God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1490: Not blended

Shi Tiezhu walked forward slowly. The meeting place was not too far away from his antique shop, so he could just walk back. After a while, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, followed by Situ Kongming's shout. .

Shi Tiezhu pretended not to hear, but Situ Kongming behind him kept shouting, there was no way he could only stop.

"Even if you really have something to tell me, wouldn't it be a better choice to go back to the antique shop? You have to shout here, are you afraid that others don't know?"

Shi Tiezhu looked at Situ Kongming, who was panting and running in front of him. He was really helpless. This place is not too far away from Sun Mengyan’s office. Not to mention people coming and going. It’s easy to be seen by others. Situ Kongming mingled together. Although he didn’t have any special thoughts on this matter, if he fell into the eyes of others, misunderstandings might occur, especially if it caused Sun Mengyan’s misunderstanding, it would be really bad. If I really have any thoughts, I deserve to be found out by Sun Mengyan. The crux of the problem is that I don’t have any thoughts at all. Sun Mengyan will do what he says. If I get misunderstood, it’s really not in the legend. It's not cost-effective to provoke a fishy after eating fish.

Situ Kongming blushed, and he suddenly realized that he was a little too anxious, not even paying attention to such simple things or such simple details.

"Old Shi, I'm really embarrassed, I really didn't think of this thing, because I was a little anxious in my heart, I wanted to discuss with you how to deal with this matter, so that we don't say anything now, and return to it separately. Contact the antique shop again."

After Situ Kongming reacted, he immediately made a decision, then turned around and left.


"Situ Kongming, do you have a brain problem, you have already caught up with me, and now you turn around and leave, isn't it true that there is no silver in this place?"

"If you have something, just tell me!"

Shi Tiezhu sneered. Situ Kongming was really confused. He never thought of such a simple thing. It was a wrong decision to rush to him just now, but a mistake has already occurred. Then if he left immediately, he made another mistake. I made another mistake. At this time, I can only make mistakes. Although this may still cause misunderstandings by others, especially Sun Mengyan, from another aspect, it seems more open.

Situ Kongming patted the back of his head vigorously. He found that he was really a little panicked. He didn't think of anything like this. Fortunately, Shi Tiezhu reminded that if he left at this time, it would definitely be yellow mud falling into his crotch. It's not shit, it's shit.

"Lao Shi, how determined is Miss Sun this time? Do we really have to do what she said?"

Situ Kongming is really unwilling to give up a good opportunity like this, but what Sun Mengyan said just now, and still recalling the murderous look by his ears at this time, really makes him very scrupulous in his heart, and he can't make up his mind. I just wanted to ask Shi Tiezhu what exactly he planned to do.


"This matter, my antique shop and I's approach is very simple, that is, we will do whatever Sun Mengyan said, there will be no other possibility."

Shi Tiezhu could tell at a glance that Si Tu Kong clearly wanted to take advantage of such an opportunity to make a fortune, but he was afraid that Sun Mengyan would really take action. He wanted to ask his own opinion, but actually wanted to find out if it was right. Everyone can join forces to deal with Sun Mengyan. Once all the antique shops or most of the antique shop owners don’t care about Sun Mengyan’s request, they sell fake antiques if they want to sell fake antiques. In this way, many people make mistakes. , Sun Mengyan wanted to punish anyone, she had to be cautious, what she wanted to play was the trick of not blaming the public.

Situ Kong was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Shi Tiezhu to say so decisively. After a while, he forced a smile on his face.

"Lao Shi, this is a good opportunity to make a lot of money. If you know such an opportunity, it can definitely be said to be once in a century. Those of us who open antique shops want to get money from selling antiques, and what we want to make. It's just colorful bills. If you don't have a chance, everyone will forget it, but now that there is such a good opportunity in front of you, it is a pity to let it go like this?"

Situ Kongming is a bit unwilling. This time is indeed a rare good opportunity. So many people flocked to the antique shop. There is definitely a chance to sell one or two antiques in the antique shop. If it is a real antique, it can make money, but It definitely doesn’t make much money, but if you can sell one or two high-fake antiques, you will earn ten times or even a hundred times. Such a big piece of fat is in front of you. How can it be tolerated? Shi Tiezhu is in the antique market. The seniority is very high and the oldest. If Sun Mengyan wants to deal with everyone, if he is involved in this matter, she must carefully weigh it. As for Sun Mengyan, the long-term development of the antique market is related to her half of the money. No, I don't know how many years my antique shop can be opened. When I can make money, of course it is safer to make money in my own pocket.

"This time is indeed a good opportunity. So many antique buyers come to our antique market. These people have a hobby of buying or collecting antiques. They must find ways to buy one or more antiques back. If Everyone seizes an opportunity like this and dare not say that it is a profit of one hundred and several hundred thousand. It's not a problem at all."

Shi Tiezhu has opened an antique shop for a lifetime. Although most of the things have been handled by his son Shi Xiaozhu in recent years, he still knows the whole antique market very well and knows the buyers who participated in the opening ceremony of Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion Basically, there is no shortage of money. As long as the antiques can make them attractive, especially if the antiques sold are fake antiques, they will be able to make a lot of money. Faced with such opportunities, Few people can resist the temptation. It is not surprising that Situ Kongming would think this way. In fact, among the 20 people who came to the meeting tonight, at least 70% would think that way.

"Yes Yes!"

"It's definitely like this!"

"This opportunity is a very good opportunity for all of us who open antique shops in the antique market. As long as we can seize this opportunity, one hundred and hundreds of thousands, this is just a small problem. It can be as small as possible."

Situ Kong nodded, and at the same time looked at Shi Tiezhu very enviously. The status of his antique shop in the antique market is very different from that of antique shops like Shi Tiezhu. If you say that small antique shops like yourself can make money. One hundred and several hundred thousand, a well-deserved leading antique shop like Shi Tiezhu in the antique market will make at least 10 million, because after those buyers come, they will definitely inquire about the best antiques in the entire antique market. Which shop is it? If 10 people will walk into their antique shop, then 100 or even 200 people will walk into Shi Tiezhu’s antique shop. One result of this is that Shi Tiezhu can make more money than his own. There are many more people.

"But, this time I don't get involved in it. What you want to do is your business has nothing to do with me."

Shi Tiezhu turned around and left after saying this.

There was a smile on Situ Kongming's face. At this moment, he stiffened, thinking that Shi Tiezhu had changed his mind, but suddenly there was another 180-degree change.

"How could it be like this?"

"What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, Shi Tiezhu?"

"Does he really give up such a good opportunity? Wouldn't it be fragrant to make a fortune by selling some fake antiques or high imitation antiques?"

Situ Kongming felt confused the more he thought about it, and he couldn't understand why Shi Tiezhu would give up such a good opportunity.

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