God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1628: So disgusting

"Zuo Gao, Cao Zhonghe, you are looking for us to eat tonight. If it is for this kind of thing, then I am really sorry for you. I can only be disappointed. There is no other ending except this."

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng stood up and left the box directly after saying this. Only Zuo Gao and Cao Zhong, with their faces as gray, sat on the chairs, motionless for a long time, like a stone without any life. The statue is average.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng left the box and walked outside. The night breeze was blowing. It was very cool and refreshed people's spirits. At the same time, they were so angry that their depressed mood slowly subsided.

"Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe really have brain problems, or the older they are, the more confused they are. This kind of digging the corner of Sun Mengyan still feels like a trivial matter. This is simply a slander in the world, and it is really ridiculous. "

Zhu Deyuan shook his head. Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe realized the seriousness of this problem. Maybe they and Xu Desheng could still think of a solution for them. But in the whole process just now, these two people clearly felt that what they did was just one thing. Little misunderstanding, I really don't know where the confidence comes from.

"Zuo Gao and Cao Zhong and these two people are used to being aloof, always thinking that they are seniors, always thinking that they are the boss, no matter what it is, or what kind of person they are, others have to give them three points of face. I didn’t realize that this was just an illusion. People usually ignored them or really gave him three points of face, but it was because the conflict of interest did not reach a high level. The conflict between them and Sun Mengyan this time was very serious. It's serious, but they still use their previous logic of thinking or a habitual attitude of superiority to face and deal with it, and the end is absolutely miserable."

Xu Desheng sighed. Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe are clearly living in their own world. This kind of mentality of Laozi's No. 1 in the world is really important. Anyone can turn without the earth. Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe are in the antique collection. The status in this circle is indeed very high, but no matter how high it is, it will be useless when encountering some things. No one will give face. This is the thing that provokes Sun Mengyan this time. "

"Forget it!"

"We don’t need a headache, let alone something like this, because this kind of thing affects our mood, and there’s nothing to do anyway. We might as well go back to Song Yun’s antique shop to drink tea there. 20 million antique tea sets must be required. Drink a few more drinks."

Zhu Deyuan waved his hand and stopped thinking about Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe.

Xu Desheng laughed. Gu Jingzhou's antique tea set worth 20 million must indeed drink a few more glasses.

When Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng returned to the Treasure Pavilion, they found Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue both drinking tea and chatting in the store, and walked in quickly.

Song Yun saw that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng came back so soon, and immediately understood what was going on. They must have gone unhappy. If things really go well, they must have tea and chat until dawn. The rhythm, at least until the early hours of the morning, the old friends for many years are gone, and they are also in the antique collection circle. While drinking tea, they talked about various things in the antique collection circle. Time flies for a few hours. But it happened in a blink of an eye.

Song Yun poured a cup of tea for Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng.

"It's really amazing to drink tea with a 20 million antique tea set. It feels different. It's really delicious."

Zhu Deyuan drank three consecutive cups before stopping.

"Old man Zhu, when you first started, you thought it was a horrible thing for us to drink tea with such an expensive tea set. How come we are happier than anyone when we drink it now."

Shen Xue couldn't help but choke on seeing Zhu Deyuan like this.

"I still think that it is a horrible thing for you to drink tea with such antique tea sets, especially this is Gu Jingzhou's tea set, a complete set of Gu Jingzhou's antique tea sets, this is not ordinary things, in other words, if it is true If it’s damaged, it’s impossible to find it, because this kind of thing is unique in the world, but this does not prevent me from thinking that drinking tea with such an antique tea set is very refreshing. These are two different things."

As Zhu Deyuan said, he had another drink.

Shen Xue was speechless, cheeky to such an extent, there was nothing to say.

"Old man Zhu, how about meeting this time?"

Tang Miaomiao asked Zhu Deyuan. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng went to meet Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe. They didn't know what they were talking about. He was really curious.

Zhu Deyuan put down the teacup in his hand and explained the whole process in detail. Tang Miaomiao, Song Yun and the others didn’t know what to say after listening. Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe, in a sense, In fact, it's a weird thing, or it's self-righteous and feels like it's awesome.

"Don't worry about them, our friendship with them is not for this reason, no matter what it is like, just listen."

Xu Desheng waved his hand. The matter of Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe, he felt that it was over, and he didn't need to say anything, because people like this would feel very depressed if they think about it. Affect your mood.

Song Yun couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. He knew that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng must be going to Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe to get sick.

"By the way, Song Yun, how is the Ming Dynasty yard you bought?"

After Zhu Deyuan drank tea for a while, he suddenly remembered this incident. When he was still here before, he and Xu Desheng went there almost every day. They didn’t go back to Ninghua City for several days. I don’t know. How far has it been repaired now?

"It's all finished. Yesterday I went to check and accept it with Shen Xue."

Song Yun remembered what happened yesterday when she and Shen Xue went to inspect the Ming Dynasty yard. He couldn't help but smile. It must be admitted that although the restoration cost more money this time, the final effect or the effect The look after the restoration is really good, it is definitely worth the money.

"Really? Has all been repaired?"

When Zhu Deyuan heard Song Yun's words like this, his eyes suddenly lit up, he was about to move, and he seemed to be unable to sit still.

"You don't want to go and see it now, do you? Now you can't see anything at night."

Song Yun knew Zhu Deyuan's look and actions like this, and he definitely couldn't help but want to see it now.

"Why don't you go check it out? The night is long, it's not interesting to have tea here, let's go there and check it out."

Zhu Deyuan immediately nodded vigorously. He really couldn't wait to see what the Ming Dynasty courtyard looked like after the final restoration.

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