God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1627: ruthless

After Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng finished listening, their brows kept twisting together, and at the same time they became even more angry. This kind of thing Zuo Gao just used a little thing to describe it, if you don’t have rich experience, ask it clearly. If you step in directly, you will definitely offend Sun Mengyan in the end.

"Teacher Zuo, Teacher Cao, I know that the two of you found our heads to give us both face, but we can't handle this matter."

Zhu Deyuan did not give much consideration, and immediately rejected Zuo Gaohe and Cao Zhonghe. This kind of thing is very troublesome. It is definitely not that he and Xu Desheng can handle it. To put it bluntly, Zuo Gao and Cao Zhong and two people want to dig Sun Mengyan's corner. It was discovered that if this kind of thing happened for the first time, there might still be room for wandering around, but Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe did such a thing in the capital, and they even ran after being warned by Sun Mengyan. To do this on Sun Mengyan’s site, she absolutely does not put Sun Mengyan in her eyes. If Sun Mengyan does not take the initiative to teach Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe, the matter will spread out, and the whole circle will not take much time to know, one is a joke. Sun Mengyan has no abilities, and it is very likely that in the future, if there is something else, everyone will run to Sun Mengyan's site to play wild. From this perspective, Sun Mengyan absolutely must take action.

Zhu Deyuan saw very clearly that Sun Mengyan really had to make a move. Everyone was just a normal friendship, not enough to allow herself to take such a risk to do this.

Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe became anxious when they heard Zhu Deyuan's refusal.

"Teacher Zhu, we know that you have a certain connection with Sun Mengyan, and the relationship is even good. This time it was just a very small misunderstanding. Everyone sits down for a meal and clarifies the matter and it is fine."

Cao Zhonghe stood up immediately, speaking very loudly, and there was even a little echo in the entire box.

Zhu Deyuan raised his head slightly and looked at Cao Zhonghe standing in front of him.

"Teacher Zuo, Teacher Cao, how come you still feel that this is a very small thing?"

Zhu Deyuan really can’t understand why Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe still have to say that this matter with Sun Mengyan is a small matter at this time. This is not a small matter at all, but the big one cannot be big enough. thing.

"Song Yun is now very well-known in the antique collection circle. I believe you two must also know his name, not to mention that in the antique collection circle now, many people think that Sun Mengyan's antique market can be It has developed in such a short time and developed so quickly. The most important or fundamental reason is Song Yun. You two now want to dig Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion to the antique market in the capital. The practice is actually tantamount to cutting off Sun Mengyan's financial avenue. Making money is like killing her parents. I really don't know why you think this kind of thing is trivial?"

Zhu Deyuan really feels a little angry and grinning now. This kind of thing is definitely not a trivial matter, but a major event that has pierced the sky. Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe still say this now. There are only two reasons, one. This of course is that they really think this way. If this is the case, they can only think that Zuo Gao and Cao Zhong and the two people’s brains are faulty. The other is that they are worried that they and Xu Desheng are unwilling to participate in this matter, and simply want If it is for this reason, it is to fool himself and Xu Desheng, no matter which reason it is, it is very bad.

Zuo Gao and Cao Zhong and the two blushed for a while, Zhu Deyuan's words stabbed them like a knife, completely unable to refute them.

"If you want to find someone to mediate, it is definitely the wrong choice to find me and Xu Desheng. Although we have a certain friendship with Sun Mengyan, the friendship is not enough to handle such things. In this regard, Sun Mengyan is not at all. Will give me and Xu Desheng face in this kind of matter, in the final analysis, it is because this matter is too serious, it is not a trivial matter, and it is not a misunderstanding. You must find more respectable people. Xu Dezheng and I do not have such big heads. I can’t wear such a big hat."

Zhu Deyuan bluntly rejected Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe's requests.

"Teacher Zhu, Teacher Xu, we know that your relationship with Sun Mengyan may not be particularly familiar, but there is a person who has a very good relationship with him. As long as he is willing to speak, there is absolutely no misunderstanding between us and Sun Mengyan. The problem of this matter can definitely be turned into a major matter, and a small matter will be turned into nothing."

Zuo Gao was really anxious at this moment, and immediately stood up like Cao Zhong before and shouted loudly.



"Is this person Song Yun?"

Zhu Deyuan looked at Zuo Gao coldly, without guessing, the person Zuo Gao said was definitely Song Yun.

"Yes, that’s right, it is indeed Song Yun, Teacher Zhu, Teacher Xu, we know that the relationship between you and Song Yun is very good, and the relationship between Song Yun and Sun Mengyan is also very good, not to mention that Song Yun is now treating Sun Mengyan. The entire antique market is very important. As long as Song Yun can speak to Sun Mengyan, no matter what it is, it is possible to solve it."

Cao Zhong and Immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. If Song Yun could intercede on this matter, there would really be no problem at all. Sun Mengyan had to give Song Yun this face.



Xu Desheng was listening to the side and didn’t want to say anything, because in today’s matter, he had reached a tacit understanding with Zhu Deyuan just now. Zhu Deyuan’s words to offend others were said by Zhu Deyuan, but now I heard Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe. If you are shameless, you can't help the anger in your heart.

"You see it very transparently, or your judgment is not wrong at all. Song Yun is very important to Sun Mengyan. If he is willing to intercede, even if it is a big matter, Sun Mengyan has to let it go. But the key to the question is whether you have ever thought about why Song Yun had to intercede for you? Does he have a very close relationship with you?"

"If you really have a very close relationship, if the friendship between you is very deep, why not just go to Song Yun? Or if the relationship between you and Song Yun is very good, why does he Don’t you agree to move the Jumbo Pavilion to the antique market in the capital?"

"The relationship between us and Song Yun is indeed very good. If we really speak, Song Yun will sell our two old men for a face. But, do we have a very good relationship with you? Why should we both help you and Song Yun? What about this?"

"Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe, do you think the friendship between us is really deep to this extent?"

Xu Desheng looked at Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe coldly.

Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe's faces were as pale as a piece of white paper. These words of Xu Desheng can no longer be described with a knife, they are almost like locust-like arrows pierced on the two people.


Things or facts are so cruel!

Whether it is Zhu Deyuan or Xu Desheng, the friendship between them is not enough to make Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng speak to Song Yun.

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