zhu Deyuan frowned and thought for a long time, very entangled. If Shi Tiezhu's words were not true at all, of course there would be no such thing. The key to the problem is that Shi Tiezhu's words really make sense. It will not take long for the ghost market to become the largest ghost market, and there will be a lot of people coming here to set up stalls. Although there are many fake antiques, the probability of real antiques appearing, or the number of real antiques will definitely be higher. There are many other places. The reason is very simple. The more fake things, the more likely it will be true. This is the case in the antique circle, but I have lived in Ninghua for a long time. Some are very accustomed to everything. Suddenly they have to change to another city to live. Although this city is not unfamiliar by itself and often comes here, but it is not unfamiliar and familiar, there is still a big gap. , The most important thing is not used to it.

"We moved here, isn't it nice?"

Xu Desheng was also very hesitant. He never thought about this. He thought about the situation in the ghost market, thinking that he might pick up leaks in the ghost market, or see more in the antique shops in the antique market. This kind of antique is really a bit unbearable, this kind of attraction is really a little big.

Shi Tiezhu still didn't speak, just watched Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng laugh continuously while drinking tea.


"You die old man did it on purpose!"

When Zhu Deyuan saw Shi Tiezhu's expression and actions, he still didn't understand Shi Tiezhu's intention. He knew that he and Xu Desheng couldn't stand it. This kind of attraction would definitely be very tangled and headaches before he said something like this.

"I really did it on purpose, but you have no way to deny it. What I said is indeed reasonable. The ghost market here is so prosperous, and it will become more and more prosperous. The antique shops here in the antique market are the same, Wu Dong In order to be able to sell more antiques and to make more money, the owner of the shop will definitely do everything possible to get better and more antiques from other places. All this will directly lead to if you come here. After that, you will be able to see more antiques."

Shi Tiezhu admitted this very generously. Those words just now were indeed intentional. Even if Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng knew they were intentional, they could not resist the attraction.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng had no way at all. Of course Shi Tiezhu did it on purpose.

"There is one thing or there is a major reason that you may not realize, that is, Song Yun and his treasure pavilion have been confirmed, and the shops that moved here are already being renovated. You have lived in Ninghua before. For many years, I have not seen many good antiques at all, but since Song Yun and his treasure pavilion appeared, the good antiques you have seen are blooming steadily. This means that only Song Yun and his treasure pavilion can let you Seeing more good antiques. In this sense, after Yun and his treasure pavilion left Ninghua, it is impossible for you to see more good antiques, at least not first-hand, not first-hand. Time is not so convenient."

Shi Tiezhu threw a heavy bomb.

After Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng heard this sentence, they were instantly blown up and out, and there was no way to refute them. The two of them were in Ninghua City before or before they knew Song Yun, they started to be like Shi Tiezhu said. In that way, there are not many opportunities to see good antiques. After Song Yun appeared or after Song Yun found out, he had such a blessing. Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion have already left Ninghua City. If the two of them continue to stay In Ninghua City, there is no way to get to know the good antiques that Song Yun has picked up. This is really a very tangled thing. Song Yun and Zeng Yike left behind in the antique market in Ninghua City. Although I will go back to the shop from time to time, it is certain that Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao's main energy cannot be placed in the branch of the antique shop in Ninghua City.

"This is really a very headache!"

Xu Desheng patted the back of his head vigorously, and then pulled his hair vigorously. This matter was really tangled.

Shi Tiezhu knows that this matter is very important to Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, because no matter what, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have lived in Ninghua for a long time. Of course he hopes that two old friends can come. Here, but this kind of thing ultimately depends on how Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng think about them. After sitting for a while, they simply leave first.


"Old man Zhu, what do you think of this matter?"

Xu Desheng was very entangled and drank the tea in the cup in one sip. He didn't expect to meet Shi Tiezhu tonight, he would encounter something like this.

"You ask me what I think about this matter?!"

"If I knew how to do it, or if I made up my mind, do you think I would still look like this?"

Zhu Deyuan spread his hands, his heart was as tangled as Xu Desheng.

"The old man Shi is not wrong at all. There is a ghost market and an antique market here, and there will be a huge development in the future. There will be more antiques. We have lived to this age. The most important thing in life is or The most interesting thing is actually all kinds of antiques. In comparison, where you live is actually not important."

Xu Desheng gritted his teeth while speaking, and tried to convince himself.

"These are not really important. The most important thing is that Song Yun and his treasure pavilion have moved out of Ninghua City and came here. It doesn't matter if Song Yun is not so good at picking up leaks, but he is simply a leak picking machine. If we didn't come here, it would be impossible to get the news that he had missed in time. Even if we got it and wanted to come over, it would not be possible to do it anytime, anywhere."

What Xu Desheng really struggles with is this. The antiques in the ghost market and the antiques are true and false, and they have to be distinguished or missed. If there is no expert like Song Yun, it is actually not easy. In the final analysis, you still have to follow Song Yuncai. Can have good antiques.

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