God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1652: dilemma

Jiang Zhonghua looked at He Wenshi. At this time, He Wenshi must have wanted to kill himself to be happy, and he didn't care at all. Ten years ago, twenty years ago, or even thirty years ago, he was still active in the antique collection circle. At the time, I often heard or encountered this kind of thing. If I can be killed by others by looking in my eyes or by my mouth, I really don't know how many times I have died.

"Your gourd bottle is real?!"

After Jiang Zhonghua said this, he turned and walked to the door of the antique shop.


"I think everyone now knows what the matter is, or what caused the conflict."

"I came to an antique shop today to buy antiques. The owner took out an antique. I said it was a fake. He said no. The price was 8 million. A ragged fake antique dare to offer such a price. It’s really black-hearted, or the conscience has already been eaten by dogs. This antique shop has existed in the antique market for a long time, knowing how many fake antiques have been sold and how many people have been pitted. "

Jiang Zhonghua ignored the murderous eyes of He Wenshi standing behind him, and faced more and more people watching the excitement, talking loudly.

He Wenshi stood behind Jiang Zhonghua. He had an impulse in his heart now, that he immediately rushed over and beat the old man to death, but he knew he could never do this, because the old man was in his 60s or 70s. If you really touch the other person, you might have to lie down on the ground. At that time, you really couldn't handle this matter at all.


"You are nonsense!"

"The antiques in my antique shop are all real. I have never sold fake antiques!"

"You old man is too much, even if you don't want to buy my antique, you don't need to slander me like this, I warn you, if you talk like this again, I won't be polite to you! "

He Wenshi was desperate, but he knew exactly what the antiques in his antique shop were. He was evasive when he spoke, and he didn't have any hard feelings.

Jiang Zhonghua looked back at He Wenshi who was jumping, then sneered, then turned to look at the people watching the excitement around the store entrance.

"The owner of this antique shop insists that the antiques in his antique shop are all real. Is it true? It is actually very simple. It is to identify the antiques in his antique shop and you can draw a conclusion. ."

As Jiang Zhonghua said, he pointed his finger at the gourd bottle he had taken out with Aragonite before.

"Have you seen the gourd bottle on that table? It is the antique that the owner of the antique shop is going to sell me. It is the antique that I just mentioned and asked for 8 million. I just said that antique. It’s fake. The owner of the antique shop doesn’t want to admit it at all. He also talked about nonsense, such as all sorts of nonsense. He took the gourd bottle, and everyone identified whether it was real or fake, the people. His vision is very sharp, and he can definitely see it."

Jiang Zhonghua came here today for the purpose of making trouble, and there are more and more people watching the excitement around him.

"Boss boss!"

"Take that antique out and let everyone take a look. It's true that it's not fake, and it's not true!"


"Yes Yes!"

"What the **** is going on, there is no need to fight here, just take out that antique and take a look at it!"


"Boss boss!"

"Hurry up and get that antique out. Everyone, take a look. If it's true, you can immediately wash away your grievances!"

"why not!"

Those who watch the excitement are not afraid of the big things. After hearing Jiang Zhonghua's words, they immediately began to clamor.

He Wenshi murmured secretly in his heart. If the antique is real, he must be taken out at this time, or the antique is even fake, but as long as he does not know it, he can take it out generously, but the problem is The key is that the gourd bottle itself is very clear that it is a high imitation fake antique. If it is really taken out for everyone to see, if it is found to be fake by others, and full evidence is provided, the consequences will be very serious. You must know that this is Antique Street. Nine out of ten people who can come to Antique Street have some experience in antique appraisal. With so many people and so many eyes, you might actually be able to find that gourd bottle. What is the problem.

"This antique has nothing to do with you. I don't have to show that antique to you."

He Wenshi quickly pondered it in his mind, and finally felt that he must not agree to take out the gourd bottle for everyone to see. If it is really done like this, the situation will eventually get out of control.

"Have you heard?!"

"The owner of this antique shop keeps saying that his antiques are genuine, but he dare not show them to everyone. In fact, this is the easiest way to prove his innocence, but why does he disagree? ?!"

"There is only one possibility, and that is that the gourd bottle is fake and there is a problem."

"The owner of this antique shop is obviously a guilty conscience!"

Jiang Zhonghua knew that He Wenshi would say that. If this gourd bottle is real, He Wenshi would definitely agree to show it to everyone, but the problem is that the gourd bottle was definitely a fake that time. Wear help.

"Boss boss!"

"Didn't you say that your gourd bottle is real? What is there to be afraid of if it is real?!"


"Real gold is not afraid of fire! If your antique is really real, show it to everyone, and you will be innocent!"


"Boss boss!"

"Now in this form, if you don't show this antique to everyone, no one will believe that your antique is real, and everyone will definitely think that your antique is fake!"


There are more people around watching the excitement at this time, and all the people are booing.

Jiang Zhonghua glanced at He Wenshi and sneered. The situation in front of him was deliberately caused by him. Now it seems that the effect is really good.

He Wenshi gritted his teeth and felt like he was being roasted on a fire. He didn’t know how to deal with this situation for a while. If he didn’t take out the antiques, everyone would think that his antiques were fake. If you take out your own antiques for everyone to see, if someone really sees it, it is a fake antique, and the consequences are also very miserable. It is definitely not something you can bear.

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