God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1657: Identification techniques taught by physical education teachers

The person who came out of the crowd gave He Wenshi a thumbs up. This statement was indeed reasonable, but it couldn't be changed anyway. The gourd bottle on the table was fake.

"You guys have watched the excitement for a long time, and the reason for the matter is very clear. In fact, there is only one thing we have to do at this time, and that is to see if this gourd bottle is real or fake. Yes, as long as this matter becomes clear, nothing will be a problem."

The person who came out of the crowd simply ignored what He Wenshi had just said, turned around and looked at the people watching the excitement around him, and directly stabbed the most crucial point of the whole thing.

"It's not wrong, it is the case. Who is right and who is wrong in this matter today? Or is there any conspiracy? The most important thing is to see whether this bottle of gourd is real or fake, if it is true. An old man running here is definitely trying to dig a hole with the owner of the antique shop, but on the contrary, if this bottle of gourd is fake, the owner of this antique shop is also very problematic."


"It is necessary to figure out the origin of the gourd bottle in front of us. The most important thing is of course whether it is real or not. It is a pity that we people do not have enough eyesight, and coupled with being so far away, we simply cannot do well. I can’t tell if it is true or not."


"Could it be that this bottle of gourd is really fake? No matter how you look at it, these two old men don't think they are people with offline IQs, and their temperament is very familiar, as if they are our counterparts."


There are so many people watching the excitement at this time, and almost the entire street is blocked. The three floors inside and outside three floors can no longer be accurately described.

He Wenshi felt even more irritable at this time, knowing that the situation in front of him is becoming more and more unfavorable. Although the gourd bottle is a high imitation among high imitations, most people can't see where the fake is, but if the experience is very Rich, it is very possible to see through at a glance. If something like this happens, waiting for his end will be very miserable. If he can dig a hole underground and disappear in a blink of an eye, he will definitely do it, but now everyone’s eyes are full Below, no matter what, you have to bite the bullet.

"Everyone knows very well that this is a Qing Qianlong Yangcai carmine red gourd bottle."

"The specific situation, the specific introduction, if you are interested, you can check it online."

"The most important thing for us now is of course to figure out and see if it is true or not."

He Wenshi looked at the back of the old man coming out of the crowd, his eyes were like little lanterns with fire, but facing such a situation, there was no way at all, he could only passively be beaten.

"It can be seen from the name of this gourd bottle. The glaze is foreign color. In other words, it is a new glaze imported from foreign countries. The gourd bottle we can see in front of us is all used Domestically produced goods are things in our own home. From this alone, we can tell that there is something wrong with this gourd bottle."

"In fact, this kind of foreign color has a very clear record in a book, "round cut whiteware, five-color painting, imitating Western style, so it is called foreign-color. You must be a master painter and fine-tune all kinds of pigments. , Use white porcelain flakes to paint, dye and burn, you must be familiar with the properties of pigments and heat. Only thick and thin can be produced. It is always better to have eyes, a careful heart, and accurate hands. The pigments used are the same as the color of the law. There are three ways to adjust the color: one with rue oil, one with glue, and the other with clear water. The oil color is easy to render, the glue is easy to spread, and the clear water color is easy to fill. This can be seen from this If the gourd bottle in front of you is real, it will have two very important characteristics. One is, of course, when painting, using Western painting techniques, and the other is that the paint is the same as that of the porcelain enamel. However, these characteristics are not visible on the gourd bottle in front of us."

The old man who came out of the crowd was clearly an expert in appraisal, speaking in a straightforward manner, and his stronghold was very convincing.


"Listening to this person, it seems that this calabash bottle really has a problem!"


"We just thought it was normal before, and there was no problem. We really didn't think it was Yang Cai's key issue!"


"If the glaze used on this gourd bottle is not foreign at all, then this is absolutely incompatible with its name."


"From this point of view, the gourd bottle in front of me is really problematic."


The crowd of onlookers whispered. At the beginning, everyone thought there was nothing wrong with the gourd bottle this time. Now someone pointed out that almost everyone understood it.

Song Yun heard what the person coming out of the crowd said, and nodded secretly in his heart. This is definitely a master. It is true. The gourd bottle in front of him seems to have no problems on the surface, but it is a real expert. In my eyes, there are definitely problems everywhere. The simplest is the glaze used. Yangcai is a glaze imported from abroad. Yangcai carmine appeared in the late Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. It is a kind of coloring agent with trace gold. A low-temperature red glaze baked at a temperature of about 800 in the furnace. This red material was first transferred from Europe. At that time, people generally called this red material "magenta red" or "western red". From this point, it can be concluded that the Qing Qianlong Yangcai carmine red gourd vase placed in front of everyone is absolutely impossible to be true.

"If you think that this Qing Qianlong Yangcai Carmine Red Gourd Bottle has only the flaws just mentioned, it would be naive. In fact, this Qing Qianlong Yangcai Carmine Red Gourd Bottle has the same Please pay attention to the huge flaws. No, it should be accurate to count the lotus flowers painted on it. Under normal circumstances, there are eight such lotus flowers. The magic weapon of Buddhism that will be held is wheel, snail, building, umbrella, flower, bottle, fish, knot. This gourd bottle once only painted seven lotus flowers, and the magic weapon held on it is also wrong. One of the lotus flowers is not a magic weapon at all."

Song Yun sighed. This is definitely a fatal blow. If it is said that Yang Cai is stepped on again, many inexperienced people or people who are not strong in steadfastness can't tell the difference, the folded lotus just mentioned, as long as Anyone who knows how to count can tell them--the math taught by a physical education teacher can identify antiques.

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