God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1450: Song Yun's thoughts

Lin Zhong became silent, not expecting that what Xu Jiale said was such a thing.

"According to your statement, Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion have simply influenced the development of the entire antique market by themselves. The crux of the problem is that Song Yun and his Zhenbao Pavilion are really so powerful?!"

Lin Zhong is really reluctant to believe this fact.

"I know a fact like this. Many people don't believe it, think it's a bit exaggerated, and feel that Song Yun and Zhenbaoge simply cannot have such a big influence, but the fact is a fact, there is no way to deny it."

"Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion are actually the fulcrum for the development of the antique market here, or Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion have become the fulcrum for Sun Mengyan's development of the entire antique market. If there is only a pivot, there is no Sun Mengyan's. In terms of investment, it is impossible to have such a development as it is now, but if there is only Sun Mengyan’s investment and Sun Mengyan’s management, without a fulcrum like Song Yun and Zhenbaoge, there is also no way to develop. This is Why does Sun Mengyan have invested a lot of money in the entire antique market before and carried out various publicity, but the fundamental reason for the poor effect."

Lin Zhong nodded while listening. Song Yun and Zhenbaoge seemed to have become the fulcrum for Sun Mengyan to develop the entire antique market as Xu Jiale said.

"If we can really win a shop in the antique market, we don't know what we should do next?!"

Xu Jiale knows very well what kind of person Lin Zhong is like. Since he dared to say something like this, he is actually very sure. What he is very interested in now is if he really wants to win a store. What to do there, it’s impossible to open an antique shop where you can sell antiques. If this is the case, the whole thing becomes very funny.

"Of course we can't open an antique shop there!"

Lin Zhong immediately shook his head without hesitation. It was impossible for this kind of thing to appear in his mind.

Xu Jiale let out a sigh of relief. He was really worried that the forest would be hot-headed, so he opened an antique shop in the antique industry. If this is the case, he might be in huge trouble. , The most important thing is that the contacts and the like accumulated over the past ten years are completely useless. It is definitely starting from scratch, really starting from scratch, no matter how you look at it, you don't think there is anything wise in such a decision.

"If we are not opening an antique shop, what do we want to do if we want a shop there?!"

Xu Jiale pondered for a while, but didn't quite understand what Lin Zhong wanted to do after taking a shop there.


"If we win a shop there, the thing to do is, of course, auction. This is our old business and our most profitable thing. There is no need to give up, but we should carry it forward in the antique market. The main purpose of winning a store there is of course to hope to get more customers from underground to the ground. Although our auctions here have been very profitable over the years, there is one thing that must be admitted, that is, the comparison of customer groups. Small, there are various reasons for this, but our current idea is very simple, that is to expand the customer base as much as possible, so that we can make more money, which is why we choose to put the store in the antique market The fundamental reason there is that there is the most active and strong customer base there. In such a place, if we do not have any intervention at all, it is absolutely impossible."

Lin Zhong said his final plan. All of them are hiding behind the scenes as shareholders. Only Xu Jiale really came forward to operate this matter. He must explain his thoughts in detail so that Xu Jiale can understand himself and What do the other shareholders want to do so that they will not make mistakes.

"Mr. Lin!"

"I understand what you mean!"

"No problem!"

"As long as we can get a shop in the antique market, all this work will be carried out in an orderly manner."

Xu Jiale swears that this kind of thing is not difficult at all, and the most difficult thing is nothing else, but to find a shop in the antique market.

Song Yun had no idea that an old man appeared after he left, and he was looking for Xu Jiale to inquire about him, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't take it to heart. He is now a celebrity in the antique collection circle. Attracting the attention of others, or even being stared at by others, if this kind of thing has been entangled, the ultimate pain and time wasting is definitely yourself.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Shen Xue, including Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, all returned to Sun Mengyan's office. The little secretary gave everyone a cup of tea and then exited the office, closed the door, and the whole room immediately became quiet.

"Tang Miaomiao!"

"What should I do with the next thing?"

"Do you have any alternatives? You said before that if you can't find suitable furniture for Jumbo Pavilion, Jumbo Pavilion may postpone the opening of the store. However, if Jumbo Pavilion appears in the antique market one day earlier, the development of the antique market will It is getting faster and faster. This is definitely not my own imagination, but someone who specializes in researching the situation and data in our antique market. This is the conclusion. From my standpoint, I I really want to wait for the treasure pavilion to open tomorrow."

Sun Mengyan directly expressed her wish that Jumbo Pavilion would open soon

Tang Miaomiao's brows frowned. It is not surprising that Sun Mengyan has such a thought. As he said, from his standpoint, the sooner the treasure pavilion opens, the better, but for herself and Song Yun, Jumbo Pavilion must be properly prepared before it can open.

"We don’t have any other alternatives. In our thinking, the whole thing is actually very simple, that is, if we can’t find a suitable one, we just keep waiting. If it’s a bit ugly, it means that the two of us are simply There is no need to make money with this. The opening of Jumbo Pavilion one day earlier and one day later has no direct impact on us."

Tang Miaomiao didn't want to open the business in a hurry, but she also knew that Sun Mengyan was right at all. If Zhenbao Pavilion opened in the antique market one day earlier, it would have a very positive impact on the entire antique market.

Sun Mengyan feels very helpless now. Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, including Tang Miaomiao, even set up shop in the antique market, but when they are not ready at all, of course they don’t want to open a shop. Tang Miaomiao’s tone is very much. Certainly, that is that the Jumbo Pavilion will never open until it is ready. This has actually become a deadlock, and there is no idea how to solve this problem.

Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao didn't speak for several minutes, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Everyone's standpoint was different, so naturally they considered different things.

"Sister Tang!"

"I suddenly had an idea, that is, we must find good enough furniture for the Jumbo Pavilion. Is this idea or is it reasonable? Can it be done?!"

Song Yun hadn't spoken, but at this moment, everyone was shocked when he suddenly opened his mouth.

After hearing Song Yun's words, Tang Miaomiao immediately shook his head instinctively. The treasure pavilion of your antique market is where his heart and soul lies. Maybe it will be impossible in the next ten or even twenty years. If you can move a place, of course you must be perfect. If you can't even do this, it is really unacceptable.

"Song Yun!"

"You talk about your own thoughts, why do you say it like this?!"

Tang Miaomiao immediately asked. According to Song Yun's statement, the quarrel with Sun Mengyan just now had no meaning at all.

Song Yun raised his head and looked at Tang Miaomiao.

"We want to find suitable furniture for Jumbo Pavilion. In fact, the most important point is that we want to make every detail of Jumbo Pavilion so that others can't find any faults."

"In fact, we have absolutely no need to do this thing. We thought about this thing a little bit too complicatedly."

When Song Yun first started, it was just a thought that flashed through. Now this time he talked about it and pondered it carefully, and found that it was really like this. He and Tang Miaomiao had really walked into a dead end before and put the whole piece together. Everything is crooked.

Tang Miaomiao frowned, and she couldn't understand why Song Yun suddenly said this. The two had discussed this issue very thoroughly before, and they all agreed that when the Jumbo Pavilion opened, it must have good furniture. , Because if this is not possible, it is easy for others to spot the fault, but now it seems that Song Yun has changed his mind on this issue significantly.

"Song Yun, what do you think?!"

When Tang Miaomiao heard this, he still didn't understand what Song Yun's idea was.

"My current idea is actually very simple. We open an antique shop. Can Jumbo Pavilion be able to make others unable to fault? It is actually very simple. It is to see if we can get very heavy antiques. If we If there is something like this, even if the furniture of our Jumbo Pavilion is just some tattered or made of plastic, there is no problem. For example, if our Jumbo Pavilion was opened, there would be a large jar of Yuanqinghua characters story. Take it out and put it at the gate. There is something like this and put it there. Everyone who passes by and everyone who walks into our treasure pavilion is all trembling, even if we put ordinary furniture in the treasure pavilion, those people What can you say?!"

Song Yun explained his thoughts in detail.

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