God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1449: How about a shop?

"Do you think we need to get a shop there, or if we decide to open a shop there, can we find a suitable shop there?!"

Lin Zhong looked up and saw that Xu Jiale, who was sitting across from him, came here today. The main purpose was to hear Xu Jiale's views on this matter.

"If we can win the shop there, of course it is a good thing. Such a shop is as popular as the antique market now. As long as we can get a shop, it won’t take long to appreciate. A point that makes us dumbfounded. For example, if we take down a store like this, for example, if the monthly rent is 100,000 yuan per month, it will only take a week after two weeks. Maybe the rent has become 150,000 yuan, which means that if we can really do this, we can make 50,000 yuan in a blink of an eye. Why not?

"The crux of the problem now is that the shops there are very rare, and it is not something we can get if we want."

Xu Jiale actually inquired about this about half a month ago, but there were no vacant shops at that time. More importantly, at that time, he never thought that the antique market could be changed in such a short period of time, and it was directly popular. It’s a mess. If you know it, don’t say it’s a shop. Even if it’s two, three or even ten shops, you have to do everything possible to hold it in your hands. At this point in time, just rent out every shop. , Can make a lot of money, absolutely very popular, but unfortunately there is no such shop after passing this village, no one can really predict how things will develop in the future.

"Are you really so optimistic about the development of the antique market there?"

Lin Zhong ignored Xu Jiale’s claim that he couldn’t get the shop there. He came here today, actually wanting Xu Jiale to judge whether it is necessary to get a shop in the antique market at this point in time. If necessary, he will definitely use some relationships. Although it is not a complete certainty, there is no problem with 70-80% certainty.

Xu Jiale and Lin Zhong have been cooperating for many years, and they are very clear about Lin Zhong's character. Since asking questions like this, it definitely means that there is a way to win the antique shop from Chairman Gu.

"Yes, yes, I am very optimistic about the development of the antique market there. Not surprisingly, within a few years, it will be possible for the whole world to know that there is such an antique market here."

Xu Jiale nodded and agreed without hesitation. He is indeed very optimistic about the development of the antique market. He already has a very solid foundation. What is lacking is just some opportunities, or some development opportunities. Now this kind of opportunity and The opportunities for development have all appeared, and of course the next step is rapid development.

"Sun Mengyan is very powerful, and at the same time an ambitious person. After the antique market took over, he has already got a very big development. For so many years, the opportunity for development he has been waiting for finally appears. He will never let it go. A lot of time and energy, especially a lot of capital injection."

"At this time, if we can take down a shop, especially if we can buy a shop instead of renting it, this kind of investment will be very worthwhile."

Xu Jiale is very confident about this.

"Buy a shop in the antique market?!"

"Where are you thinking about good things?"

"It is impossible for such a thing to happen, because all the shops in the antique market are in Sun Mengyan's hands, and she will never sell these shops!"

"The only thing we can do now, of course, is to find a way to rent a shop there. In fact, being able to do this is already very impressive, because now it’s not just you and me that can see the antique market. It’s getting more and more prosperous, and it’s a good place to make money. It’s also obvious to others that they are not always problematic. Under such circumstances, it’s already very remarkable that we can rent one."

When Lin Zhong heard Xu Jiale say this, he couldn't help laughing immediately.

Xu Jiale sighed softly. Of course he knew what Lin Zhong said was the truth. He had inquired about the situation of the shops there. It was exactly what Lin Zhong said. All belong to Sun Mengyan. It is absolutely impossible for Sun Mengyan. To sell the store there, the only possibility is to rent, and it is not directly rented from Sun Mengyan firsthand, but transferred from someone else's hands. Lin Zhong actually said that it is very reasonable, that is, it is possible at this time Finding a shop in the antique market is already very impressive. Many people are already very optimistic about the shops and the development of the antique market. Some people even think that if there is a shop there, it is like a Like a hen with a golden egg.

"Xu Jiale, you just said that Sun Mengyan is waiting for development opportunities or development opportunities. What does this mean?!"

Lin Zhong was very concerned about what Xu Jiale said.

"Sun Mengyan is a very ambitious person. She has always wanted to develop the antique market into a famous antique market in the whole world, but this kind of thing is definitely not something that can be done if you want to do it, except for a large amount of capital investment. In addition, some other conditions are needed. In many cases, to a certain level, it is impossible to achieve the best level in the world through capital investment. The development of the antique market here has encountered this before. One of the problems is that simply adding additional investment funds will not be able to further increase the position of the entire antique market in the industry."

"Although Sun Mengyan has great ambitions, he knows that he can't do it under the previous conditions. She has been waiting. This is no secret in the entire antique collection circle."

"Everyone actually thinks that Sun Mengyan would definitely not be able to wait for a good opportunity like this, but I didn't expect that she would really have to wait!"

"To put it more directly, it is the development opportunity of Sun Mengyan and others. In fact, it is Song Yun and Song Yun's Treasure Pavilion."

"Speaking of which, Sun Mengyan is definitely very powerful. It is very accurate to see people. After arriving at Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, especially after knowing that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion want to move here, they immediately put the best in the antique market The good shop was taken out, and it was said that it was rented to Song Yun at a very favorable rent. This incident caused a huge response in the entire antique market. At the beginning, many people opposed the arrival of Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion. These antique shop owners worried that Song Yun and Zhenbao would take away their business and their customers if they got him. Sun Mengyan directly forced them to subdue these people, and everyone can see the next thing. After Song Yun’s leaks in the ghost market spread, there were more and more people in the ghost market. The increase in the number of people in the ghost market directly caused the prosperity of the entire antique market. For Sun Mengyan, for the entire antique market, Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion are the best opportunities for development."

Xu Jiale has been paying attention to the changes in the entire antique market, and this matter is also very thorough.

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