God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1658: It's really Qi Duo

After the onlookers heard such a sentence, they were all talking very loudly, but now suddenly all of them have become quiet at this time. The entrance of the antique shop has been filled with more than 100 people, and the water is blocked. It happened suddenly. My son, there is no sound at all. It’s very strange. After a while, I don’t know who opened the head to speak. At the beginning, it made a rustling sound like a silkworm gnawing at mulberry leaves, almost In a blink of an eye, it became full of enthusiasm, and it was deafening.

"No way?"

"There are such things?"



"This is really ridiculous, right?"


"How could something like this happen to such an antique?"


"Could it be that the person who made this fake antique didn't even know mathematics?"

"How many lotus flowers are unclear?!"


"I didn't expect that antiques could use such a simple method to determine that it was fake recently. People like us have too little knowledge, and we didn't even think of such an easy thing!"


"It seems that the identification of antiques is not as difficult as we think. As long as we study carefully, we will find that the breakthrough point is actually very simple."



"I really didn't expect that such a very good-looking gourd bottle turned out to be a fake. From this we can see that antique collection is full of risks and it is definitely not empty talk."


"Fortunately, it wasn't me who came to this antique shop to buy antiques. If it were me, I would definitely have to buy this bottle of gourd. I can't tell what the problem is. I think even a general expert in appraisal is impossible. I can tell."


These people who crowded in front of the antique shop to watch the excitement actually have a certain ability to identify. Although the gourd bottle is placed far away, many people can’t see it clearly, but those who play antiques only need to have some experience, one piece Antiques are true or not. You can tell from a distance. These people onlookers feel that the gourd bottle is real at the first impression. People who play antiques believe in the first impression very much. Many people simply I don’t know how to appraise antiques very much, or when appraisal of antiques, if you hesitate, the final decision is the first impression. These people around now know that the gourd bottle must be fake. Cold sweat, because they all know that if they see a gourd bottle like this, there is a high chance that they will buy it. This is a very scary thing.

He Wenshi was struck by lightning. When the old man said about Yangcai, he was not particularly worried, because for many people, glaze is very complicated. It is not that simple to figure out in a short time. The key is himself. There are all kinds of excuses or sayings to fool about this matter. The thing about the lotus flower that I just said is the most terrible. There is no need to have the basic knowledge of identification. The kindergarten students can count the numbers. , There is no way to refute it.

"Bullshit, you are really bullshit, how can there be only seven lotus flowers in it?"

He Wenshi yelled loudly. He knew that if this matter was true, his gourd bottle would definitely be fake, and it was like a mountain of iron evidence.



"Is there only seven lotus flowers on this gourd bottle? There is no need to flicker this kind of thing, and there is no way to flicker. If you don't believe it, just count it yourself. I think when you are appraising this antique, Or when I was studying this antique, I must have never counted how many lotus flowers there are, right?"

The old man looked at He Wenshi and couldn’t help but laugh. He Wenshi obviously didn’t notice such a simple thing. If he noticed, he couldn’t dare to take out such a gourd bottle. Fudge others to sell for 8 million.

He Wenshi's face was pale and shaky. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions. He picked up the gourd bottle and began to count the lotus on it. When he got this high imitation gourd bottle, he did not count. How many lotus flowers are there? The lotus on the gourd bottle is very delicate, and it is exactly the same as the real antique without the slightest problem. It is impossible to care about how many lotus flowers are on it when you get such an antique, you only pay attention to these lotus flowers. How is the painting, and how is the glaze on the top-which brains can count how many lotus flowers there are?

He Wenshi counted it again and there was nothing wrong with it. Indeed, there were only seven, and his face was pale, but he counted again without giving up. It was still seven, and his face was pale again.

"No need to keep counting!"

"This bottle is the size of a palm. You can count how many lotus flowers there are in the blink of an eye. Don't say you are a veteran of antiquities like you, even a kindergarten child can count clearly. Count, the lotus on the top cannot become eight."

The old man coldly looked at He Wenshi, whose face was getting paler, and stabbed him again.

"Kang Dang!"

He Wenshi's hand softened, and the gourd bottle hit the ground directly, torn apart, leaving only a piece of porcelain.

"Everyone should know at this time that what I just said was not wrong? The antiques sold in this antique shop are all fakes!"

"When you come to this antique shop to buy antiques, you must be careful. The most important thing is to recognize what the owner of this antique shop looks like. As long as he sells antiques, everyone must be careful. It is necessary to make a serious assessment, do not be fooled by others, and count the money for others."

After the two old men said this sentence, they pushed away from the crowd and walked forward slowly. Their purpose of coming here today is to do something. Now that the thing has been done, there is no need to continue to stay.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng glanced at each other and immediately followed. Song Yun touched his nose. Now he was very curious about the origins of those two old men. He raised his feet and chased Zhu Deyuanhe. Xu Desheng walked over quickly.

"This antique shop is too dark? Dare to use such antiques to fool others? And dare to ask for 8 million!?"


"The two old men said nothing wrong. When we come to this antique shop to buy antiques, we must be extremely careful."


"I bother!"

"Will you come to this antique shop to buy antiques in the future? Is your brain flooded? It is impossible for such an antique shop to come in the next life!


"There is no point in recognizing an antique shop!"

"You need to know that if you just decorate it and change another brand, isn't it a new antique shop? The old man told us to recognize the owner of this antique shop and remember his appearance. This is the real effective way, no matter what Changing the name of the store, no matter how the store is renovated, it is impossible to pit us. Even if we change to another antique market, we can also recognize it at a glance."



"Mouse shit!"

"This is definitely mouse shit!"

"The antique market here is developing very well. The ghost market and antique shops have a lot of good things. I didn't expect such a rat **** to appear. It is really disgusting!"


He Wenshi's face was as pale as paper.

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