God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1653: Forced

He Wenshi was in a dilemma. He didn't even notice that there were a few familiar people among the crowd watching.

"How could it be this old man?!"

Zhu Deyuan looked at the old man standing in front of He Wenshi among the crowd. He couldn't believe his eyes. After rubbing hard for a few times, he realized that he was right.


"Really this old man!"

"I haven't seen each other for at least 10 years, right? Why did you come out suddenly?"

"Isn't it always saying that he has washed his hands in a golden basin?!"

Xu Desheng also recognized who this old man was, and was very shocked. He did not expect to meet again in this place.

"Elder Zhu, Elder Xu, do you know that person?!"

Song Yun looked at the old man in the crowd, very curious. He and Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng walked towards the treasure pavilion after drinking the morning tea. He did not expect to see a large group of people around the entrance of an antique shop halfway through. I was watching the excitement and was very curious. I stopped to inquire and figured out what was going on. I didn't expect that Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng would actually know the old man in the crowd, who was the other party in this conflict.

"This old man knows him even if he turns into ashes!"

"The real old undead and old things in the antique collection circle, the real man in the circle, are just ten years ago. I don’t know why I withdrew from the antique circle. Why suddenly this thing came up again? It's kind of weird."

Zhu Deyuan shook his head vigorously, with a look of doubt that he could not figure out what happened.

"What's not clear about this? This old man appeared here, and this kind of thing happened, it is clearly a game, or it is clearly a pit."

"It's impossible for the antique shop owner to escape safely today. None of this old man's calculations can get away."

Xu Desheng shook his head. He knew very well the abilities of this old man among the crowd. Since the owner of this antique shop was targeted, he would really have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Song Yun immediately understood what Xu Desheng meant. This is not a game. To be precise, it is indeed a pit. The owner of the antique shop must have been calculated by the old man whom Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng knew. The old man dug it down. A huge pit, the owner of this antique shop didn’t see it at all. He stepped on it. If it weren’t for the pit, it would have been impossible to make such a big pit in such a short time. Among these onlookers Maybe a considerable part of the old man arranged in advance. When the old man and the owner of the antique shop buy antiques in the antique shop, no matter what conflicts, it is impossible to attract the attention of people outside the antique shop. The simple method is that the old man arranged a few people in advance and squatted around the door of the antique shop. As long as there is excitement to watch, a large number of people can be gathered in the shortest time. This is actually why the door of the antique shop is surrounded. The fundamental reason for so many people is that the owner of the antique shop is definitely calculated in this matter, but I really can’t blame others, because the antique shop owner’s antique is really fake. Besides, the crowd The old man in it is right. The antiques on the shelves of the antique shop are all fake. Selling fakes to such an extent, being targeted by others or dug by others, there is absolutely no place to reason. According to the legend, self-inflicted work cannot be done. At this time, even if there are three or five genuine antiques in the antique shop, they can safely escape. All of them are fakes. There is really no way at all.

Song Yun just wanted to speak, and saw a familiar figure among the crowd——Zhou Ling, and Sun Mengyan deliberately visited the person invited back from the thatched cottage. There was a flash in his mind, and he immediately understood why the old man in the crowd would do such a thing. It is very likely to have something to do with Sun Mengyan, or this is simply a pit that Sun Mengyan dug out.

"Could it be that the owner of this antique shop is one of those people who refuse to listen?"

Song Yun immediately remembered what Sun Mengyan had said. During the opening of Jumbo Pavilion, many buyers would come to the antique market. In order to establish a good image of the antique market, he had held meetings with some antique shop owners. They can converge a little during this time, especially not to take advantage of this opportunity to sell fake antiques to make money. Yesterday Sun Mengyan also said that there are some people in the antique market that do not listen to hello. All things are combined. At a glance, I knew that this matter was basically 100% related to Sun Mengyan. The old man in the antique shop and Zhou Ling who watched the crowd were all arranged by Sun Mengyan. There was only one purpose, and that was Let me give a severe lesson to the owner of an antique shop who didn't listen to him. This trick was very ruthless. It hit the owner of the antique shop directly on the seven inches. Know any antique shop or any antique shop. The owner’s reputation is very important, and even the only proof to make money. If an antique shop sells all fake antiques in the eyes of others, and its reputation is bad, no one will look for him to buy antiques. Sun Mengyan knows this. After the owner of the antique shop was disobedient, he made a ruthless move.


"This antique shop is over!"

Song Yun sighed lightly. Sun Mengyan is definitely a very powerful person, and a very tough person. The owner of this antique shop actually offended Sun Mengyan. There is only one at the end. The antique shop must be closed and lost. A reputable antique shop is absolutely impossible to survive.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng both froze for a moment. The situation before them is indeed very difficult to deal with, but if it is said that they have never recovered from this, it is unlikely that they would like to ask why Song Yun said such things, but now this time is all People who watch the excitement, typical people are very mixed, and can only forcefully suppress the curiosity in their hearts. No matter what, you have to wait to ask after going back or leaving here, not to mention the huge changes in the current situation.


"I thought this matter had nothing to do with you people who watched the excitement, so I didn't show you this gourd bottle. Since you have to say it like this, I will show it to you. Save you from saying that I am a guilty conscience."

He Wenshi gritted his teeth vigorously. In this situation, if you don’t take it out, these people watching the excitement will directly conclude that they are to be sentenced to death and that all the antiques sold in their antique shop are all fake. Take out the gourd bottle. No one can recognize that the gourd bottle is fake, so he immediately turned over and sang the serf, turned around and slapped the old man standing in front of him severely, if it wasn't because of him today, if it wasn't because of this person. It is impossible for him to fall into such an embarrassing situation when making trouble.

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