God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1656: Angrily smile


"You old man is really toasting and not drinking fine wine, I kindly let you off, and even talked like this, then don't blame me for being impolite!"

He Wenshi immediately thumped in his heart, turning into anger, and the look on his face was very ugly. The old man in front of him really didn't know where he came from. He had to fight against himself. The thoughts in his heart were directly affected by the opponent. I am really worried about what other accidents will happen next. The most important thing is that my gourd bottle is fake. I don’t have enough confidence and I just want the other party to leave quickly, but now this situation can be seen, the old man today I'm determined to have trouble with myself, and there must be someone waiting for it. This is the most terrible thing, but at this time I can never show my timidity, especially if I let people around who are watching the bustle see that I have a problem. The consequences are very serious.

Jiang Zhonghua smiled, did not continue to refute, but raised his head and looked at the people who were watching at the entrance of the antique shop. Almost at this moment, one of the people in the crowd spoke.

"Let's make it!"

"There are so many people here that there is not even one person who can see that there is a problem with this antique? Could it be said that the antique market here does not even have a person who understands it?"

"At first glance, I know whether this antique is fake or not. I thought that there was no one who could tell it!"

"Give it all to the old man. I'll go in and take a look, and then tell you what exactly this antique looks like!"

After hearing such a sound, the crowd crowded around to watch the excitement voluntarily gave up a path, and another old man walked in and appeared in front of everyone.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were a little dumbfounded when they saw this old man. The old man standing with the owner of the antique shop surprised two people. Now they saw another old man appear at this time, and both of them were already a little unacceptable. Of all this.

Song Yun immediately noticed the shocked expressions on Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's faces. Needless to say, they must all know each other.

"What's going on? In order to dig a hole, I found out all the awesome characters?!"

Song Yun was really helpless when he saw the situation in front of him. In order to cheat her to death, the owner of this antique shop really spent a lot of money.

"I can't read it wrong?"

"The old man's apprentices are all out?"

Zhu Deyuan really couldn't believe his eyes, so he just raised his hand and swam vigorously for several times, and finally found helplessly, it was impossible to read it wrong.

"This is actually nothing strange. If such a pit lacks a person who can finally appraise antiques, there will always be accidents. In order to ensure that everything goes according to plan, a trustworthy person must appear. Here the old man brought his apprentice over, and two of them did this together. It couldn't be more reasonable."

"We don't have to do anything right now. Let's watch the excitement first. Later, I will stop the old man and ask you exactly what's going on."

Xu Desheng waved his big hand and immediately made a decision. He is really more and more curious now.

He Wenshi saw a slightly younger old man coming out of the crowd, and his whole body was cold. He now really knows that today's game is likely to be unable to escape. The old man who dug a hole for himself clearly calculated that this would happen. If someone can find out that his gourd bottle is fake, he won’t show up. But if no one watching the show can tell, the nail that has been arranged is Will appear, this is definitely one of the most terrifying things for myself is definitely a nightmare.

"Where did you get out of here?"

"What nonsense? This is not where you go wild!"

"Keep your eyes open before you speak, look carefully and think carefully."

He Wenshi knew that something was wrong, and things started to develop in a direction that he couldn't control. He couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore. He didn't have the slightest politeness when he spoke, and even started to threaten directly.



"Have you seen it? Did you hear it?"

"The owner of an antique shop has started threatening me. I am not guilty of conscience. If this antique is not fake, how could he speak like this?"

"The owner of this antique shop knew that this antique was fake, otherwise he wouldn't be so worried."

"The owner of the antique shop knows that his antiques are fake, and he even sells them for 8 million. If he does such a thing, has his conscience been eaten by a dog?"

The person who walked out of the crowd didn't take He Wenshi's threat in his heart at all. A sentence like this was like a knife, directly piercing He Wenshi's heart, making him unhappy.

The antique market is indeed different from other markets. Fake antiques or fakes are everywhere in such a place, and they will not be punished because of this, but there is a precondition, that is, you absolutely You can’t deliberately sell fake antiques, deliberately sell fake things, or you absolutely can’t know that it’s fake and have to sell it, or even if you know it’s fake, you can’t let others know that you know it is Fake, this kind of statement is very confusing, but it is true. For example, if an antique in your antique shop is fake, you sell it. If you don’t know that the antique is fake, you In my heart, I always feel that this antique is real, no one will say anything, because antique identification is a matter of careful vision, and people who buy antiques must consider the antique they bought when paying. Is it true? Even if it turns out to be false, no one will say anything. You can only blame your lack of vision and poor appraisal skills, but if the antique shop owner who sells antiques clearly knows that an antique is fake, You have to fudge and sell it to others with great effort. This approach is morally untenable. If you don’t know it is fake, you sell it as real and you know it is fake and sell it as real. The former Everyone can accept it, but the latter will be rejected by others. Even if you really know it is fake, you have to pretend not to know.

He Wenshi was really scared at this time, and the person who came out of the crowd directly stabbed this out. This kind of lethality absolutely made him unable to bear it.


"You are absolutely nonsense!"

"What's the guilty conscience? When did I threaten you? Even if I speak a little harder, it's no surprise that you keep repeating it. You have to say that my antique is fake. Even the clay figurines have to be three-pointed. What's more, what you said and what you did caused great damage to my antique shop. Under such circumstances, do I have to accompany the smiling face?"

He Wenshi smiled angrily.

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