God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1491: Can only listen

Shi Tiezhu returned to his antique shop and sat motionless on the sofa, showing no expression on his face.

Shi Xiaozhu is sitting at the counter, not daring to breathe. Recently, Shi Tiezhu has a very strong control over the antique shop. Simply put, everything must be approved by Shi Tiezhu and placed in the antique shop. All of the antiques in the antique store must be checked by the stone iron pillar. My role in the antique shop is actually a salesperson. Apart from that, I can’t do anything or make any decisions. The biggest change in the antique shop is the display There are more and more genuine antiques on the shelves.

Shi Xiaozhu knows that his father, Shi Tiezhu, attended a meeting held by Sun Mengyan this evening. At the same time, there are 19 other antique shop owners who occupy the largest share of the antique market. Needless to say, it must be a very important thing. He was originally I thought that Shi Tiezhu would definitely discuss with him after he came back, but half an hour had passed, and there was no intention to talk to him at all. Seeing that an hour was about to pass, he couldn't bear it, so he simply walked over.


"What happened?"

Shi Xiaozhu picked up the teapot while talking. He wanted to pour a cup of tea for Shi Tiezhu, but found that it had already cooled down, so he simply re-boiled the water.

Shi Tiezhu sighed and told Shi Xiaozhu directly what Sun Mengyan had said at the meeting.

"No way?"

"Is there such a thing?"

Shi Xiaozhu's eyes widened, unable to believe what he heard

"What kind of thing are you talking about impossible?"

Shi Tiezhu glanced. He thought that his son was very good, but at this time, because of the things that happened before, he felt unpleasant no matter how he looked at it. Naturally, he was very rude when speaking.

"300, and more than 300 buyers will come to attend the opening ceremony of Jumbo Pavilion. Could this kind of thing be true?"

Shi Xiaozhu owns an antique shop, and he knows the situation of his antique shop very well, but he can say with certainty that if his antique shop is now in another place, he reopens a branch, or How about it? It’s very good to be able to invite twenty buyers to participate in the opening ceremony. Generally speaking, buyers who can participate or are willing to participate in the opening ceremony of antique shops are true hard-core fans, and they are very popular. In other words, they are repeat customers. They are people who have bought more than one antique in an antique shop. After years of painstaking management in their antique shop, there are no more than 30 people who can truly be regarded as buyers, Song Yun It’s not a long time since Zhenbao Pavilion opened its doors to do business in Ninghua City. There were already 300 such buyers this year. Such a thing is really terrible, because having these 300 buyers means one year. At least 50 antiques can be sold. This is still counted as less. Under normal circumstances, it is likely to exceed 300 or even 600. On average, one person will only buy two antiques. For those who often For those who buy antiques or collect antiques, it’s just drizzle. Even if you calculate it based on three hundred antiques, each antique earns only 10,000 yuan, and it can earn three million in a year. The antiques in this world There has never been a piece of antiques that only made 10,000 yuan, especially the antiques sold by Song Yun’s Treasure Pavilion are above the quality. Every antique can make 100,000 yuan or more. At least this time Can earn 30 million.

Even if Shi Xiaozhu understood the mathematics in it all at once, this was actually the fundamental reason why he was so shocked.


"Do you know the origins of these 300 buyers?"

"All of them are people who have bought more than 10 million antiques in Jumbo Pavilion!"

"Those who have bought millions of antiques, or those who bought a hundred and hundreds of thousands of antiques, are not among them at all!"

Shi Tiezhu told Shi Xiaozhu what he had heard.

After Shi Xiaozhu heard this sentence, he felt like a thunderbolt hit his forehead directly, and he suddenly felt bad.

"There are 300 or more people who have bought antiques worth more than 10 million?"

"How can there be an antique shop that can do this? Not to mention, the time for this antique shop in Jumbo Pavilion to open is just one or two years. How can it be possible to sell so many antiques with such a high value? ?"

"This is totally abnormal!"

"This kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen, something went wrong, this kind of news is definitely not true!"

Shi Xiaozhu muttered to himself. He couldn't believe him at all. He heard all this, because it was beyond his imagination. All 300 buyers had bought more than 10 million antiques. The total amount in it was really huge. It's amazing, not to mention there are other buyers. Doesn't this mean that Jumbo Pavilion has sold antiques that others can't sell for ten or even a hundred lifetimes in just one to two years.


"What's so strange about this?"

"The way that Jumbo Pavilion manages antiques is completely different from our ordinary and traditional way of operating antique shops. He is all commissioned. The most important point is that Song Yun is too good at picking up and leaking, and Jumbo Pavilion guarantees that he sells antiques. Every item is true. If there is a fake, it will definitely be 10 times the compensation. No antique shop can make such a promise. Of course, those who want to buy antiques will look for Jumbo Pavilion, and of course they will believe in Song cloud."

Shi Tiezhu does not doubt the accuracy of this news at all, because it was heard from Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have a very good relationship with Song Yun, and they have a very good understanding of the situation in Zhenbao Pavilion. Of course, it is impossible to say it from their mouths. In fact, there is no need to conceal this kind of thing. Maybe he even thinks that the news is Song Yun at all, and Tang Miaomiao catches Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s words. It came out, the purpose is very simple, and that is to promote the treasure Pavilion.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"It's impossible for any antique shop to do this!"



"Absolutely impossible!"

"It is impossible for any antique shop to do this!"



"Absolutely impossible!"

"It's impossible for any antique shop to do this!"


Zhu Deyuan saw that Shi Xiaozhu was like a person with a brain problem. He kept repeating the same words constantly. He couldn't bear it. He directly raised his hand and slapped Shi Xiaozhu's forehead.

Shi Xiaozhu was taken aback and finally woke up.

"If this matter is true, then our refusal to cooperate with Song Yun's Treasure Pavilion before is really a very huge loss. If we know this situation, we should have promised him and put forward the conditions. , Even if it is our antique shop, the antiques that are guaranteed or promised to sell are all real. If we can sell so many antiques, the money we make is an astronomical figure. Selling real antiques is definitely better than selling. Fake antiques must make more money!"

Shi Xiaozhu really regrets it at this time. When Jumbo Pavilion put forward such a condition before, he was totally unwilling to agree to it. He felt that not only was there no way to make a lot of money, but even a small amount of money could not be made. I really thought this thing a little too simple, or said that I was really confused. The strength of Jumbo Pavilion or Jumbo Pavilion selling real antiques, the money that can be made is far beyond imagination. Even the situation my own Lao Tzu just mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg. The real money that Treasure Pavilion can make is definitely an astronomical figure, far beyond the imagination of myself or other people who open antique shops.

Shi Tiezhu sighed. After knowing the news or the data, he wouldn't regret it, but there really won't be any regrets in this world. After missing the opportunity to cooperate with Jumbo Pavilion, there is nothing left now. Even if you pull down your old face and plead, it will not help. Now there is no need for Zhenbaoge to cooperate with your own antique shop. Even the previous opportunity for cooperation is obviously old friends Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng. If Song Yun didn’t look at Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s face, he would never provide such a good opportunity. It’s a pity that he didn’t understand this at all and let down his old friends. Our kindness, now all of this is going with the wind, there is no longer any, even the slightest possibility.

"Forget it!"

"It doesn't make any sense to say too much about this matter or regret it at this time. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. We can only look forward to everything. Our antique shop didn't talk to Song Yun before. Cooperation can also make a lot of money, but the key lies in how we run our own antique shop."

Shi Tiezhu could afford it and let it go. He missed the opportunity, and it was useless to think more. He could simply consider what to do next.

"Sun Mengyan really said something cruel?"

Shi Xiaozhu understands what Shi Tiezhu said, but he understands it. There is no way for the regret or annoyance in his heart to disappear. However, he knows that Shi Tiezhu is right. The most important thing at this time is his antique shop. What should I do during this time?

Shi Tiezhu nodded heavily.

"Sun Mengyan is a very tough person. It is not surprising that she said something like this. In fact, when she said something like this, we had no other choice but to do what she said or her request. There is absolutely no need for us to resist such things, or what kind of small movements are secretly, otherwise, once Sun Mengyan is aware of it, the consequences will be unimaginable, and even now it can be asserted that if someone really does small movements behind the scenes, Sun Mengyan will definitely know. Of course, There must be an antique shop owner who wants to do it like this. We definitely can't participate in it, or get involved, just move a small bench and wait to watch the excitement."

Shi Xiaozhu didn't need to think about it at all, and immediately expressed his opinion.

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